Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Gantry View

Every Motorway (highway) that intersects with the M25 displays information on the gantry display board about congestion on the M25. The M25 is a motorway that circles London. The trouble is the junctions involved don't indicate where the congestion is because we don't associate the junction numbers with locations. There is a way to clarify the problem. There are 31 junctions on the M25; when I observed them on a map, I could simply the picture. 
The first junction is on the south bank of the Thames("tems") in the east,  the first 10 junctions are the underbelly of London and go from east to west in a clockwise direction. The junctions between 10 and 20 are on the west side and the junctions from 20 to 31 go from north west to east. They all increment in a clockwise direction. 

When they say heavy congestion between junction 4 to 8, an image of a clock face appears in my mind and I know number 6 on the clock is like junction 5 so I know the congestion is south. I also know that junction 15 where the number 9 would be on the clock because it is on the west side half way between 10 and 20. Once you know the basic spacing of the junctions, you can superimpose the locations on a clock face in your mind and visually know where the junctions are. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...