Monday, 29 May 2017

Clear mind

One of the reasons I write this blog is to get insight into the higher purpose. I won't lie, I really do know very little about the purpose of life and why we are here.

I hope for a peaceful journey in this life. This world is filled with evil and malice. I am hoping that mankind can make progress and leave this terrible phase.

My radio is with me giving comfort but prayers are the greatest.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Christianity and Transparency

One thing that stops me from going to church is the thought of Hell. I feel that Hell is not fair because our lives are very short and the punishment of Hell is disproportionate. If a man was cruel to other people for 20 years then why should he be tormented for eternity? Would it not be fair to punish him for 20 years? It would bother me if I was in Heaven and I knew that people were being tormented forever. I want the maker himself to give me insight because I don't understand. I'm not trying to criticize any religion, I am being truthful. It bothers me when I think about the topic. People have done bad things to me in the past but I don't want them to go to hell. I would go down to hell and tell Hitler himself that he had enough and free him if I could because I don't want anyone to be suffer like that. I beg for insight and mercy.

I don't know who is reading this and what now is to the person that is reading it, what I do know is that I am writing the truth, the way I think and feel.

I am a very misunderstood man, I watch things on TV that some people see as morbid but it is only the mystery that interests me. They don't understand what is going through my mind. Here is the connection, my life is a mystery because I don't understand what the creator thinks, people don't understand me because they don't know how I value things. Both things cause me to be frustrated. Not having deep insight into life and being misunderstood.

If a lady is walking in front of me on the street, she may be afraid because I am bigger than her but she does not understand that I am a blameless man  and won't harm anyone. That person does not know that. They just think that the man walking behind could be dangerous, they don't know that I am heading in my own direction. Thankfully I get about by car now so that awkward feeling has been eliminated.

The other thing is that my thoughts are not valued by others. When I reach out to talk about these big topics, the topic is ended through an excuse.
My mind is a village, I walk though it and try thought experiments in there and that is what matters to me. The village inside my mind is a paradise that is more beautiful than any place on Earth that I know of. There is a whole world inside me that is written of by people. No person in this world will ever understand me unless they are telepathic.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

All you do is criticise

One thing that defines my life is that no one has anything nice to say. If someone talks to me it is usually to complain about something. No one wants to debate about the plot of a movie or about politics, or to ponder the big issues in this world. Just complain complain complain.

I am living in a world where my radio is my friend. My radio talks to me about the world and about topics and debates. People don't, they just complain. They complain about me driving too slow. They complain about me making a mistake. People complain about my lifestyle. They complain if I do something they don't like. If I want to talk about a topic then the conversation is ended.  I'm fed up because I live in a lonely world. No matter how many people are around me and how well connected I am on social media I will always be lonely. My mind is starved of meaningful conversation. This is the reality of living in a modern world, Stress and emptiness is the way people feel.

My friends in this world will always be machines. I dream of robot companions that don't judge me and want to learn about the world, just like me. I work so hard and don't get what I deserve. But I will and I love reading books because I value knowledge so much. If I lose my ability to read then I will throw in the towel and finish my life because reading is more important to me than food and air. My mind is hungry for reading and meaningful conversation. There is so much to learn.

I am grateful for my radio because it talks to me  and brings a low level friendship into my presence and helps me to be a being in this world.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Manchester terror attack

I woke up in the morning and found out there was a terrorist attack in Manchester. Over 20 people were killed. I feel sad because there are people in the world that are so stupid that they will do this. The event happened at around 10:30 in Manchester.

The attacker died in his own explosion. The only good thing that happened is that there is one less evil fool in the world.

Many of the people present were children and I think that it takes a very low form of pond scum to bring terror and death to children. It is absolutely discusting on many levels. Causing a panic, death and injury to innocent little children is the work of a discusting piece of garbage that should never have been born.

I am grateful I was not present in an explosion and hope to have a long and fruitful life. 

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Dead Scum and Progress

Last night I found out that Ian Brady died, I didn't think much of it, it is one less scum in the world. I don't like to give child murderers much thinking time.

I stand by my word and won't re elect Gareth Thomas because he ignored me throughout the year. I have been informing the local authorities that Vaughn Road should be one way because of road rage incidents. I have also stated some ideas that may bring benefits to the government. I get no responses and feel ignored. Those people won't be re elected by me. It is bad enough when friends igor you. They don't have to agree with me but it would be nice if they responded and acknowledged​ my messages.

Lib dems are also ignoring people because they want a soft brexit despite people having a problem with overcrowding and wage compression. I will do my best not to look at the party of the candidates but to look at the individuals.

My mind is filled with good ideas that could bring benefits to society but they stay in my mind.

Monday, 15 May 2017

malware and good life

Right now I am sitting at the table in a darkened room next to my battery powered radio and my table top fiber optic lamp. Over the weekend there was a global cyber malware attack and many computers were locked at ransom. The UK national health service was hit really bad.

The world I live in is cold, most the words my ears hear every day is complaints and criticism.  It is better not to hear anything at all than hear people complaining. Small talk is so small in this world an the world is becoming a colder and colder place.

My fiber optic lamp is very beautiful and it is very peaceful right now. I'm still saving up for a Kindle e-reader. I love reading interesting stories. Reading interesting books and articles and listening my radio on LBC and listen to people talking about topics.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Just another day

This week has been a tough week for me at work because there was more work to do and a freak shortage of staff. But I am happy to get a bonus.

I have been watching many videos on YouTube about predictions. The paranormal world is fascinating.

On my way home I saw the aftermath of car crash, a van and car had collided. I hope they are ok.

I am grateful for all the interesting things in this world, there are many of them and I look forward to learning many more things.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Three new firsts

This week has been a first for me on many levels. Yesterday is the first time in my life that I live streamed on facebook. I did it because I have a half a token for a large prize and felt a need to inform everyone that we can split the money if they have the other half.

It is also the first time that I connected a blutooth keyboard with touch pad to my phone. When you use the touch pad with a phone, a cursor appears on the screen. At the same time I also mirrored my phone screen on the TV using chrome cast. My phone was very much like  a computer and at one point I forgot that I was using a phone. In fact my phone is more powerful than my first desktop computer anyway so it is nice to use it as a computer. I am typing this blog entry right now with the blue tooth keyboard on my phone. I am hoping I would make less grammar and spelling mistakes as a result. Let's see what happens. One advantage of using a touch pad with a phone is being able to control where the cursor goes. My finger is bigger then the lines and words on the screen so it is very hard to control where the cursor goes, but with a touch pad it is very easy.

Earlier in the week the French republic elected their president. For the first time in my life I felt angry about an election result of another country. I see the French people as my brothers and wanted them to be liberated from the EU because I feel that the EU is bad for everyone. I believe that Emmanuel Macron won the election because they are not convinced that Marine La Pen has reformed her party into a center right one. They still think the French national Front is a far right party. In my opinion, Macron is an EU and multinational banking puppet. He looks like an outsider but he isn't. I would compare him to Tony Blair and say they are very similar. I wish all the best to my french brothers, the older generations on both sides of the north sea have a different view to me and don't like their neighbours but to me and the young French, we are brothers.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

the end?

Next week we will find out who will be the next president of France, it could be Marine le pen or Emanuel Macron. I hope that Le pen wins because Macron is more like an establishment leader, obama is backing him and I feel the only reason is because multi national corporations want Macron.

A famous mystic has predicted that world war 3 will start on the 12th of May, that is next week. we will see what happens. I hope he has got his prediction wrong this time. The last thing this world needs is another world war.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Scotland and Us

I sense that the Scottish people want to break away from the UK to rejoin the European Union. To be honest, I would be disappointed if they did because it means they are choosing the EU over the UK. The UK is older than the EU and functions better. I will accept their decision and try not to take it personally.

I am proud of the UK and feel that it will out last the EU because they are trying to turn into a federation and the countries don't fit together. They will probably blame the UK exit for the end of the EU but the truth is it was a doomed project.

We did a lot for the Scots , we bailed out RBS and put all gov projects their to increase their employment. If they want to turn their backs on that then I won't hold it against them.

I think that the Scots leaving the UK is bad for them because we buy most there goods and we share their currency.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Sleep challenges

I work at night and when I get home I like to sleep. The problem is that people forget that you are sleeping at the other side of the clock. Imagine you went to sleep at 9:30 am instead of 9:30 pm, what would 2 pm be to you? Would it not be the same as 2 in the morning? This is the problem, they don't realise that you need to be asleep at that time.

This is the problem with working night shift. You are disturbed thought the day. If I go and wake someone up at 2 in the morning I would be considered a rude person. Be this is what happens when you work at night.

The phone will rings, doors will slam and messages will be sent and then the person trying to sleep is angry because he wakes up feeling tired.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Diane Abbott

I don't know if it is just me but I have nothing against Diane Abbot, she is the shadow Chancellor I believe. She had a bad interview on the Radio and made a mistake but she is a human, People slip up all the time.

I also have nothing against Jeremy Corbin, I think he is a great leader and cares about the community. As always, when I vote for an MP I won't look at the party they are affiliated to. I will vote purely on their manifesto and If they respond to my messages. My current local MP ignores my messages and concerns so I won't vote for him. I will try one more time, I will send him my ideas and concerns on twitter and e-mail. If he ignores me then I won't vote for him because I want an MP that listens to me, I don't care about the party they are with. If the candidate engages with my messages then they will get my vote.

I feel concerned about the younger generation because they don't vote very much. By not voting they are choosing the needs of the older generations over theirs. The reason the previous government ended tuition support was because they know that young adults don't vote as much so they would prefer to protect state pensions because they know older people vote more. Also, the government is not building much housing because older people want their houses to inflate in value. The government is serving the older generations more because young people are not voting much. As soon as most young people receive an education they think they know everything and think that voting is silly, then they wonder why society is hard for them and easier for the wiser people.

I am grateful for the internet because my thoughts can go directly to the leadership and my messages can be read. Even this blog can stay here longer than me.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...