Monday, 23 January 2017

my wall

Today I have learned that there are very few things that you can do that won't get a pessimistic reaction but there is something you can do about it.

When I was much younger I had very little respect from other people because I didn't have a normal development. I was either transparent or ridiculed. I hated going to school. I was a different person and looked at the world differently to others and paid a heavy price for being myself. I had very little respect from other people. I carried a large amount of anger inside me for so long. In a small way, I felt I could relate to the columbine shooter that killed his class mates because being ostracized for being different is very painful and demoralizing. If you are socially ostracized and disrespected by others for a long time you can become a bitter and hateful person as you age.

I have started to deal with this problem, I have unfriended 2 people on Facebook today because I feel they don't respect me and I have also vowed to use the report abuse button when I am trolled without interacting with the person. If someone trolls me, they are wasting their time because I won't respond to them and I will instantly block them. I am slowly blocking negative and pessimistic people in my life. I am also determined to avoid conversation with people that are rude and negative. I will save all my social time for positive, respectful and tolerant individuals.

Me and President Trump are living a parallel life because I am building a social wall to keep negative people out of my Face. Trump is building a wall to keep out illegal immigrants. Somehow, I feel my wall will bring a better outcome than Trump's wall.

I admire the way Donald sneers the press because they can be very nasty, I remember when the Newspapers called Micheal Jackson "Wako Jacko", that is so rude and disrespectful. It is nice to have a guy with a big ego being rude back to them. Attitude isn't always such a bad thing.

I am grateful for all the good things in my life and a working mind appreciates everything.

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