Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Fourth Commandment

I was wondering why so many Christians don't take the 4th commandment seriously. Moses was given Ten Commandments. All 10 of the commandments are important. 

1) No other Gods before me. This means don't worship other Gods. 

2) No Image of me. Don't make an image that represents God. No drawings or statues. No pictures. 

3) Don't take my name in vain.  (Don't use God's name  to endorse anything like product marketing or to replace swear words. Very important. 

4) Keep the Sabbath Holy. Don't work. Just rest and worship God. The Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday and most Christians it is on a Sunday. I think it is better to celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday because Moses was Jewish. The English Sabbath is Both, Saturday and Sunday (weekend). 

5) Respect your parents. Show respect to your parents and don't say anything insulting about them. 

6) Don't Murder, Don't think about killing another human and don't deliberately kill anyone. Don't plan to kill anyone and don't kill. 

7)No Adultery,  Don't have relationships outside of your marriage. No Adultery. The 7th Commandment cures all STDs. If we all kept the 7th commandment there would be no Aids, Herpes and things like that. We blame God for STDS but we are the ones transmitting them. 

8) Don't Steal, Don't take anything that doesn't belong to you.

9) Don't lie against other people,  Don't spread false rumours about other people and don't decive other people with lies.

10) Don't covet what other people have, Don't be jealous of other people's possessions or relationships. 

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