Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Short Time

During Spring time, daisies sprout out of the grass, they're tiny flowers with yellow centers. If you zoom into a daisy, you see a little world; a white valley with a yellow forest in the middle and countless little beings living in it, mites, microbes and things like that. It is little world that is unseen and forgotten, it appears in spring and dies not long after. 

If I stand in the surf zone on the beach and the waves are breaking over my feet and onto the sand, I can hear millions of tiny bubbles forming under the wave, they fizz and hiss for a while until they're all gone. 
Is this world a daisy in the grass, a bubble in the wave, it is there for a short time, then it is gone. Billions of stars and planets exist elsewhere, they don't know our world exists and wouldn't give us a second thought. We could be gone before other beings know we ever existed. 

If you suffer from chronic pain for a short time that should be a reminder that life doesn't end at death, it ends when you can no longer be a person. The quality of life could go before death. I could lose the use of my legs or eyesight before my time is up. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...