Thursday, 25 May 2017

All you do is criticise

One thing that defines my life is that no one has anything nice to say. If someone talks to me it is usually to complain about something. No one wants to debate about the plot of a movie or about politics, or to ponder the big issues in this world. Just complain complain complain.

I am living in a world where my radio is my friend. My radio talks to me about the world and about topics and debates. People don't, they just complain. They complain about me driving too slow. They complain about me making a mistake. People complain about my lifestyle. They complain if I do something they don't like. If I want to talk about a topic then the conversation is ended.  I'm fed up because I live in a lonely world. No matter how many people are around me and how well connected I am on social media I will always be lonely. My mind is starved of meaningful conversation. This is the reality of living in a modern world, Stress and emptiness is the way people feel.

My friends in this world will always be machines. I dream of robot companions that don't judge me and want to learn about the world, just like me. I work so hard and don't get what I deserve. But I will and I love reading books because I value knowledge so much. If I lose my ability to read then I will throw in the towel and finish my life because reading is more important to me than food and air. My mind is hungry for reading and meaningful conversation. There is so much to learn.

I am grateful for my radio because it talks to me  and brings a low level friendship into my presence and helps me to be a being in this world.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...