Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Scrap it

Earlier today the British government stated they have cancelled the HS2 railway extension from Birmingham to Manchester. I understand why they did that. If the whole railway costs £100 billion, it would need to generate £1 billion pounds every year  just to break even after a whole century. I doubt  it  would generate that much money, even supermarket chains can't generate that much money. We live on an over crowded island so all the property and land is expensive. They need to buy the land to build the tracks on, they would need to build bridges and lay down the tracks. There are too many costs. They're already building the Birmingham branch, but it won't continue after that. Birmingham is roughly in the middle of Britain so it is sort of near to everything. It is close to Oxford and Wales isn't too far as well.

Donald trump has been taken to court for being accused of fraud, they claimed his real estate business overvalued their assets to secure bigger loans. I think they're going to take away his business from New York. I don't see the logic of them doing that, you can do that to any business, even amusement parks change the price of their tickets by the day. 
The price of the ticket can go from £60 to £35 depending on the day, the value of the park doesn't change so why does the price change? If  their director opened their mouth they could become court room fodder. This is what society is turning into, a place where you have to shut your mouth or be cancelled from society. They can even take away your bank account so you can't buy or sell anything. I feel pity for the next generation. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...