Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Racist Racist

We are living in a society that is always quick to judge others and take the moral high ground. There is a well known guy that dislikes a religion's book, he is called a racist? That is so stupid, that is like me saying I don't like Chinese food and being accused of being racist. People that call other people racist should look at themselves before they judge others. I notice that celebrities seem to be more judgemental than others or more outspoken then others.

When I was younger I was asked if I thought that someone was pretty, I said no. They said I was racist because the person is a different race to me. I said no, it is just that particular person is not my type. I believe that people that are quick to accuse other people of being racist are racist themselves because they are the ones that bring up the topic. I expect every person I meet to have a different personality regardless of how they look, I have no dislike of any race.

This is where it gets interesting. I voted to leave the EU and I am proud of my choice but on social media |I was accused of being racist. I have nothing against any race at all. I just hate the political union and the ease of big corporations to evade tax because of the free movement of capital to tax havens. Racism? What racism? There was no racist agenda at all in my book, but people don't listen and they judge me like some silly fool. They should take their silly fool fingers and go back to looking at cats and people falling over on the internet and get out of my face.

The other issue I have is when I walk on my street and there is a woman in front of me. I sense that she is afraid of me in case I am a predator, but I am not, I am a harmless man with no interest in attacking anyone. We are living in a world filled with suspicion. We are suspicious of other countries and other people. Life is so short, why not just have fun and appreciate the world we have stay hopeful of a better life.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...