Monday, 2 December 2024

What November 2024 Means To Me

This November I was acutely aware that my fellow Brits are becoming ignorant of their own culture and customs. It is something  we should be worried about in my view. Perhaps one day people will say we don't have a culture or customs that are unique to us. Some Brits even think the Christmas tree is an ancient pagan custom; they don't know that Queen victoria started putting trees in her palace to remind her of summer and the country copied her in the 1800s. Not ancient and not pagan. 

Every 5th of November at the nearest weekend, we celebrate Guy Fawkes. A lot of people in my country don't know it is a celebration of a cancelled civil war. In 1605 some Catholic activists tried to blow up King James, if they were successful, the whole country would have been dragged into a sectarian civil war. King James translated the Christian Bible from latin to English, they called it the King James Bible. I prefer the New King James Version, they changed the medieval pronouns to modern ones, it's a bit easier to read. On guy Fawkes we make a fire and set off fireworks, we eat snacks and drinks. Sometimes we throw a mannequin of Guy Fawkes into the fire. Other times we go to a professional fireworks display. 

Roughly in the middle of the month I had a very painful leg injury. I strained my Fibula bone, a bone I never knew existed. I thought the shin was one bone but it is actually two bones, tibula and fibula; the fibula is the smaller of the two bones and is used as and anchor to stabilise the ankle and lower leg. One fall can change your life so one should be careful and never take the working legs for granted. Take care of your feet and legs. It is very depressing to sit at home all day and wait for your leg to get better. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...