Monday, 16 October 2023

Paperclip thought

I was thinking it could be possible that world war one and two started because of a paperclip or something as insignificant as that. 

A paper clip factory made a bad batch of paper clips that were in poor condition, the staff said to themselves what is the worst thing that happen?  One of those paper clips was used to hold together some documents for the arrest warrant for a man called Gavrilo Princip, the document fell out and was lost so the arrest was cancelled. Then two months later he assainated the Duke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand. 
The Austrians responded by invading Serbia. Serbia had an alliance with Russia so Russia declared war on them, Germany had an Alliance with Austria so they declared war on Russia, then Fance had an allience with Russia so they declared war on Germany, several countries were dragged into war and their colonies joined them and before you know it, it was world war 1. Then Britain started using tanks and killed loads of Germans, the War ended but the Germans were left skint because they had to pay a peace fee as a surrender agreement. 

Then the Germans were angry about being broke and busted and went to war again, they invaded the rest of continental Europe and large parts of north Africa. Japan joined in and so did America, then millions of people were killed. 

What is the worst that could happen they said 🙄 They're only paper clips. It doesn't matter if the wire used was a bit too thin for one batch in the factory. It won't kill anybody. 

I made that story up by the way, the paper clip bit. 

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