Sunday, 30 July 2023

Thump Window Collab

One thing I often see on social media is a video of road rage that his been modified into a collaboration of music. I see an angry man with a moustache, cap and t-shirt about bowling jumping out of a white pickup truck. He proceeds to thump the side car window with his fist repeatedly.
The man was gnashing his teeth with malice but a lady persuades him to stop, perhaps she is his wife or sister. I see lots of people modify the video so he is thumping in time to music and the driver enjoying the outburst; they make themselves into the driver using video editing. It is a fad that is popular this month. 

I myself have noticed an increase in road rage, I drive my car at the correct speed and people get angry when they're behind me, they flash their lights and shake their fists at me quite often. I'm not sure why road rage is increasing but it definitely is. I have been driving for many years and can see the difference. It is also quite common for people to drive very fast. The only time they slow down is when they see a speed camera. 

What a shame. 

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Wild Fires Everywhere

In Greece, Algeria and many other areas of the world there are wild fires. Forests and bushland is burning up. I often wonder how all these fires start, you need an initial ignition source to begin with. Is it caused by careless human behaviour or something else? 
The scorched earth and landscape reminds me of one of the golf courses I played on 'walkabout' mini golf on my brother's oculus quest. It was the 'labyrinth' themed one, I found a video of it on you tube, Guy Playing golf in VR

I was thinking that all those trees and bushes were releasing all of their carbon dioxide into the air. Perhaps global warming will now speed up a bit. Perhaps we'll have a frost free winter. Maybe I'll be walking around in my t shirt in winter. 

Sunday, 23 July 2023

M25 Clock Map

When radio traffic announcers describe congestion on the M25  orbital motorway (freeway), they use junction numbers to describe where the congestion is. I tried to make sense of this information by plotting the junction numbers onto a clock face to show what direction the congestion is coming from. This is my second attempt.
If they say congestion at junction 1 then it would be the 3 o clock direction or eastward. I added major motorways this time and Heathrow airport in the west. I think it looks a bit clearer than the last one. There is usually more than one junction affected by congestion on the M25 but with the clock map you can see where it is clearly. 

This is how my mind works, always trying to bring clarity and order to a  confusing world. Trying to see the world in a simplified straightforward perspective. 

Saturday, 22 July 2023

M25 Clock

I quickly designed a M25 Clock today. The M25 is a dual carriageway motorway road that circles London. When they describe congestion on the M25, they use the Junctions that are affected. I added some of the junctions to a clock face to add meaning. 
If they say congestion at junction 1 then you would know it is 3 o clock direction or eastward location. 

If they say junction 5 to 8 then you know they're talking about south of London. If they say crash at junction 15, you know they're talking about 9 o clock direction or westward. 

The mid 20s junctions are in the north and 23 is 12 o clock. 

If I find the time I will improve the design of the clock. 

The middle layer of the clock is a compass to show north east and west, just in case the future generations don't use hand clock faces. 

Friday, 21 July 2023

Alan Week 3

It is Alan Week 3, the last third of July in the middle of Summer. I was thinking about Virtual reality quite a lot in recent days because I have used the Oculus quest 2; my brother brings it with him when he visits me. 

I found a video on YouTube that shows more of what it is like to play golf in virtual reality, you feel like you're actually in the world because it tracks your head movements and pans the screen to match the head. 

In virtual reality golf, the weather is always nice unless you want it to be bad. You can teleport to the ball so you don't even need to walk, you can walk if you want to though. 

As for getting one myself, it takes time. A ordinary working man must budget his money carefully. Even buying clothes is prohibited to one item per week so I buy 52 items of clothing per year. It takes about 60 weeks to replace all my clothes because I have 60 items. 

The weather in Europe was quite extreme, some places saw the air temperature rise to nearly 50°c. Lots of heat waves. I like heat waves. 

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Gantry View

Every Motorway (highway) that intersects with the M25 displays information on the gantry display board about congestion on the M25. The M25 is a motorway that circles London. The trouble is the junctions involved don't indicate where the congestion is because we don't associate the junction numbers with locations. There is a way to clarify the problem. There are 31 junctions on the M25; when I observed them on a map, I could simply the picture. 
The first junction is on the south bank of the Thames("tems") in the east,  the first 10 junctions are the underbelly of London and go from east to west in a clockwise direction. The junctions between 10 and 20 are on the west side and the junctions from 20 to 31 go from north west to east. They all increment in a clockwise direction. 

When they say heavy congestion between junction 4 to 8, an image of a clock face appears in my mind and I know number 6 on the clock is like junction 5 so I know the congestion is south. I also know that junction 15 where the number 9 would be on the clock because it is on the west side half way between 10 and 20. Once you know the basic spacing of the junctions, you can superimpose the locations on a clock face in your mind and visually know where the junctions are. 

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

VR Birthday Delight

My brother has an Oculus Quest and brings it over when he visits me. I love to play golf in virtual reality. 
I was playing walkabout mini golf on there. If you want to know what it is like, I found a video on youtube of the course and game I played on my birthday when my brother last visited me. 

I like the idea of playing golf on tap, playing it when you have free time and when it is convenient like at 3 in the morning when you wake up from a bad dream. 

Monday, 17 July 2023

Back to Deep Space

NASA has created the most power vehicle ever made to bring astronauts back to the moon. 
Recently NASA has been sending the most powerful vehicle ever made into space without a crew to test the reliability and safety of the space ship. 

To me, the Artemis Space rocket resembles the Space shuttle system, it even uses RS-25 thrusters. It also has two solid rocket boosters on either side to bring the total thrust pressure up to 4,000 metric tonnes, the most powerful vehicle ever made by mankind. 
The Artemis Space launch system looks like the space shuttle launcher but without the space shuttle attached to it and a large nose cone instead. It has one extra RS-25 thruster, 4 in total.

The space shuttle had 3 RS-25 thrusters, the Artemis launcher has 4 and they're modified to produce more thrust I believe. They work by burning liquid hydrogen with liquid oxygen. A computer system can change the flow of the fuel and angle that the thrusters point at to control the stability of the space ship. 

It is a shame they barely mention this in the news. The news keeps going on about heat waves and political scandal and repeating things we already know; "yawn". 

I think they mentioned on the NASA site that the Artemis rocket system will be used indirectly to take astronauts to the planet Mars. I'm not sure what they mean by that. Perhaps it will carry space ship parts to deep space or something like that. 

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Thanks for time

I give thanks for another year of life and free will. A gift from God. Thanks for your son Yeshua Emanuel known as Jesus Christ who gave us the bread of life from his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection. May the 10 commandments be permanently on my heart for the rest of my life. I don't go to any churches but I have no shame of the Messiah. 

1) No other Gods 

2) No Image of you

3) Don't use my name in vain

4) Keep the Sabbath Holy 

5) Respect your parents 

6) Don't Murder 

7) No Adultery 

8) Don't Steal, don't take what doesn't belong to you. 

9) Don't lie against other people

10) Don't covet other people's things. 

Friday, 14 July 2023

Half of July

We're half way through summer in mid July and it is my birthday later today. I was thinking about the passing of time and how the flow never stops. Having a birthday in the middle of summer has its quirks, here in the north side of the planet you can have a BBQ because it is warm outside during this time of the year. It's also a great time of the year to go out on adventures. It is a great time of year to go exploring in your car and see new places you have never been before. 

I was wondering if a dinosaur ever existed that had a similar physiology to parrots. If they had vocal cords that could mimic every type of sound. Perhaps they would call it the Michael-Winslow-Saurus, it would be able to mimic any sound, even human speech. Perhaps it would mimic the mating call of its prey and lure it into a bushy creek where it would ambush it for a meal. The victim creature would hear the sound of another one of its kind doing a mating call, "sqwark sqwark, sex sex plooop plooop", "Sqwark Sqwark, sex sex ploop ploop". It would walk into a bushy area in pursuit of the sound and get ambushed by the sly dinosaur. If you met the Michael-Winslow-Saurus you would shout, "I taste horrible" the creature would shout your own words back at you before chasing you. I imagined it would be like a small raptor type dinosaur. 

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Accused BBC presenter named

The presenter that is accused of paying a 17 year old kid for dirty pictures is Huw Edwards. If it is true then it is a serious crime because he would be exploiting a kid for sexual favours, I think legally they can't do anything if they're 17 years old but it is very shameful. I try not to think about it. I remember when we all learned that Jimmy Savile was an industrial strength rapist shortly after he died; he was raping everyone in hospital, dead bodies and school girls, I'm sure if they cloned him, he would even rape himself. 

I still use BBC products though, I think they put movies on the BBC iplayer that are not available on the British netflix, I think they do it like that. I recently watched a movie called 'The Never Ending Story' on there a few months ago. Some of the true life mystery shows are quite interesting to watch, they have forensic shows on there and similar things. My smart speaker is hooked up to BBC news so when I ask for the news, it plays BBC news. 

Monday, 10 July 2023

Who is it?

I recently learned that one of the male BBC presenters has been laid off because he paid a young teenager to send him naked pictures. 
The BBC is the British state owned TV and Radio; the national Broadcasting for Great Britain. We don't know which one it is because there are legal issues with revealing his Identity, everybody is wondering who it is. This situation reminds me of a movie scene in the movie called 'The Thing' by John Carpenter from the 80s; The crew realise that at least one of the crew members is not human so they devise a test, they poke each crew member's blood sample with a hot needle to see if it tries to move.  None of the crew are certain who is the alien and who is human because the alien organism imitates it's victim perfectly. 

I'm very familiar with the BBC platforms, I play BBC radio 4 when I'm in the kitchen cleaning, they have some very interesting  debates sometimes. I also watch movies on the BBC iPlayer on the TV. Sometimes I watch mystery documentary shows and things like that. There is a lot of stuff you can choose from on there. 

Friday, 7 July 2023

What a Day

Jacob, my son. 
You drew this picture yesterday, trying to write characters and objects. I think you drew the sun with a face on it.  10 TMWW . It looks like 10 tomorrow abbreviated, perhaps you'll be 10 years old when you read this. 
Lots of flowers and vehicles are there all together. Every day you draw you are able to convey meaning. I wonder what you will be like in the near future, perhaps you will be a book worm; a person that loves to read books. I would love for you to be a book worm.

I was concerned the other day because I saw that some British banks were forcing people they didn't like to close their bank accounts. In a cashless society, if you have no bank account you can't buy or sell anything. The banks would force unpopular people into poverty. The banks have no right to force people into destitution like that. I feel pity for your generation, they will live in a world where they have to be careful what they say. The new generations are spoilt brats, they will force people to have the same view as them. Young people these days don't respect different opinions. 
The theme will be, comply or starve. If you become wealthy then perhaps you should create your own bank, a bank that respects freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It would be a gem in the dirt. 

Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Fourth Commandment

I was wondering why so many Christians don't take the 4th commandment seriously. Moses was given Ten Commandments. All 10 of the commandments are important. 

1) No other Gods before me. This means don't worship other Gods. 

2) No Image of me. Don't make an image that represents God. No drawings or statues. No pictures. 

3) Don't take my name in vain.  (Don't use God's name  to endorse anything like product marketing or to replace swear words. Very important. 

4) Keep the Sabbath Holy. Don't work. Just rest and worship God. The Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday and most Christians it is on a Sunday. I think it is better to celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday because Moses was Jewish. The English Sabbath is Both, Saturday and Sunday (weekend). 

5) Respect your parents. Show respect to your parents and don't say anything insulting about them. 

6) Don't Murder, Don't think about killing another human and don't deliberately kill anyone. Don't plan to kill anyone and don't kill. 

7)No Adultery,  Don't have relationships outside of your marriage. No Adultery. The 7th Commandment cures all STDs. If we all kept the 7th commandment there would be no Aids, Herpes and things like that. We blame God for STDS but we are the ones transmitting them. 

8) Don't Steal, Don't take anything that doesn't belong to you.

9) Don't lie against other people,  Don't spread false rumours about other people and don't decive other people with lies.

10) Don't covet what other people have, Don't be jealous of other people's possessions or relationships. 

Monday, 3 July 2023

Billionaire boredom

I often get the impression that billionaires are bored. They go on dangerous adventures and do crazy things. I ask myself if they're bored or over stressed. 
Recently I learned that Elon musk and mark Zuckerberg want to have a cage fight. I don't think they're joking, I think they will have a cage fight. I think I'll watch it. How much do they get on each other's nerves? What happened, did they just get so annoyed with themselves that they want to fight? 
Billionaires should sponsor me with £2 million and let me show them how to enjoy life. 
You need a good hobby and happy routine, you need to help other people and be a creative person. 

Saturday, 1 July 2023

What June 2023 Means to me

June started off ok, the issue of abortion popped up out of the blue because we learned that a lady was sentenced to 29 months in prison for taking an abortion pill during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. I consider a fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy to be an infant so I would restrict abortions to the 1st trimester except for health reasons. If the pregnancy puts the mother's life in danger then I would allow an abortion outside of the first trimester. If the baby was earmarked to die because of a birth defect then the abortion would be euthanasia I guess. I'm not a law maker so it has nothing to do with me. 
Then later in the month it was the King's birthday, Father's day and the longest day of the year in the north of the Earth. Just before the longest day of the year we had the Oceangate Titan submarine loss, we thought it was trapped in the ocean with oxygen running out but we later learned that it imploded from day one.  

Towards the end of the month there was rioting in France, I thought they were racist because they only riot when someone that isn't white gets accidentally killed by police, when they kill a white person they don't care. They riot in the Nike shops and get free shoes. Shame on them. Kids these days are spoiled brats that only care about themselves. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...