Sunday, 9 February 2025

Billy of Time February

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a real life zombie apocalypse? I imagined just finding a good hiding place would cause you to feel relief. A building with strong doors and lots of heavy things to block the doors from behind. Another thing would be a bunker. Some people set their mind to building bunkers under their back yards; the reason for the bunker would be in case of an apocalypse like an asteroid strike or nuclear holocaust, they would't imagine their bunker would be used because of a zombie apocalypse. 

I wonder what it would be like to live off the grid in the wilderness. I imagined a large boat that floated up in the air during the daytime. It would have wings that are filled with mirrors. The mirrors would reflect sunlight onto different parts of cloth balloons, the air inside the cloth would become very hot and provide lift. 

I call it the 'Billy of Time', a boat-blimp with large fabric envelopes that act like hot air balloons, they heat up air inside them from light reflected on mirrors on wings. This causes the boat to rise out of the water and float up high in the sky. Then at sunset, the large flying boat would descend and the wings would help it glide down safely back to the surface of the sea. You would spend your time tending to the fruit garden on the deck; growing tomatoes and berries to live on. The fruits would be irrigated by water condensation gathered in the air and from rain. At dusk you would watch the sun set on the cloud tops, they would be covered in pink and red beams of light. Then at night would would sit on the deck for a while and look at the stars. Your bed would be a hammock below deck wrapped in lots of fabric to save weight. If there was a zombie apocalypse, you would be oblivious.  

The hard part would be to stop the boat-blimp crashing into land and making sure your crops persist. Some of the tomatoes and berries would be dried out to store in case some of the crops failed. 

The mind wonders when you need it to...  


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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...