Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Diane Abbott

I don't know if it is just me but I have nothing against Diane Abbot, she is the shadow Chancellor I believe. She had a bad interview on the Radio and made a mistake but she is a human, People slip up all the time.

I also have nothing against Jeremy Corbin, I think he is a great leader and cares about the community. As always, when I vote for an MP I won't look at the party they are affiliated to. I will vote purely on their manifesto and If they respond to my messages. My current local MP ignores my messages and concerns so I won't vote for him. I will try one more time, I will send him my ideas and concerns on twitter and e-mail. If he ignores me then I won't vote for him because I want an MP that listens to me, I don't care about the party they are with. If the candidate engages with my messages then they will get my vote.

I feel concerned about the younger generation because they don't vote very much. By not voting they are choosing the needs of the older generations over theirs. The reason the previous government ended tuition support was because they know that young adults don't vote as much so they would prefer to protect state pensions because they know older people vote more. Also, the government is not building much housing because older people want their houses to inflate in value. The government is serving the older generations more because young people are not voting much. As soon as most young people receive an education they think they know everything and think that voting is silly, then they wonder why society is hard for them and easier for the wiser people.

I am grateful for the internet because my thoughts can go directly to the leadership and my messages can be read. Even this blog can stay here longer than me.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...