Sunday, 26 June 2022

America Abortion Law

Since 1973 the United States of America recognised abortion as a right that all women have. This means it was lawful to have an abortion in any part of America.  A few days ago the supreme court decided to overturn the law. This means the central government of the United States has become like Pontius Pilate, they wash their hands of responsibility and give the 50 American states their own control of Abortion law. I'm guessing that every state is going to implement the law differently. Some of them will ban abortions completely, others will try to keep abortions in the first trimester perhaps others will even increase the original time window. Every American state is going to implement a different law for abortions. 

In my view, a second trimester fetus is more like an infant than an embryo. They are not clumps of cells. I hate abortions, I was never captain popular anyway so I don't mind that less people will read my blog because of this. I would prefer people choose not to get pregnant than abort it. That is the way I am. 

I was disappointed that the President of America wasn't impartial. They should be impartial to high court decisions and referendums. Suppose I was a leader and they had a referendum to bring back the death penalty. They would say "Alan, what are you going to vote for?". I would say, "I am the prime minister so I will abstain from voting because I believe it is my role to listen and serve". They would then ask how I would vote if I wasn't abstaining, I would tell them I am against the death penalty so I would vote against bringing back the death penalty for murder. But I won't vote because I am a servant, I will listen and serve. 

Friday, 24 June 2022

Just like grass

When a blade of grass grows, eventually it will die and it will be like the grass was never there. I am like a blade of grass, I live for now but in the future I will die and no longer exist in this world.

I was thinking I should get the new Nintendo switch, it is expensive but life is very short. Before long I will be gone. I don't even know if I will keep my mind and memories, would they perish with my body. The most common thought I have is death, I think about death every day. I know I don't have long in this world. If you think about death every day then you stop hating other people because you know this life is temporary. They will be gone and so will I. I wonder if they are making a new version of the Nintendo. 

In star trek when they beam people up to the ship, the teleporter machine takes them apart then reassembles them in a different place, they die then they are reconstructed. When they are reconstructed, they are no longer the same person. 

Monday, 20 June 2022

Elizabeth line AC

Last month the Elizabeth line opened for service in London, one of the things that makes it different to most the existing lines is that the trains use AC power instead of DC. Most of the Metro trains in London that I am aware of use DC power because the lines are very old and in the olden days they didn't know any better. 
The problem the DC power is it is hard to divide it up without producing a lot of heat and wasted energy. The other problem is you can't have two trains on the same loop because on DC power, one train will cause the power of the other to surge or sag depending on what the train is doing. The other problem is you can't use high voltage because the whole current in the loop flows into the train. 
To solve the problem they put the a physical break in the live rails so the brushes pickup the charge for a while then they are moved onto a different DC loop so they don't share the power supply of other trains. I think each loop is only 630volts. 

The Elizabeth line trains use AC power, the electrical current is changing direction 50 times a second so it can go through a transformer on the train and a smaller charge is taken. The power is divided up so a small charge is taken from the current and then converted to DC. The power is divided up without producing much heat. 
All the trains can share a single loop because they all have transformers that divide the power up so most of it goes straight back into the overhead cables. 

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Julian Assange extradition

I learned the other day that the home secretary Priti Patel approved Julian Assange's extradition to the USA to face charges of espionage. The extradition is open to appeal at the moment. If he does get sent to America, I wonder if the trial will be televised like the Johnny Depp one was. 
I'm in too minds about the decision. His role in society is to expose global corruption and war crimes and he didn't do all the hacking himself. 
I agreed with some of his veiws in the past, I thought that the political union in the EU would be used as a way to bring unpopular actions forward against the will of the people. The more politicians you have to vote for, the less representation you have in government. I won't go on about why I don't like the Lisbon Treaty and Political unions in trading blocks.

Julian assange brought this on himself, people were trying hard to help him and he showed them disrespect. The London Ecuadorian embassy gave him asylum for 7 years and he was very disrespectful to them. He was abusive to their staff and even aired his support for the Catalan separation from Spain on the embassy balcony, that risked alienating Ecuador from Spain. He even put his poop on the embassy walls. He would ride his skateboard through the embassy and make loads of noise. There was many complaints about him from the embassy staff and eventually they lost patience with him and gave the British Police permission to enter their premises and arrest him. I also think he takes too many risks and goes too far sometimes. 

I wish him good luck. 

Saturday, 18 June 2022

Clear Day

Jacob, my son. 
Make the most of every day my son because you don't know how many days you have left. You could be on your last day or have many thousands more but one day you will have none left. 
Your quality of life could also be compromised before your time is up. You may get a disease that causes you to be disabled and trapped. The other day I learned that the singer Justin Bieber caught a virus that attacks the nerves in the ear and causes paralysis of the face muscles, he can't do very much now; I wish him a quick recovery. 

What I would say is every day work a bit, learn a bit and play a bit. Make time for your hobbies if you have them and allow time for leisure, play computer games or music for fun. Learn something new every day. Work hard but not too hard. 

That's it. Keep your chin up and try to see the other side of life's challenges. If you get stressed, talk about it. 

Friday, 17 June 2022

River power

If I had my way, many river banks would have aqua ducts that syphon off some of the river's water to generate power. The openings of the aquaducts would have a metal mesh or grill on the front of them to stop fish from swimming through. The aqua ducts would be below the ground, you can see them on the sketch for illustration purposes.
The water would zig zag through the aqua ducts and pass over a water wheel that is down stream, the water wheel would turn a large dynamo that is at a lower elevation and generate electricity. The water would then flow back into the river. There would be many of these aquaducts throughout the length of the whole river. 
There would also be openings on top parts of the aqua ducts that allow some of the water to flow into large tanks when the water level is too high to prevent flooding. When the water level is lower the water tanks would empty out and help keep the dynamos running at full speed. 

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Hot Day

Jacob, my son. While you were 3 years old, many countries were facing very high inflation of cost. Everything costs more money than it did before. There's nothing I can do to change it so I just do what I do every day. 

 I was often playing a game on my phone called 'Crossy Road', you played it a few times but I think you didn't get it properly because you are 3. You know that you need to tab on the screen to make the little creature hop along but you didn't know you need to stop when the hazards are in the way. The game has a two player mode; I think playing games are important because life isn't just work and learn, liesure is very important you only get one life in this world as far as I know and you don't know how many days you will have before your life ends. 

You love to draw pictures, swirling lines are more popular. I think you will have some interesting hobbies when you are older. 

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

The Thing on the Wall

On the first of June, Johnny Depp won his deformation trial. I don't have any hard feelings towards Johnny or Amber, I don't even know them. There is one thing I noticed when I watched the court trial. There was a thing on the wall behind the witness stand. Every time I saw a witness being cross examined, I saw that thing on the wall. 
To me it looked like a thermostat controller, a box that is used to control to the heating and air-conditioning; I'm not saying that's what it is, just saying that is what it looked like. It could have been lots of things, a microphone, security sensor, camera, speaker, something like that. I don't know what it was but I kept looking at it, like it was challenging me to work out what it was. I think I will never know what that thing was. 

Monday, 13 June 2022

One third of June

One third of June passed by, there was a lot of blue on blue mutiny in parliament. Over 40% of parliament voted to remove Boris Johnson from parliament because he broke the lockdown rules during the Pandemic, many of the members of parliament that voted against him were from his own party. He made it through though but nearly half of the cabinet think he lacks too much integrity to be the leader. Some of them think he lacks integrity but voted for him to stay anyway perhaps because the were in the front bench or didn't want parliament to collapse. 

Inflation and war continued. The cost of fuel increased and that effected the price of everything else. The trucks used to deliver food to the shops cost more to run. The ovens on restaurants cost more to cook. The factories pay more for electricity so they cost more. The whole chain has been affected. There is an ongoing war in Ukraine right now making it worse. 

Friday, 10 June 2022

First half of 2022

We are about half way through the year 2022, quite a lot has happened. The main thing is high inflation and a kind of polarity war between the east and west that has aggravated the existing inflation too much. Throughout 2022 so far there has been very high inflation of cost. Everything seemed to be more expensive than it was before. 
At the start of the year, the James Webb space telescope was launched into space, it took the telescope about 3 weeks to reach its destination. The telescope still hasn't sent back observations but it will soon at the start of summer; the instruments on the telescope are very sophisticated.  Then in February Russia invaded Ukraine. The supply chains between the east and west was affected because many nations placed heavy sanctions on Russia. The inflation increased more and this caused some companies to stop making profit, some of those companies were quick to lay off staff to bring down costs. One that stood out to me is P&O ferries, they just laid off 800 jobs spontaneously without warning. I was angered by what they did. 
The reputation of one celebrity was damaged in March and another celebrities was restored in June. We have a cancel culture, if someone's reputation is stained slightly, the platform that supports them can be affected. A movie can fail because of one actor or actress. Society has become too judgemental, people make big judgements about people they have never met or known personally. 

America seemed to have an ongoing gun violence problem, harmful disorderly people were getting guns too easily and using them unfortunately. 

Let's see what will happen for the rest of the year. 

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Spicy instant noodles and veg

One thing that works well is cooking spicy instant noodles in the microwave and mixing frozen vegetables. I would put one brick of dried instant noodles into a clay pot with a glass lid, add some water, then pour frozen vegetables around the sides until the water level is slightly over the top of the instant noodle brick. I would then cover the clay pot with the glass lid. 

My microwave is very weak, I put the meal on for about 15 minutes and it is done. 

The seasoning that comes with the instant noodles seasons the vegetables and noodles together. I also add a small amount of rice to make the meal a bit bigger. 

Friday, 3 June 2022

Alan Week

In the ancient times there was only 7 visible planets because you can't see Neptune without a Telescope. 

I think the week was 7 days long because of the 7 planets. 

The week could be 12 days long because you can divide it up in more ways. You can divide 12 by 12, 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1. If the week was twelve days long and I wanted to divide the week up into 3 equal parts I could, the 3 equal parts would have 4 days. You can't do the same with 7 or 10. I think you can only divide 10 up by 10, 5, 2 and 1. 7 can only be divided by 7 or 1. 

I don't think God made the universe in 6 days because days didn't exist when the universe started. I don't know how God created the universe. 

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Deformation verdict

It is June, the start of the Queen's Jubilee celebration. Last night I learned that Johnny Depp's team won the trial. The jury decided that the article published by his ex wife had caused all his work to dry up (excuse the pun) and they also concluded that Johnny wasn't the abusive partner. 

I have nothing personal against Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. I wish them both a peaceful and happy future. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...