Monday, 16 December 2024

Sore Heels and Perks

I was thinking it would be a good idea for all the colleagues of a work place to put all their money together so they can all go on holiday very cheaply. Perhaps they could buy a small airplane like the Airbus ACJ220; I think they cost about £80 million but if everyone in a large organisation is paying £25 per month towards their holiday they would pay it off after 5 years. They would cancel all the luxury fixtures in the plane like the bedrooms and lounges and fill the plane with 250 seats. The plane would fly 3 times a day to a resort somewhere in the Mediterranean. I think only a large institute would be able to pull it off, like all the schools in the country or 3 retail giants in tandem. All the staff would pay a fee of £25 per month, then every year they can go on holiday with their family to a resort full board and with all the trimmings. I'm sure no one will even try it with all the red tape and risk involved. Never mind. 
In recent weeks I strained my Fibula ligaments in my left leg. It has been a tough winter so far. The injury has largely healed except for a sore heel. I think the heel bones in your feet are the most load bearing bones in the body. My legs are the only free vehicle I have, they're not to be taken for granted. Thank God I can walk. 

Merry Christmas. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...