Sunday, 4 June 2023

Odisha India Train Crash

On Friday evening there was a large train crash in Odisha in north east India. A passenger train crashed into a stationary freight train, then one of the derailed carriages caused a third train to crash. They think about 275 people were killed by the accident. It looks like June has got off to a bad start. 
I have never been to India but I consider their railways to be safe because accidents are rare and the railway is 115,000 km across, long enough to circle the Earth nearly 3 times. The accident was caused by a faulty signal; it showed a safe passage when there was a stationary freight train nearby. I don't blame anyone, sometimes faulty equipment can appear to be in working order, it may be functional for some time then begin to stop working. They are improving their railways but it takes time for such a large network. I feel some pity because that is a lot of people. Train journeys are safe but when they do crash, it is a big disaster. 

I think about Death every day because it can't be avoided. Every human being alive now will die in the near future. In the last few days I thought about death a bit more than normal. The one good thing about death is it humbles those that think about it. How could I be proud or racist when the final outcome of my body is to become dry bones with no thought or cares. One day I would not even be aware of the passing of time. I wouldn't know that 50 years has passed by because I'm without thought or care. Only the mercy or a resurrection would allow me to be conscious again. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...