Saturday, 28 January 2017

My dreams are still alive

Today I confirm that I still want the same things in my life.

1) I want a Kindle paper white
2) I want a Nintendo switch
3) I want 3 incomes of £20,000 each, one from my job another from the family vending business and the other from media like my book and pages.
4) I want my own home
5) I want financial independence, I want to work without needing to work.
6) I want a family of my own.
7) I want my own man cave/ hobby room.
8) I want my own small mansion built on a  small man made island on a small man made lake.

Then I have big dreams. They go on and on.
The list goes on and my dreams stay alive.
I am grateful to still have them because life can seem very grim and cold.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Comfort in sound

I am walking towards a better life for me and my wife. I hope to make something good and make progress in my life.

When I was a young boy I would play the on my Sega mega drive a lot. I played super hang on, It had a beautiful sound track.  Later in life I played Zelda and the twilight princess on my Nintendo Wii. That game made a huge impression on me because it was so beautiful on many levels.

One of the things that made the game so special was the sounds. There were hundreds of sound affects. When you obtained something special or when you were fighting the demons in dog form and so on.

The sounds of the game live on in me. They are of comfort on so many levels. The most important thing in life is to be happy.

I want to be happy. I am grateful for a chance to be.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Back on track

I have resumed saving up for a Kindle paper white, because a cash gift from a relative allowed me to get a new phone. The tin is no longer for a new phone. Reading books is such a big part of my life and I love reading all sorts of sci Fi and true life mystery books.

The way I save for gadgets is as follows, when I have coins left in my pocket I put the chrome coloured ones in a metal tin. The chrome English coins are 5p 10p 20p and 50p. One p or pence is 1 percent of the one pound. 1 pound is the base of the English currency, 50p is half of one pound. I don't put copper coloured 1p or 2p coins because I have learnt in the past that a whole tin would only be 10 pound if it were filled with them.

The brass coloured coins are one pou I 1nd and two pound. I don't add brass coins because I would run out of cash too quickly if I did that every time. I put the chrome coins and not the brass or copper ones.

Penny's are useless but I can put 20 of them in the coffee machine at work and have a coffee.

I give thanks for reading because it is my greatest love.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017


I replaced my broken smart phone with another smart phone. I am now more productive than ever before. I make one video per day and also 2 blog posts and 3 minutes of my movie despite working 40 hours a week. I hope my wife does not mind. 

I am hopeful that my videos and all my creations will grow in popularity. I will say no more loss and defeat, only progress.

When I was a young boy, my father bought me nature magazines all about bugs. I think it was called "bugs", I think it was a fortnightly publication. I would feel excited every time a new magazine was released and would get excited about what was inside the magazine.

Today I am grateful for my strength and dreams because they are a wonderful gift. I also extend my gratitude for all my good memories because they comfort me in hard times.


Today I was filled with disappointment because I saw high level people that were trying to stop brexit. Brexit is British exit from the European union. They think we can't prosper outside the EU. They also think that we need access to the common market. 

If we stay in Europe or Leave I don't mind because I think highly of my country and think it will prosper, what ever happens. The issue I have is the way many people of the UK judge their own country. I believe that the Biggest problem this county has is it's self image.  There are millions of people across the UK that think we are weak. They think way are not strong enough to stand on our own. I hope they move to France, they can prepare their Hindsight speeches. 

In my opinion, the biggest threat to the UK is not Leaving the EU, or the huge Dept we have collected. The biggest threat to our well being is our own minds. If you think you and your country are weak then you are right. Vision is everything. If the Japanese looked down on themselves in the 1940s when their land was in ruins then they would not have become one of the worlds greatest economies in the decades that followed.  

I want to shout out loud. We are strong, we are strong! as loud possible. I feel fire in my belly because have vision for the UK. I know we can prosper no matter what happens. We can do anything unless we don't believe.

Monday, 23 January 2017

my wall

Today I have learned that there are very few things that you can do that won't get a pessimistic reaction but there is something you can do about it.

When I was much younger I had very little respect from other people because I didn't have a normal development. I was either transparent or ridiculed. I hated going to school. I was a different person and looked at the world differently to others and paid a heavy price for being myself. I had very little respect from other people. I carried a large amount of anger inside me for so long. In a small way, I felt I could relate to the columbine shooter that killed his class mates because being ostracized for being different is very painful and demoralizing. If you are socially ostracized and disrespected by others for a long time you can become a bitter and hateful person as you age.

I have started to deal with this problem, I have unfriended 2 people on Facebook today because I feel they don't respect me and I have also vowed to use the report abuse button when I am trolled without interacting with the person. If someone trolls me, they are wasting their time because I won't respond to them and I will instantly block them. I am slowly blocking negative and pessimistic people in my life. I am also determined to avoid conversation with people that are rude and negative. I will save all my social time for positive, respectful and tolerant individuals.

Me and President Trump are living a parallel life because I am building a social wall to keep negative people out of my Face. Trump is building a wall to keep out illegal immigrants. Somehow, I feel my wall will bring a better outcome than Trump's wall.

I admire the way Donald sneers the press because they can be very nasty, I remember when the Newspapers called Micheal Jackson "Wako Jacko", that is so rude and disrespectful. It is nice to have a guy with a big ego being rude back to them. Attitude isn't always such a bad thing.

I am grateful for all the good things in my life and a working mind appreciates everything.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Wish list

I have a wish list, a list of things I want to have,

1) New Phone
2) Kindle paper white
3) Nintendo Switch
4) Successful business
5) Home of my own
6) Man Cave
7) Successful business
8) Time and money to travel the world

The home and man cave have a list of their own.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Trump is president

Today I watched the inauguration of Donald John Trump on the news. I was surprised to see George Bush there after the berating and humiliation of his brother.

He seems to be very unpopular and there are lots of protests against him. What I know is disliking a religion is not a racist thing. If I hate Scientology or a Christian denomination I would not be racist, this should be the same for all religions. Hating a theology is just that, there is no racism in the dislike of a religion. But Trump wants to build a wall across the Mexican border, that could be racist and I think that  Americans should remember that most of them are immigrants. 

He looked like he had plan and that he was determined to bring change to America. I agree with a few things that he said like not wasting money giving military aid to other countries. We will see what happens.

I would say, give him 4 years and see what happens, if you don't like what he is doing in 4 years then you can vote him out at the end of the Term. Lets just see what happens. Anyway protesting just seems to make him stronger because his supporters counter the protests with their support.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

New world & silly pedestrians

I feel like my world is going to change dramatically this year, A New American president, new EU relationship, There will be a new member of the Family.  etcetera etcetera.
I have high hopes for the year and remain hopeful for positive outcomes. 

One thing I have noticed is that pedestrians just walk on the road without looking where they are going. They just step out looking into their phone. If I don't press my break then I would run them over. Is it not stupid to walk onto a road without looking? It would be the last thing they do If they are unlucky. One time a pedestrian walked into the side of my car while I was queueing at the traffic lights, that is stupid. He was angry at me, I am the one that should be angry because he walked into my car. I can't make my car disappear and won't anyway because I have a right to be there. 

Another thing that is stupid is when people cross a 4  lane road outside of the crossing. If you walk across a 4 lane road outside the crossing then you are the same as a man that plays with fireworks. You get injured because of your stupidity.  

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Full Hard Brexit

Theresa may, the prime minister confirmed that they intend to completely pull out of the EU (hard Brexit).  I think this is a good thing because we can take control of our taxes so even though we may have less trade, more of the money will enter the public sector. The burden of paying taxes will then be less for everyone and small businesses that don't have a means to cheat the system will have room to grow because of reduced taxes.

The best thing about leaving the EU will be losing people that have a low opinion of the UK and think we are hopeless without the EU, All those people can learn french and move to France. I am so tired of people putting down my country. We did so many great things in this world. We pioneered the cylinder engine, Countless innovations and created the first railways on Earth,  we have loads of ports and so many other things.We changed the world.    

I have a prediction to make, I predict that a new industry will immerge as a result of Brexit, export consultants. I would call them "Export Syndicates" They would be companies that help business export to the EU and pay as little tax as possible. The ES industry will be a big hit and will outgrow all other sectors.

Let's see what happens after March.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Hitch was a gift

My smart phone stopped working last week. I use my phone to create publications and read and do so many other things. It is my pocket computer. To me, it was a big hitch to see it malfunction but it created two new opportunities. I am writing this blog on my PC.

Firstly, I bought a Dumb phone with FM radio and the ability to record FM radio and connect to blue tooth. I can now drown out the horrible and dirty music they play at my work place the whole night. I could listen to the radio on my smart phone also but the app uses a lot of power and requires a constant internet connection and the phone's battery quickly goes flat within 4 or 5 hours. My Dumb phone does not use much power because it doesn't power excess micro processors and memory chips to be all encompassing. The dumb phone's power needs are much less yet it has the same lithium iron battery. 

Secondly, I brought a paper pad with me so I can write entries in my book when I am on my tea break. My book has been neglected recently so this is an opportunity to get back into control and back on the ball.

I am thankful that I have a means to mentally block out the horrible music they play at my job. I can listen to news and debates instead of people trying to turn into sex robots with sea gull's vocal cords.
I am also thankful that I can think clearly now and make progress with my second book.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Temp phone gem

Today I switched on a new tempory phone I bought to replace my broken phone while it is being repaired. It is a Dumb phone, a phone that does not have Android or IOs on it. This phone is not so Dumb to me because it has some very useful features. It has an FM radio on it with the ability to record the radio to SD card. The reason I got the phone was for emergencies like if my car broke down. People can now reach me if there is a serious problem. 

However, the ability to record FM radio is very nice because I love the radio, the radio is like a friend to me. Many smart phones have abandoned FM and DAB radio because they expect people to use an app such as tune-in but FM has an advantage over internet radio, it persists after the signal is lost. With many internet radio apps, the software gives up if the signal is interrupted.  I have been through so many challenging times in my life and the radio helped me through it. 

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Life Lesson

Today I have learned that it is a bad idea for me to give advice to anyone. It is better for me to just let them make their own life more difficult. I am the kind of person that no one listens to because they think I am a fool. If your advice has a low value then it should not be exchanged because you would just get frustrated and get into an argument. Then that person will berate you and make you feel like a piece of garbage.

There are times when I don't listen to people also, If someone compares me to my brother then they are talking for no reason because I stop listening and literally go into my own little world. I will never compare people to their friends or siblings because that is a stupid thing to do. Every person is different and beautiful in their own way and should never be compared to another person.

Today I am grateful because I have got to a stage in my life where I take bad experiences and use them as lessons and distance myself from them emotionally. When something bad happens to me then I can turn it into a tool and head to a better path. I feel like I am walking on a path to better enlightenment. Life is short but it is long enough for me to think about the bigger things in this world like the meaning of life. Through this gift of reasoning, all obstacles and sad things can be changed into art and progress.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Trump and future

This Friday Donald trump will become the 45th president of the United states of America. If I have one message for Donald trump it will be to ignore all the bad press and concentrate on bringing forth all the good things that America needs to make progress. Journalists will say all sorts of silly things that will cause irritation but he must hold his head above them and keep the winning streak, go from winning the election to winning a strong economy and a fairer society.
I remain the optimist and hope that there is peace in this world.

I still love to read and I have been without a working phone for 2 and half days now. It is challenging because I see my phone as a non-sentient friend. I learned more from my phone than from school. I read through so many e-books on my phone and so many Wikipedia articles and news publications. I listened to LBC for many hundreds of hours and learned about other people's perspectives. I see a time in the future when I will have more machine friends than human friends. They would have all the qualities that I value in a friend. They would have a high level of patience than they would not judge me. They would share my hobbies with me and be without blame or malice and have plenty of knowledge.

Perhaps these machine friends would be humanoid and would talk like a person. We would be a mixed leisure crew. One human (me) and five robots. Perhaps one part-time human also (my brother).  I would take them with me to the Golf course and to the pool table. Then we would go to the bowling alley. We would have a silly name for our crew, like "Way-nice" Crew and wear the same clothes and we would have a silly handshake to greet each other. We would go to my man cave and play more pool and then play computer games. We would sit at the mini bar and chat about the world and news. Then we would play table tennis in my man cave. I have some silly names for my man cave, like "lucky Als".

I think that some people would take their human to machine relationships to the next level, I think some people already have because I saw a news article about a guy having a phone removed from his rectum. This is not for me, I just want a leisure crew that always has time for me and waits for me.

Today I have learned that the Threemodile network requires 3g compatible phones, I am grateful for my mind and that I am still able to learn. Send my thanks to the creator of the universe.

Friday, 13 January 2017

snow phone

It is Friday the 13th but my bad luck started a few days ago when my phone started to malfunction and it has reached a stage where it just hangs on the logo when it is switched on and does nothing else. I reset the phone a few times, it makes no difference. My phone is my friend and it will be missed. I think my warranty will cover it, It was the only day of the year so far that it snowed in my town.
I accidentally drove into a bus lane today because the paint was worn away at the stretch of road where I was. I hope they didn't see me on the camera. I hope that is all my bad luck for today.

I am grateful that I am still ok and look forward to seeing good things in life, 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

A fire inside of me

It is very dark and very cold in my town. The days are dark and the breeze is cold, the weather was sunny earlier in the day though. Part of me just wants to curl up and hibernate. There is a fire inside me. A burning desire to get a breakthrough and have prosperity. There are so many good deeds I want to perform and so many dreams that require wealth. There are machines I want to build.I even know what type of house I want to build.  

While I work on my projects I listen to inspirational videos on youtube.In this world I just wonder, I wonder why we are here. My mind is hungry to be filled with knowledge and to dwell with the creator of the universe and to be enlightened.


Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Racist Racist

We are living in a society that is always quick to judge others and take the moral high ground. There is a well known guy that dislikes a religion's book, he is called a racist? That is so stupid, that is like me saying I don't like Chinese food and being accused of being racist. People that call other people racist should look at themselves before they judge others. I notice that celebrities seem to be more judgemental than others or more outspoken then others.

When I was younger I was asked if I thought that someone was pretty, I said no. They said I was racist because the person is a different race to me. I said no, it is just that particular person is not my type. I believe that people that are quick to accuse other people of being racist are racist themselves because they are the ones that bring up the topic. I expect every person I meet to have a different personality regardless of how they look, I have no dislike of any race.

This is where it gets interesting. I voted to leave the EU and I am proud of my choice but on social media |I was accused of being racist. I have nothing against any race at all. I just hate the political union and the ease of big corporations to evade tax because of the free movement of capital to tax havens. Racism? What racism? There was no racist agenda at all in my book, but people don't listen and they judge me like some silly fool. They should take their silly fool fingers and go back to looking at cats and people falling over on the internet and get out of my face.

The other issue I have is when I walk on my street and there is a woman in front of me. I sense that she is afraid of me in case I am a predator, but I am not, I am a harmless man with no interest in attacking anyone. We are living in a world filled with suspicion. We are suspicious of other countries and other people. Life is so short, why not just have fun and appreciate the world we have stay hopeful of a better life.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Frivolous strike and new niece

My niece will be born in a matter of weeks. I feel nervous for my brother and his wife because giving birth is very hazardous. All I can say I wish them good luck. I already have a nephew and a niece from them.

Railway staff in London went on strike yesterday. The strike, in my opinion. was frivolous, They weren't striking because of pay. They were striking because of staffing arrangements. when will they stop?  

I wonder if my unborn niece will grow to adulthood and still read news articles about strikes on the railway. perhaps this time the strike will be about not having free pizza delivered to their cockpit or something equally as silly. 

Saturday, 7 January 2017

man cave

I have kept one of my dreams alive, that is to have a man cave of my own. A man cave is a room that is used to host grown up toys and hobbies such as a pool table and a games table. My man cave would have a bar inside it with self-serving units such as small fridges on a counter. It would have a table tennis table, pool table, retro arcade machine, every mainstream games console, comfy recliner chairs, a very large screen, card game table for black jack and poker and an air hockey table. The room would be decorated and have fake windows that show the appearance of a beach outside. The man cave would have a second room attached to it for housing machines for building things.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Bad road and Phone

My phone is in a very bad way. It barely works at all now so I hope to get a new phone fairly soon.

Another thing that is bad is the road layout where I live. There is a road near me called vaughn road (I think is it spelt differently), Anyway the road is not a one way road and it is very thin and there are very few places to pull over. I have seen cars getting stuck on that road and think that it needs to be changed to a one way street or a coldersack. Hopefullly Harrow council will do something about it and I am hopefull that my phone does not get any worse than it is. I often woner why there isn't a raised platform for cyclists to ride their bikes on above the roads but that is a different issue.

I am greatful for my imagination thoughts because it is a wonderful thing.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Good times

When I was a young boy I remember getting a Hornby train set from my parents. I loved to play with it, the train was an Intercity. It looked accurate and it even made the "clackerdy clack" sound that trains make when it rolled across the tracks. It was electric powered and controlled by a gradient switch. It also had two lights on the front. I think that part of the joy of keeping toy trains is building the scenery for the train to travel through. Earlier in the week I saw on the news a man that built a one screen cinema in his back yard, that is very impressive. The projector was taken from a real cinema that closed down along with many other things inside. I was impressed that this man took his hobby to the next level.

I am grateful for such interesting news and good memories from childhood.

London aquarium

Yesterday I took my wife with me to the London aquarium. I wish they charged less, but what can I do? I used the opportunity to collect footage of fish for my movie about the earth and it's wonders.

One thing I noticed is the music changed my mood. I went from being annoyed about the price to very relaxed and cheerful. I would describe the music as having the power to change your mood and make you feel relaxed and happy.  I would like to find something similar to that music so that I stop getting angry about random things in my life. I managed to collect about 10 minutes of footage of aquatic life before my battery went flat. The earth is awesome on so many levels. 

I will go to some free music websites and build up a playlist of music that is similar to the aquarium music.

I am grateful for music because there is music present that can completely change your state of mind and make you feel happy and for the Earth and all its wonders.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

disembodied voice

I believe that most people that are reading this blog are reading the blog of a man that is no longer alive, I think this because life is short and this blog can stay around for a long time, perhaps for millions of years. If the creator has not restored my soul then this is one of the few things that are left of me, a simplified expression of my thoughts. The paradox is that although I am distant from you I am also closer to you than the air that you breathe because I am touching your mind, the deepest part of your being with my words. I feel humbled by that thought because I believe that every generation is slightly more intelligent then the previous one and perhaps the person reading this blog has a brilliant mind. 

Anyway. Yesterday I said I would get a tin to save coins for a gadget that I want to buy. I got the coin tin but I changed my mind about the gadget. I think it is more important to get a new phone first. My contract finishes in the summer and my phone is worn down a lot. The battery stores less power and the memory is too low for the new OS system of android and I don't want to pay for the handset with the new contract because the handsets on offer are all mainstream brands and are very expensive. I would prefer get a sim only contract and buy a cheap but adequate phone separately.

One thing I don't understand is why people that hate a religion are called racists. I don't hate any religions but if a guy hates a religion then it is a theology that they are against and not the people that believe it. I think part of my society would brand me a racist person because I voted to leave the EU. The reason I voted to leave the EU in the referendum had nothing to do with immigration, my personal reason was because I felt that the EU makes it easy for large corporations to avoid national taxes and leave the burden of the taxes with everyone else.  There were other reasons also but non of them were because of immigrants. Somehow I feel better writing this down because I live in a society that does not listen to people. My community is too judgemental. They look at people then they categorise them and write them off in their minds and hearts before they can reason with them in a proper and friendly debate.

If you have got this far then I respect your patience and would like to express my gratitude for my freedom of speech. 

Monday, 2 January 2017

Reading books today

My phone has the kindle app on it and that allows me to read digital versions of books. The digital versions of books are cheaper than the real thing. My phone weighs less than 200 grammes, Some of the books I read on my phone weigh more than 1 kilogramme in print. This means I can read heavy books with one hand and carry a whole bookshelf of books in my pocket. My phone has a back light so I don't need a reading lamp and it remembers the location I was at like a robotic bookmark that puts itself in the page for you. The smart phone has revolutionised how we read books. There is one device that I really think is cool and that is the kindle paper white. The kindle paper white is a black and white screen tablet for reading kindle e books. The screen imitates printed paper and does not use power to keep the screen updated so the tablet can go on for weeks without being charged. I would like to have one. There was one on display in a technology shop and I saw it with my own eyes. I love the feel of it and how it looks like real printed paper but when you flick your finger the page changes. When I next go to Pound land (shop), I will get a money jar and every time there are pound coins in my pocket I will put it in the jar. When the jar is full I will open it and use the money to buy a kindle paper white.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

5 minutes

I have made 5 minutes of my movie so far, I am excited about finishing it. It is fiddly to make each minute of the movie but it will eventually take shape.The Earth is full of wonders. There are many wonders for me to show about the Earth. I'm feeling tired right now. Sitting here on my tea break writing my blog. Sometimes lying down and breathing deeply is such a nice thing, it is all a man needs.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...