Friday, 10 June 2022

First half of 2022

We are about half way through the year 2022, quite a lot has happened. The main thing is high inflation and a kind of polarity war between the east and west that has aggravated the existing inflation too much. Throughout 2022 so far there has been very high inflation of cost. Everything seemed to be more expensive than it was before. 
At the start of the year, the James Webb space telescope was launched into space, it took the telescope about 3 weeks to reach its destination. The telescope still hasn't sent back observations but it will soon at the start of summer; the instruments on the telescope are very sophisticated.  Then in February Russia invaded Ukraine. The supply chains between the east and west was affected because many nations placed heavy sanctions on Russia. The inflation increased more and this caused some companies to stop making profit, some of those companies were quick to lay off staff to bring down costs. One that stood out to me is P&O ferries, they just laid off 800 jobs spontaneously without warning. I was angered by what they did. 
The reputation of one celebrity was damaged in March and another celebrities was restored in June. We have a cancel culture, if someone's reputation is stained slightly, the platform that supports them can be affected. A movie can fail because of one actor or actress. Society has become too judgemental, people make big judgements about people they have never met or known personally. 

America seemed to have an ongoing gun violence problem, harmful disorderly people were getting guns too easily and using them unfortunately. 

Let's see what will happen for the rest of the year. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...