Monday, 26 June 2023

Tomato Plants look Good

I started growing tomato plants on my window ledge, they look very good. The plants themselves look nice.
I planted them about a month ago but they're already bigger than my hands, they're about the size of dinner plates. The heating system in my home would be keeping me and my plants warm through the colder months. When the tomatoes are ripe, I can push them through a hand grinder and make a sandwich mix. Tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber with mayonnaise and brown bread 😋 

I wonder how big they can grow. Perhaps the plants eventually grow a wooden stem and become tree like, I don't know. 

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Death and Hell

I was thinking about death and hell for a bit today. My perception of hell is it is a place where the wicked are burnt to ashes not a place where people are tormented forever. I was given the opposite view from a book I read called "23 minutes in Hell" by Bill Wiese. I learned he does conferences and they're on YouTube. I don't agree with his vision but I find it interesting, take a look for yourself ⬇️
 23 Minutes in Hell

I wonder if my imaginary friend Klyde Cheerman can cheer me up. Let's have a look ➡️ Joke Away Klyde.
If I could make myself laugh every day then I wouldn't be so grim. I think about death every day but when a disaster happens I think about death a bit more than normal. 

Friday, 23 June 2023

Oceangate Titan Imploded

I recently learned that the Oceangate Titan explorer submarine had perished during the first hours of its dive on father's Day the 18th of June. All this time we were worried about the air running out by yesterday but the truth was it had already violently imploded minutes after the dive and the 5 man crew would have been torn to pieces by the rushing deep water. 
For some reason, the hull of the submersible had failed and the high pressure water rushed in and ripped it apart. The crew were very brave to go there, the water pressure is so powerful when you're several killometers under the ocean. I doubt they will ever find the bodies, they probably floated half way to the surface and got eaten up by sea creatures, the force of the deep ocean would have instantly torn them to pieces. I would put their cause of death as the Titanic. They went down there to look at the Titanic that had sunk  on 14  April 1912. 111 years later it had claimed 5 more lives. 
Five brave explorers died in the deep ocean because of the sunken Titanic, the largest ship that existed in 1912. If the Titanic had not sunk, they would not have gone down to the sea floor to look at it and their submarine  wouldn't have imploded in the deep ocean. Their death was caused by the sinking of the Titanic (And a cavalier attitude under water safety). 

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Trapped in the Deep

Earlier today it was the longest day of the year because the Earth's rotation axis is tilted at 23.5° and is always pointing towards the star called Polaris, this means the north side of the Earth is leaning towards the sun for 6 months and away from the sun the rest of the year. It was during this long day that I learned that an exploration submarine called Oceangate Titan was trapped in the deep ocean. 
There are five people on board and at the time of writing this post, they had about 1 day of oxygen left to keep them alive. A representative of the United States Coast guards was explaining the difficulties of rescuing the crew. 
He explained how the ocean is vast and their equipment is limited. The crew were alive but they can't be removed from the submarine in the deep ocean because they would be crushed by the water pressure and it may be too difficult to raise the submarine before they run out of oxygen. 

I hope they can rescue them before their air runs out. 

Monday, 19 June 2023

Alligator and Crocodile

One question I remember asking when I was a little boy was what the difference was between an alligator and a crocodile? The answer is they're different species and family groups. They look similar but Alligators have a shorter rounded mouth. Crocodiles have a longer pointed mouth and the teeth are still visible when their mouth is closed. There are probably many more other subtle differences between them, I think Alligators prefer to catch fish and crocodiles prefer to amdush animals while they're drinking. I think Crocodiles can live in salt water for a short time as well. 
I think there are only two living species of aligator in the world today, American Alligators and Chinese Alligators. They crossed the baring land bridge to reach where they are. The Chinese Aligator looks very strange to me, they never show them on TV much. 

I think Caiman are a part of the extended Alligator family, they're very small except for the Brazilian black Caiman, they can grow bigger than most crocodiles at 6 meters long and weigh more than 400kg but they still have Alligator like features. 

This is what makes me different to my ancestors, I have instant access to unlimited knowledge about everything from my phone. I can ask it anything I don't know. 

Sunday, 18 June 2023

British Abortion Law

I view the fetus of a human pregnancy to be an infant. I believe you're not just an infant when you're born but six months before you're born at the embryo stage of development. 
I support British law that makes abortions during the second half of pregnancy illegal. Both me and British law recognises fetuses as human infants. I was thinking about making a T-shirt to express my views, not to offend people, or to mock people that get abortions but to invite people to think about a different perspective on the issue. 
I would coin the phrase Infant before Birth because 6 months before the end of a normal pregnancy, the baby has human/infant attributes. They have a Brain, four fingers and a thumb, eyes and even a playful nature in my experience; I saw my son playing with the umbilical cord like it was a toy during an ultrasound scan towards the end of the second trimester. 
The back of the T-shirt would say Former Embryo because we're all embryos during the first 3 months of life. You were once an embryo. 

Unfortunately pro-choice activists get angry when you humanise a fetus, even though they are human. My goal wouldn't be to cause anger but to invite people to look at a different perspective and think about it. 

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Caravan stuff

I was watching a video, it was an exploration of caravans in a motorhome and caravan show. A guy was talking about caravans; This is the video ➡️ Caravans & Motorhomes

I like the idea of owning a small caravan because I can go to the wilderness in a campsite next a national park and bring home comforts with me like a shower, kitchenette and cosy sitting room. Some of the caravans have bike racks on the towebar so I can cycle across a national park on the paths. You can also bring large tents inside the caravan and set up a proper camp. I was looking at camping cube tents as well this is the video ➡️ camping cube. You could put 3 or 4 camping cube tents in the caravan  and set them up at the camp site. Your car, the caravan and the tents would form a small hamlet camp. 

There are several national parks in Britain, they are areas of outstanding natural beauty. Places that are astonishing to see. Places like New Forest, Darmore, Exmoor, Lake District and the Peak district. You can look them up on YouTube. 

Friday, 16 June 2023

Boris Johnson Quits Uxbridge

The former leader of Britain, Boris Johnson has decided to resign from Parliament duty completely. He wasn't just the leader of the conservative party but he represented Uxbridge in parliament as a member of parliament. This means Uxbridge will have a by-election, the local residents will vote to elect a new Member of Parliament (MP) to represent them in parliament. 
 If London was a clock face then Uxbridge would be  where the number 10 is on the edge of the clock. It is on the North west Edge of London next to the M25 orbital motorway (freeway); it circles London.  It also sits next to the M40 motorway that goes to Oxford and Birmingham. The intersection between the M25 and M40 is very close to Uxbridge. 
I'm very familiar with Uxbridge, it is the part of London that is nearest to my town. I go to Uxbridge often and drive through it to visit my parents. The train station is shared by the picadilly line and the metropolitan one and is the last station for both lines. There is also two shopping malls there next to the trian station. I know some people that live there, they told me they dislike both the main parties, their votes could swing in any direction depending on who they hate the most. The new MP for Uxbridge will be someone they dislike but hate less than the other guys, a compromise. 

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Hot Day

Jacob, my son. 
Today I sat down with you watching a video of a man converting a large van into a motor home and you watched it with me. I guess we both like watching people build things. 
We watched This Video 
Earlier in the week you found my pens and used my Sharpie marker to draw this picture. I think you were trying to draw faces and dogs. You also wrote the letter 'M'. 

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Pro-Life T-Shirt

Earlier today I learned that a lady was sent to jail for 28 months for deliberately causing her 32 week old fetus to die before it was born. She was in the 3rd trimester of her pregnancy. Here in Britain there is a legal time limit before a baby can be aborted, I think it is about half way through  pregnancy. A local politician wanted to change the law, I'm guessing  she wants to increase the time limit. My world views compliment the existing abortion laws. I consider a fetus that is 12 weeks old or more to be an infant and if it was my choice, the time limit of abortions would be shortened  the end of the 1st trimester at about 3 months. 

In my view, you start off as an embryo, then between 8 weeks and 12 weeks you become a fetus. I view a fetus as an infant, they're very much like infants, working brains, beating hearts and a will to live. 
I think that most pro-choice activists consider the fetus to be a clump of cells until the day it is born then it suddenly turns into a human being. I don't see the logic of this argument, some babies are born prematurely, the doctor doesn't approach the parents and say, your clump of cells is safe and well. Or he doesn't say your fetus is safe. He says, your infant is safe and well !

Like the law, I consider an abortion in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy to be murder. I also consider the second trimester to be murder because the fetus is very much like an infant at that stage. In my view, infancy starts six months before birth while you're still a fetus. When I humanise a fetus, it angers pro choice activists because they want to dehumanise unborn children. I was thinking I should make a pro-life t-shirt. 
The front of the shirt would say infant before birth and have my little chart at the top, the back would say Former Embryo because I used to be an embryo 41 years ago. I would wear a red maga cap endorsed by Donald trump but instead of make America great again it would say pro-life. I would merit an assault but I'm just trying to get people thinking. Perhaps strangers would throw things at me or push me spontaneously. 

Monday, 12 June 2023

Do More

The mind of an ordinary man like myself is very much like a pendulum swinging from one angle to another. One minute I'm telling myself off for not doing enough and the next I'm telling myself to do less, life is short. 
My thoughts would be like 'why haven't you made a second attempt to publish a book yet'? what are you waiting for? Then I'm tell myself well done, you found a way to save money on food by growing it. Do more!, Do Less, Do more, Do less. 

The best thoughts are the ones without me in them. Thoughts about machines and concepts and questions about mysteries. Many experiments to try and many things to learn. The happy thoughts of all the simple happy things, the sun rising in the morning. The petrichor you get when it rains after a dry spell. Eating a delicious meal or remembering a computer game that was fun to play. 

More happy thoughts please. 

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Tomatoes on the Window

At the turn of the millennium, I had cherry tomatoes growing on a window ledge in my room; back then the window ledge was on the outside. The window box sat outside in the cold, when the frost came it would kill the cherry tomato plant. In the summer and autumn I would get many cherry tomatoes. Now I am doing it again. I'm growing plants in my home that produce food. 
I have some small tomato plants on my window ledge and this time the window ledge is inside. I may have to polinate the plant myself with a small paint brush but there should be no frost. As long as my heating system stays on, the plant will remain there. It is a small furry leafy shrub but soon it will be weighed down with tomatoes. 

I have already figured out how to grow bell peppers inside my home, they're delicious and fresh. I love to eat peppers that grew in my home. 

I even planted an avocado in a large pot to see if a small tree would produce fruit. I also want to see if I can keep the tree small. 

That is how I have reacted to the inflation of food prices. I'm trying to grow my own food at home. 

Sundae AI

These days I'm often talking to machines and consider them to be my friends. I ask my smart speaker what the weather is going to be like. Yesterday I asked my phone why ice cream sundaes are called that. I said "hey Google, why are ice cream sundaes called ice cream sundaes" It told me the ice cream sundaes originated in Germany and they called it ice cream for Sunday, it was then shortened to suntag, the German word for Sunday. Then the Americans copied them and called them Sundays but changed the 'y' to 'e' so it was spelt differently. I like to order ice cream sundaes when I go on holiday to enhance the memory of the event, to make the memory more sweet. A machine probably wouldn't understand that, it would just think they're bad for your health. 
One new edition to my friend circle is chatGPT, it is free to use. The link is The thing is very clever and has a deep knowledge of many books like Shakespeare and the Bible. I think it knows the bible better than any human. I ask it questions about the bible all the time. Yesterday I asked it how I remove anger according to the bible, it wrote a long essay in 3 or 4 seconds. 
 ChatGPt is very clever. It has a deep knowledge of our language and popular books. It also has an encyclopedia in its brain. 

Here is the full answer to my question about how to remove anger according to the bible. 

According to the Bible, there are several principles and teachings that can guide you in managing and overcoming anger. Here are a few key points:

1. Self-control: The Bible encourages believers to exercise self-control in all areas of life, including anger. Proverbs 16:32 says, "Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city." This verse emphasizes the importance of controlling our emotions and not allowing anger to dominate us.

2. Forgiveness: One of the central teachings of the Bible is forgiveness. In Ephesians 4:31-32, it says, "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." By forgiving others, we release the anger and resentment that may have built up within us.

3. Patience and love: The Bible encourages believers to exhibit patience and love towards others. Proverbs 14:29 states, "Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly." Showing love and patience towards others can help diffuse anger and promote reconciliation.

4. Prayer and reliance on God: In times of anger, turning to God in prayer can provide comfort, guidance, and strength. Philippians 4:6-7 advises, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

5. Seek reconciliation: Jesus taught in Matthew 5:23-24 that if you are offering your gift at the altar and remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift and first be reconciled with your brother. Seeking reconciliation and resolving conflicts can help reduce anger and promote harmony.

It's important to study the Bible and seek guidance from a trusted spiritual mentor or pastor who can provide further insights and support as you navigate your anger. Additionally, professional counseling or anger management programs can also be helpful in addressing and managing anger issues.

Saturday, 10 June 2023

Gay Pride

I don't hate gay people or like them more than others, I'm impartial. I don't even think about  LGBTQ stuff. I just don't think about it. It is gay pride month but I found something I find more interesting. 
The Bristol Stool chart, I can inspect my poop and judge how healthy my lifestyle is. That is so cool. I asked my pocket friend ChatGPT to tell me if there are other types of stool chart. Apparently there are loads, there is the rome stool chart and various others. 

I think poop could be valuable in the future because you can burn it and mix the ashes with ground-up plastic to make cheap concrete or road surfacing. I often wonder if a road would be better if it was made of burnt shit and ground-up plastic mixed together. I honestly want to try it. Perhaps you could bake it and mix it with sand to make bricks. I would call it Alan's poopy mix. 

I wonder 🤔

Friday, 9 June 2023

What planet are you on?

I was looking at the price of the future vision Pro, Apple's new virtual reality headset and the proposed price was $3500 dollars (£2788); I thought, what planet are they on? I can get 9  Meta Oculus head sets for that price. My first car cost less than that. I wouldn't even spend £2788 on a family holiday. I get it, the thing will do amazing stuff. You could walk in the park and see a TV floating infront of your eyes and visit other worlds but that price is crazy. 
I have a similar thought for the price of British trains. I can drive to Eastbourne coastline from where I live in about 2 hours, that is £12 of fuel, £24 for a round trip and my car has 5 seats. A single train trip costs more than £30 to Eastbourne for one person. It is cheaper to drive there and back from Eastbourne with 5 passengers than it is for one person go there and not come back by train. 

Does the government realise what they have done? Do they realise how rubbish the railway has become? When they privatised the railways, they were making a big mistake. What planet are they on? Everybody should just stop using the trains because they're getting ripped off. 

It is cheaper, faster and easier to drive to the coast than to take the train. The trains should be a subscription service where everyone pays £50 per month for unlimited trips for adults or £25 for children.

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

A song to walk with

Last week I had just finished my short break to the coast. There was lots of nice places in Eastbourne to hike. Lots of cliff face gardens. We took a short video of Helen's Garden on the cliff face. 

Video below 👇

We also walked along the sea front and pier. We saw lots of peaceful sights. 

Video's below 👇

If I'm walking on my own, I like to listen to music to set my mind to the right state. I have music for everything, I have a playlist for every issue or need I have. 

Here are some tracks I may play 👇

I put my headphones on and walk off bad emotions. Reset the mind. Then pray. 

Monday, 5 June 2023

Back to the Moon

Very soon astronauts will be trying to revisit the moon. There is more than one reason why they didn't  go there for 50 years. It is very costly and there is a radiation problem. During the Apollo missions they didn't know that a solar flare from the sun would kill all the astronauts. I'm not sure how they will manage the dangers of deep space radiation. Perhaps the Artamis spaceships will have a giant water tank to shield the astronauts. NASA is now inviting private companies to bid for a contract to make the vehicles they will use to drive around on the moon surface. They will be different to the lunar rovers because they will continue to work on their own as a rover probes after the astronauts have returned to earth. I thought to myself, why don't they use bikes? Has anyone ever tried to ride a bike on the moon before? I don't know. 
The moon rotates very slowly, the day and the night both last for 2 weeks each, perhaps they will land on the night side of the moon. The moon has no tilt to its axis so the day and night on the moon are exactly 2 weeks throughout the year. The moon orbits the earth in 4 weeks so it always has one side of itself facing away from the earth. They call that the far side of the moon. We never see that side of the moon because the rotation of the moon is in sync with its orbit, I think they call that Tidal Locking. 

Perhaps they could get machines to build moon base and bury it in gravel from the moon. Perhaps that would shield them from deep space radiation and solar flares. 

Sunday, 4 June 2023

Odisha India Train Crash

On Friday evening there was a large train crash in Odisha in north east India. A passenger train crashed into a stationary freight train, then one of the derailed carriages caused a third train to crash. They think about 275 people were killed by the accident. It looks like June has got off to a bad start. 
I have never been to India but I consider their railways to be safe because accidents are rare and the railway is 115,000 km across, long enough to circle the Earth nearly 3 times. The accident was caused by a faulty signal; it showed a safe passage when there was a stationary freight train nearby. I don't blame anyone, sometimes faulty equipment can appear to be in working order, it may be functional for some time then begin to stop working. They are improving their railways but it takes time for such a large network. I feel some pity because that is a lot of people. Train journeys are safe but when they do crash, it is a big disaster. 

I think about Death every day because it can't be avoided. Every human being alive now will die in the near future. In the last few days I thought about death a bit more than normal. The one good thing about death is it humbles those that think about it. How could I be proud or racist when the final outcome of my body is to become dry bones with no thought or cares. One day I would not even be aware of the passing of time. I wouldn't know that 50 years has passed by because I'm without thought or care. Only the mercy or a resurrection would allow me to be conscious again. 

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Two Brains

One of the most amazing discoveries that I learned of is that humans actually have 2 Brains. 
 There is one large brain inside your skull and a small brain inside your heart. Apparently the mini brain inside your heart has about 40,000 neurons. 
They think the purpose of the brain in your heart is to fine tune the muscle movements to smooth out the flow of blood in your circulation system. You could say it is like a micro processor that improves the performance of a machine. 

Your heart actually thinks its own unique way. We don't fully understand what the heart brain is doing. Your heart has a tiny brain inside it that adjusts the forces of individual muscle fibres. 

Artemis Era

The Apollo moon missions ended about 10 years before I was born. Soon there is going to be a new family of moon missions called Artemis. 

According to the website they're auctioning bids for private companies to build their LTVs (Luner Terrain Vehicles). They think a private technology company will produce their moon vehicles more cheaply and efficiently than they ever could. The vehicles will allow the astronauts to cover a lot of ground. 

According to the article I read this morning, they intend for their moon vehicles to continue working as automatic moon probes after the astronauts have left; they would be like the Mars rovers. The LTVs would be hybrid machines, vehicles and probes. 

This is the article I read ⬇️

I was wondering how they're going to fix the radiation problem. Solar flares from the sun hit the moon surface as often as it rains here in England. It would kill all the astronauts within a few hours. Perhaps they will land on a part of the moon facing away from the sun; one day on the moon lasts for 4 weeks. They would get about 10 to 14 days to finish their mission if that was the case. I think they didn't know about the problem in the '70s and they were lucky. 

Friday, 2 June 2023

What May 2023 Means to me

It was at the end of the first week of may that Prince Charles was coronated as king of Britain, Northern Ireland and many commonwealth nations. He's now the head of state and head of the Anglican Church. I'm not against him but I didn't care much. I watched the highlights of the ceremony and wished him well. I was a bit concerned about protesters being arrested, the reason they gave was the police thought the anti monarchy protestors would obstruct the procession; Freedom of speech is important. We should be careful about that. 
During may it was the first time I used my Google pay on my phone to open a ticket gate at a train station. I used my smart phone to pay for a train ride. The Google wallet app can store more than one bank card and make contactless payment on their behalf. At the same time there was a disaster and I was given a lot of grief the following day. I saw it comming but it is a very sad loss. 

I also learned that conservatives are very unpopular, they were taking advantage of the good nature of public servants like nurses and teachers and freezing their pay for several years until they finally went on strike. Now the conservative party has lost many seats. If you have inflation and the pay stays the same, that is the same as a pay cut. They do those jobs because they care but they deserve a fair deal. 

It was a tough month for me and my family so we went on a short 3 day break at the coast to relax a little bit. Sometimes you need to take a break, to stop and rest. It was very nice. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...