Very soon astronauts will be trying to revisit the moon. There is more than one reason why they didn't go there for 50 years. It is very costly and there is a radiation problem. During the Apollo missions they didn't know that a solar flare from the sun would kill all the astronauts. I'm not sure how they will manage the dangers of deep space radiation. Perhaps the Artamis spaceships will have a giant water tank to shield the astronauts. NASA is now inviting private companies to bid for a contract to make the vehicles they will use to drive around on the moon surface. They will be different to the lunar rovers because they will continue to work on their own as a rover probes after the astronauts have returned to earth. I thought to myself, why don't they use bikes? Has anyone ever tried to ride a bike on the moon before? I don't know.
The moon rotates very slowly, the day and the night both last for 2 weeks each, perhaps they will land on the night side of the moon. The moon has no tilt to its axis so the day and night on the moon are exactly 2 weeks throughout the year. The moon orbits the earth in 4 weeks so it always has one side of itself facing away from the earth. They call that the far side of the moon. We never see that side of the moon because the rotation of the moon is in sync with its orbit, I think they call that Tidal Locking.
Perhaps they could get machines to build moon base and bury it in gravel from the moon. Perhaps that would shield them from deep space radiation and solar flares.