Monday, 16 December 2024

Sore Heels and Perks

I was thinking it would be a good idea for all the colleagues of a work place to put all their money together so they can all go on holiday very cheaply. Perhaps they could buy a small airplane like the Airbus ACJ220; I think they cost about £80 million but if everyone in a large organisation is paying £25 per month towards their holiday they would pay it off after 5 years. They would cancel all the luxury fixtures in the plane like the bedrooms and lounges and fill the plane with 250 seats. The plane would fly 3 times a day to a resort somewhere in the Mediterranean. I think only a large institute would be able to pull it off, like all the schools in the country or 3 retail giants in tandem. All the staff would pay a fee of £25 per month, then every year they can go on holiday with their family to a resort full board and with all the trimmings. I'm sure no one will even try it with all the red tape and risk involved. Never mind. 
In recent weeks I strained my Fibula ligaments in my left leg. It has been a tough winter so far. The injury has largely healed except for a sore heel. I think the heel bones in your feet are the most load bearing bones in the body. My legs are the only free vehicle I have, they're not to be taken for granted. Thank God I can walk. 

Merry Christmas. 

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...