Sunday, 19 June 2022

Julian Assange extradition

I learned the other day that the home secretary Priti Patel approved Julian Assange's extradition to the USA to face charges of espionage. The extradition is open to appeal at the moment. If he does get sent to America, I wonder if the trial will be televised like the Johnny Depp one was. 
I'm in too minds about the decision. His role in society is to expose global corruption and war crimes and he didn't do all the hacking himself. 
I agreed with some of his veiws in the past, I thought that the political union in the EU would be used as a way to bring unpopular actions forward against the will of the people. The more politicians you have to vote for, the less representation you have in government. I won't go on about why I don't like the Lisbon Treaty and Political unions in trading blocks.

Julian assange brought this on himself, people were trying hard to help him and he showed them disrespect. The London Ecuadorian embassy gave him asylum for 7 years and he was very disrespectful to them. He was abusive to their staff and even aired his support for the Catalan separation from Spain on the embassy balcony, that risked alienating Ecuador from Spain. He even put his poop on the embassy walls. He would ride his skateboard through the embassy and make loads of noise. There was many complaints about him from the embassy staff and eventually they lost patience with him and gave the British Police permission to enter their premises and arrest him. I also think he takes too many risks and goes too far sometimes. 

I wish him good luck. 

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