Saturday, 30 April 2022

JWST breakthrough

Mankind has dispersed many robots into the solar system to investigate the cosmos. The NASA website is open to all, ordinary people like myself can go onto the NASA website and read through all their reports for free and learn stuff about the universe. It is nice to read through the NASA website when I go to sleep.

My favourite subdomain of the NASA website at the moment is JWST for the James Webb Space Telescope.
I noticed that they have finished cooling down the system and aligning the mirrors, the telescope looks like it is ready for viewing. They will look directly at exoplanets and see what the atmosphere is made of and also look at very old objects in the universe that were covered by dust clouds. It will be very interesting to see what they discover. 

Johnny Depp Deformation Trial

I learned the actor called Johnny Depp had taken his ex wife to court because she claimed he was an abusive husband. Her claims caused his acting work to be stopped. Film makers are afraid to shoot actors and actresses with a bad reputation because their bad image can cause the film to fail. 

He claimed that she was actually the one that was abusive and even managed to gather some evidence to prove it. He had audio recordings of her admitting she hit him. He also claims that she caused the tip of his finger to be severed when she threw a bottle at him; he used his severed finger to write notes on the cupboard doors to himself in blood,  you could say he had some pen-t up frustration. Perhaps he should take up blogging. 

It seems more common now for people to go to court to settle their problems. People look up to the authorities as a kind of parent figure that can step in and resolve their grievances. 

Monday, 25 April 2022

Elon Buys Twitter

Elon Musk has set out to buy Twitter, he supports free speech. He is a clever guy and I think he will bring a lot of positive changes to the platform. 

There are a number of changes I would bring the the Twitter platform if I had control. 

The first thing I would do is give people the ability to turn off DMs because I don't like getting messages when people follow me after I follow back. 

The other thing I will do is fix the link display. When I post links to this blog post, it doesn't display it graphically. Some sites are displayed graphically, but not my blog posts. 

I would also add a feature that allows the platform to go beyond the feed, perhaps a TV pane could appear while you are watching TV. A little Twitter feed pane floating in the corner of the TV screen. Twitter gadgets is the word. I would make little gadgets that connects to Twitter, like a key chain with a Tamagotchi appearance that reeds your Twitter feed. 

I would also add a Bluetooth feature to Twitter so you can follow people that are physically near to you and learn from them. I could be at work and the bluetooth of my phone would detect colleagues nearby and you could follow them on twitter. 

There are other things I would do but I don't want to go on. 

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Last Third of April

I had a restless month so far, there has been so much to do and my mind has been filled with worried thoughts. I settled my mind down by saying a short prayer and going to my current favourite website,  the official James Webb Space Telescope page on NASA.

It is very easy to remember because it is a subdomain of the NASA web site. All I have to remember is the acronym for James Webb Space Telescope, JWST. 

I had a look a look at the blog, I didn't realise it is so hard to cool down the sensor instrument to minus 266°c or 7 Kelvin. The cooler in there was working continuously for weeks to cool the system down. It sees in Infrared so it needs to be cold to see the stars. They mentioned that they want to look at the stars in hard to see places first, places that are behind dust clouds; infrared light is better at passing through dust than visible light. 

It's not ready yet though. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Ginger Hawk

I live in a hilly town outside London, when I first moved here I saw large birds that look like Hawks with ginger feathers; they are very big, their wing span is about the size of an adult human. 
I later learned that they are called Red Kites. It is amazing to me that just 15 kilometres from the edge of London, there are these huge birds. I never saw a Red Kite inside London, they live in the hills that are near London and other hilly places in Britain. 

They do what eagles do in America, they hunt smaller birds and small rodents. They also sound like Eagles, make to sustained shriek sound and glide on the thermal plumes and look for food. I saw one land on the road once, it looked huge, it's body was as tall as my torso and with wings as long as a person. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Clear Day

Jacob, my son. 
You just turned 3 years old a few days ago. I'm getting our new home ready. I hope we have lots of very happy memories together. I have been very busy the last week. There is still a lot do and my hands are very busy all day. 

During your 3rd birthday, global inflation grew to very high levels, the cost of everything was more than it used to be because the global supply chains were disturbed. There is still an ongoing war in Ukraine, the Russian military are attacking cities in Ukraine and trying to topple the Ukraine government. Our own leader, Boris Johnson was caught in a lie and proven to break his own Pandemic rules. The cabinet want him to resign because he mislead parliament. The home secretary, Priti Patel is bringing a policy to move illegal immigrants to Rwanda for processing to try and stop the people smugglers from moving people across the English channel on small boats; the English channel is a very busy shipping lane and the sea is very cold at night time. In my world, I like to go to the website and read through all the blogs for all the projects, Juno, James Webb and Perseverance to name a few; there are many robotic probes throughout the solar system looking for insight and truth. Sometimes reading about otherworldly things is the best way and clear your mind of sad thoughts. It is nice to think about the bigger things in this world. 

I always listen son, I think about you every hour. I think about what kind of person you will grow into and what you are interested in. 

Friday, 15 April 2022

Half of April

We are half way through April and a lot has happened. A man shot people on a subway train because he hated white people. When it comes to racism I don't think about it at all, I just think about my own problems and dreams. When I look in the mirror I don't see my skin as white, I see it as a biege colour, like cashew nuts. If there was a Cashew processing factory then my skin would be camouflage. People tell me that my eyes are blue but when I look in the mirror, they look grey to me. I don't care about my race, I'm going to die in about 50 years time and my body will just be dusty bones. I don't understand why people care so much about their race when they have such a short life. They need to think it through a bit. 

The other thing that has happened is a Russian war ship sank in the black sea. It was an advanced ship loaded with cruise missiles and hi-teck guns. I hope that the war in Ukraine will stop soon. The Chinese also mentioned that they don't see Taiwan as a separate state, they see it as a Chinese province, they made it clear that they want Taiwan to be a part of China. 

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Will Smith Ban

I saw that Will Smith was banned from the film academy for 10 years today. I thought to myself that it is too harsh. I would not ban him more than 2 or 3 years at most if I was in charge. I would let him keep his award because he got that award through merit. I would issue a fine of about half a million dollars and a 1 or 2 year ban and that is it. Plus I would have a press conference were Will condemns his own actions to prevent other people imitating him. 

I feel like society is always looking to punish people too much because of a mistake. He reacted to something and didn't think it through, it is just a bad decision or error of judgement. 

Friday, 8 April 2022

James Webb Cheer up

I looked at my electricity meter today and noticed the tariff rose to 33p per kilowatt-hour. That is so sad. I never imagined the cost of energy would rise so much. 

I reacted by going on the NASA website to have a look at what they have discovered. That is the thing to do when something sad happens that is out of my control. The James Web Space Telescope is nearly ready for detailed work and the web page is easy to remember. James Webb Space Telescope There are links to the blog and image gallery in there. It is amazing how much stuff is free at the point of use for ordinary people like myself. 

I can literally see all the new discoveries made by the most advanced space telescope in history as if it is my own personal telescope. 

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

World at Loggerheads

The world that we live in is powered by Hydrocarbon molecules at the moment; Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane, Kerosene, Gasoline and Diesel. Our world is powered by chemicals that are long chains of Carbon atoms with Hydrogen atoms attached to them to plug their loose bonds. When we want to melt things in a giant furnace we burn natural gas, a mixture of Propane, Butane, Ethane and Methane. Russia has plenty of Natural Gas, West Europe Doesn't. This is what has made the whole Ukraine and Russia Conflict so awkward. 
There are pipe lines going from Russia to Europe, we burn the Natural gas to melt things in giant furnaces, generate electricity and heat our homes.

The other thing that has made the conflict awkward is the Ukrainian people are different to the people on the Crimean peninsula, they don't see themselves as Russian and they are fighting back. When you have millions of people with their mind set on Resistance and they have good weapons, they can stop a super power. We have seen that happen before in the past. 

Throughout March, my heart felt like it was sinking down into my chest because I saw missiles hitting apartment buildings, schools and things like that. Some of the people that fled Ukraine may return after the war and find some of their relatives have passed away. March 2022 is sad. I will always remember Spring 2022 as the time when two Slavic nations were at war and many people were killed. A sad time. 

April Thoughts

I think most people in the world are experiencing some kind of cost inflation because the Pandemic disrupted the global supply chains. We live in a world and society that is held together with a very brittle framework, even a disease that kills less than one percent of the world's population can cause chaos. Speed and quantity is everything in this world, if you can't supply goods very quickly and fully then you find yourself with more cost; If you pay millions of people not to work then your country's central bank has to print money and devalue your currency slightly. We have both, our currencies are watered down and there is a slump in the flow of goods. 
My head is like a wrestling contest at the moment. I don't want to think about inflation but I do because it is in my face, when I pay my utility bills and fill up my car with fuel. Everything that I buy costs more money than it did before; food, clothing, services, power and transport. 

My mind has become a fierce and restless place where my problems and my happy thoughts meet and wrestle for a position in my head. I flood my head with useless thoughts to push over the sad  thoughts but they return again every 15 minutes. 
Sometimes I just take off my glasses and press my face into my hands and try to think about nothing at all. I just sit on my own quietly and think of nothing, just breathe deeply. Then I think about pointless things like how many battery powered propellers would be needed to lift my body off the floor, I think about one day trying it, build small propeller cartridges and stack them together to see how many of them would be needed to lift my body in the air. 

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Prestige Day

Jacob, my Son. 
You will turn 3 years old in about 2 weeks. We are facing the highest inflation that I have ever experienced in my life; everything you can think of has increased significantly in cost over the last 6 months. There is also a war in Ukraine because they were invaded by the Russian military. 

The actor Will Smith slapped the comedian Chris Rock in the face because of a joke about his wife. In life everyone makes mistakes, it was wrong for him to hit Chris Rock in the face but I think they should settle this transgression in a fair way that is good for both men. What I would do is let him keep his award because he got that through merit. I would then issue a fine of about $500,000 for damaging the image of the film academy and the comedian and a temporary ban from the ceremony of about 1 year. That's it. People make mistakes and they should be forgiven for their mistakes in my view. He did something and didn't think it through. 

Friday, 1 April 2022

Cap Gone

The British government has removed the energy cap to stop the utility companies from going backrupt. 

I have nothing to say. 

I am transparent, and happy. I am happy that very few people know me. I can just sit quietly and think nothing for a short time. Nothing. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...