Sunday, 29 October 2023

Artemis II Back to the Moon

Admist all the chaos and unrest that is happening in the world today, there is a gem in the darkness. When I checked the Artemis blog, it stated they had joined the crew and service modules together; I struggle with flat pack furniture sometimes so I can't imagine how difficult it would have been to put that thing together. 
The Artemis launch system rocket has 4 RS-25 thrusters, the space shuttle had just 3 and the booster rockets are also more powerful. The whole vehicle would be the most powerful vehicle ever made by mankind. This time it is taking a crew of 4 astronauts. Article about the astronauts. They are Vicktor Glover, Jeremy Hanson, Cristina Cock and Reid Wiseman. 

The article pointed out that they need to test the power systems and practice the launch sequence. They're a brave bunch, space rockets are very dangerous, they often explode violently. 

Friday, 27 October 2023

Very Good News

Yeshua , Jesus was sent by God to make a way where there is no way. He died a painful and humiliating death, they nailed his hands and feet  on the cross with iron spikes and left him to slowly  suffocate in the hot sun to pay for our offenses against God. If you tell one lie in your whole life, if you steal anything, if you disrespect your parents once, if you lust once, if you use God's name to make money or anything like that you would never live again after you die. 
Jesus was resurrected so he made a way for us to have eternal life and be reconciled with God. He paid for our offenses against God so we can be restored again if we repent, forgive those who wronged us and have faith in what the Messiah did on the cross.

I am thankful  that he put himself in our place to save us all from the payment of sin, permanent death. 

Thursday, 26 October 2023

My little world

I feel like the world has turned into a powder keg, like it will become engulfed in a global war because of a small spark, a small incident. I see people gnashing their teeth together because of rage and weeping because of sadness at the same time for the sake of strangers. I see people driving around fast like they're restless and angry. 

There is nothing left for me to do but just retreat into my own little world and wait. 
I sit my a valley inside my mind filled with things, with machines that I'm not sure can work. It is a place with straight roads and gentle skies. A place of clarity, where everything makes sense. A place of mystery where nothing is certain. 

What can an ordinary man like myself do? No one will listen to me. If they don't listen, don't talk. I like being quiet and transparent, I'm just there buried in my own little thoughts and my own little world. 

It won't be long before my own body will stop working, perhaps 50 years or less. Just need to keep my chin up and wait. Keep the happy thoughts. 

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Books are peace

My parents were good to me, they showed me that it is wonderful to read. The more you read, the more peace you will have. In this world there is no peace, we have to get it ourselves. Recently I saw crowds of people gnashing their teeth together because of rage, because of a war that has nothing to do with them. I don't understand why they're so angry and why they only care about some wars and not others. 

 My mind can become so restless that I feel trapped, but then I fall back on what my parents taught me. 
I don't value the material things of this world like flashy cars and expensive clothes, I just love all my books and computer games. 

I imagined getting my first meta Quest virtual reality headset and playing golf. I love playing golf in virtual reality, the weather is always nice and you can teleport to the ball. 

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Meta Quest 3

I recently learned that the meta Quest 3 was released. They claim it improves augmented reality and has a light weight design with better graphics. 
I would be happy with the meta Quest 2. I used a relative's headset a number of times. I enjoy playing golf in virtual reality. To me that is great. 

It was raining a lot recently. The good thing about rain is it reflects radio from other valleys. I live outside of the Thames valley but I when it rains I can get all the London radio stations clearly. 

Monday, 16 October 2023

Paperclip thought

I was thinking it could be possible that world war one and two started because of a paperclip or something as insignificant as that. 

A paper clip factory made a bad batch of paper clips that were in poor condition, the staff said to themselves what is the worst thing that happen?  One of those paper clips was used to hold together some documents for the arrest warrant for a man called Gavrilo Princip, the document fell out and was lost so the arrest was cancelled. Then two months later he assainated the Duke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand. 
The Austrians responded by invading Serbia. Serbia had an alliance with Russia so Russia declared war on them, Germany had an Alliance with Austria so they declared war on Russia, then Fance had an allience with Russia so they declared war on Germany, several countries were dragged into war and their colonies joined them and before you know it, it was world war 1. Then Britain started using tanks and killed loads of Germans, the War ended but the Germans were left skint because they had to pay a peace fee as a surrender agreement. 

Then the Germans were angry about being broke and busted and went to war again, they invaded the rest of continental Europe and large parts of north Africa. Japan joined in and so did America, then millions of people were killed. 

What is the worst that could happen they said 🙄 They're only paper clips. It doesn't matter if the wire used was a bit too thin for one batch in the factory. It won't kill anybody. 

I made that story up by the way, the paper clip bit. 

Ticket to the Blues

Mankind can't live in peace with his own kind. We have proven that over and over again. We turn to war for order and disputes. Only the Messiah can set us right now. We wait for the Messiah to come back and save the world. 
I just hang onto  my happy thoughts in the blues. I feel like many people are gnashing their teeth together because of rage and weeping because of sadness at the same time.

Friday, 13 October 2023

Gregory Al Qaeda

On the 11th of September 2001, Al Qaeda attacked American landmarks using passenger planes. Recently Gregs bakery opened a branch in a petrol station near me. When I think of Gregs, I think of the Gregorian Calendar that we use here in the western world; it's the most accurate calendar in the world. 
I realised recently that the attack can be used to remember how many days each months has. 
Months 4,6,9 and 11 have 30 days in the Gregorian Calendar. February has 28 or 29 on leap years. April, June, September and November has 30 days. All the other months has 31 days, except February. 

4 planes were hijacked, that is month 4, April. 
The pentagon gained 1 extra side so it had six sides after it was hit. Month 6 is June. 
9 and 11 are months September and November. 4,6,9,11 has 30 days. The rest have 31 except February. Bingo. 

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

I'm hungry in Spanish

If I wanted to Say I'm hungry in Spanish, I would say 'tengo hambre'.  It sounds like "Ten Go Ham Brie",  I say Bray when I see Brie Cheese.
10 people can go, ham Brie. I'm vegetarian, but I know what ham is. I hope I can remember every phrase in Spanish very well. 

There are wars happening throughout the world now but I can do nothing but teach myself new things. 

Saturday, 7 October 2023

I am fine

In Spanish, the phrase for I'm fine is "Estoy Bien". It sounds like "S Toy Bee N" in English so I created this image to help me remember it. 
This is an S shaped toy snake and a Bee with N stamped on its back.

"Estoy Bien", "S toy Bee N". "I'm fine". 

I try my best to make life simple 🙄

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Scrap it

Earlier today the British government stated they have cancelled the HS2 railway extension from Birmingham to Manchester. I understand why they did that. If the whole railway costs £100 billion, it would need to generate £1 billion pounds every year  just to break even after a whole century. I doubt  it  would generate that much money, even supermarket chains can't generate that much money. We live on an over crowded island so all the property and land is expensive. They need to buy the land to build the tracks on, they would need to build bridges and lay down the tracks. There are too many costs. They're already building the Birmingham branch, but it won't continue after that. Birmingham is roughly in the middle of Britain so it is sort of near to everything. It is close to Oxford and Wales isn't too far as well.

Donald trump has been taken to court for being accused of fraud, they claimed his real estate business overvalued their assets to secure bigger loans. I think they're going to take away his business from New York. I don't see the logic of them doing that, you can do that to any business, even amusement parks change the price of their tickets by the day. 
The price of the ticket can go from £60 to £35 depending on the day, the value of the park doesn't change so why does the price change? If  their director opened their mouth they could become court room fodder. This is what society is turning into, a place where you have to shut your mouth or be cancelled from society. They can even take away your bank account so you can't buy or sell anything. I feel pity for the next generation. 

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

High Speed 2

In recent years, Britain has been trying to extend HS1 (high speed 1) to the rest of Britain. They're extending the high speed railway from London to Birmingham so you would be able to get a train from Birmingham to Paris or another city in Europe. At the moment you can take a train from St Pancras station in London to Paris, Amsterdam or other European cities; I think rail freight can move between European cities on these high speed railways as well. 
The problem is the land in Britain is so expensive that they would pay £billions before they layed down any track buying land. 

They're now thinking of cancelling the extension of the railway beyond Birmingham. They think, if it cost more than £100 billion, it would would take a long time for the trains to earn that money back again. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...