Tuesday, 3 January 2017

disembodied voice

I believe that most people that are reading this blog are reading the blog of a man that is no longer alive, I think this because life is short and this blog can stay around for a long time, perhaps for millions of years. If the creator has not restored my soul then this is one of the few things that are left of me, a simplified expression of my thoughts. The paradox is that although I am distant from you I am also closer to you than the air that you breathe because I am touching your mind, the deepest part of your being with my words. I feel humbled by that thought because I believe that every generation is slightly more intelligent then the previous one and perhaps the person reading this blog has a brilliant mind. 

Anyway. Yesterday I said I would get a tin to save coins for a gadget that I want to buy. I got the coin tin but I changed my mind about the gadget. I think it is more important to get a new phone first. My contract finishes in the summer and my phone is worn down a lot. The battery stores less power and the memory is too low for the new OS system of android and I don't want to pay for the handset with the new contract because the handsets on offer are all mainstream brands and are very expensive. I would prefer get a sim only contract and buy a cheap but adequate phone separately.

One thing I don't understand is why people that hate a religion are called racists. I don't hate any religions but if a guy hates a religion then it is a theology that they are against and not the people that believe it. I think part of my society would brand me a racist person because I voted to leave the EU. The reason I voted to leave the EU in the referendum had nothing to do with immigration, my personal reason was because I felt that the EU makes it easy for large corporations to avoid national taxes and leave the burden of the taxes with everyone else.  There were other reasons also but non of them were because of immigrants. Somehow I feel better writing this down because I live in a society that does not listen to people. My community is too judgemental. They look at people then they categorise them and write them off in their minds and hearts before they can reason with them in a proper and friendly debate.

If you have got this far then I respect your patience and would like to express my gratitude for my freedom of speech. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...