Monday, 29 January 2018


Today I went to work with a neck pain, let me explain why...

At 19:30 there was a loud noise and I turned my head very quickly. The noise came from outside, some traffic incident I believe. The rapid movement of my head caused my neck that was nearly healed to be re-injured.

Here's the problem, I said I would come for overtime and It was close to the start of my shift. I had to come because it would damage my reputation as a reliable worker. I rely on my good reputation to get overtime regularly. It would cost me a lot in the future if I didn't come. I'm at a stage in my life where I had some very large bills so I have a policy of always accepting overtime when it comes even though I work full time.

Here I am at work with pain in my neck. I took some pain killers and I am focused on the work. No one knows I am in so much pain. If they could see the true me, they would see a man in tears. A man that is fighting for completion with crippling pain.

Here is the end of January with fire and resilience. Will power and hope.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Slide out

One of the best feelings in this world is to lay down on your bed after you have been working all day and night,  and you feel very tired. When I have been working perhaps for 15 hours or more I feel exhausted and I lay down on my bed. My feet feel like they are passing through an energy field and I feel the blood flowing back freely to my torso. It is a feeling of being slightly high. The feeling spreads from my feet to my shoulders and I take a deep breath. As I breathe I feel like more and more strain in my body is melting away. Sometimes I will put the tv on and watch the news as I lay down and set the timer to turn it off after 30 minutes.
Soon, one by one, the different parts of my mind switch off, like a family leaving their house to go out for leisure. Self-awareness off, sense of time off, concerns off. Soon all that is left is the sound of my breathing and that is the only thing I am aware of. At that point, I am no different to all the other beings on this planet both man and beast.  The sound of my breathing is all that is left in my consciousness, it is like the surf zone of a beach with waves gently rolling back and forth. The rhythm of the tides moving in then out, a flow of energy and mater to the deepest part of my body to the surface of my mouth.
Then I turn off, but I don't know I am turning off because my mind has already shut down. 

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Car college

When I drive my car, I play a CD that teaches you Spanish so my car has become a learning center or classroom. Most of the Spanish I have learned is from my car. When I get into a traffic jam I don't mind because I am learning Spanish so the time isn't wasted. In fact I learn more when I am in traffic because I'm not distracted by road hazards.

My car is not just a Vehicle, a machine that takes me to places, it is a place of learning. I try to turn all my possessions into assets when I can. My Car is an asset because public transport is more expensive than my fuel and I am learning Spanish which is hard to value.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Induction Hob

Today is the first time I used an induction Hob. An induction hob is a cooking hob that uses rapidly changing magnetic fields to heat steel or magnetic surfaces. It does not work on aluminum pots unless they have induction panels at the bottom. The Hob I got was portable and uses up to 2,000 watts.

The goal of buying an induction hob was to save money because I buy microwave ready meals from the shop and they usually cost close to £4 in price but with the hob I can cut up vegetables and make my own stir fries. Vegetables are still very cheap, a bag of carrots costs less than £1. I slice just a few of the carrots into thin sheets and broccoli and onions. The meals I prepare now cost less than £1. This means I have brought the cost of food down by two thirds and I sense that I am eating more healthy.
Vegtables don't taste good but you can put chilli source on them or spices and then they taste very good and they go well with rice or pasta.

I am grateful for vegtables and I love to eat them.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Buying Money

Very often I try to buy things that save money in the long run.
I bought LED light bulbs that emit over 800 lumens, they use 10 watts of power. Compact fluorescent bulbs that emit 800 lumens use 22 watts.  I saved about 10 watts per bulb. In the UK, one kilowatt-hour costs about 10p so each bulb uses 25p less per month because I use two and a half kilowatt-hours per bulb. Heating your home with gas is still cheaper than electric so I bought a Butane heater. I got an induction hob so I  could prepare my own food instead of heating up microwave ready meals.

I buy rice that weighs 12 kilograms because it costs less per kilo than a smaller packet.
I am so sleepy now. I wish the person reading this blog right now lots of good deals and easier living.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Neck pain

I woke up today with neck pain, the cold weather does that to me. I took pain killers at work and they helped a lot. In the past I would have submitted to the situation and stayed at home, but not now because I found that ibuprofen seems to work for me but only if I take it with food.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Yellow pages

When I was a young boy living in the 80s and early 90s, there was no internet as we know it. The internet was still an experimental network between universities and military installations. There was certainly no internet in people's homes and no one knew what the internet was.

The closest thing we had to the internet was yellow pages. The Yellow Pages directory was a large printed  bendy book that was posted to every home once a year. It contained the telephone number and address of every business in the whole area. If I wanted to find the number of the local pizza hut, I would open the yellow pages and then call the number listed using a landline phone. The whole book was arranged in alphabetical order by category.

The yellow pages book had a nice but funny smell and was yellow in colour. It was free I think, I think they made their money from paid adverts. The pages inside had a slight yellow tint. The logo of the yellow pages was two fingers but it was small and most of the book was just a featureless yellow book with the words yellow pages written on it. Every English person of my age group knew what was straight away. I was surprised it stayed around so long after the internet was wide spread. The yellow pages played a role in getting my first job when I was a young man.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Nuclear doom

I looked on Twitter and the news the other day and noticed that President Trump was arguing with Kim Jong Un about who's nuclear attack button is more dangerous. Really? I thought. Is this real? Are these men going to blow up the planet? Why can't ordinary people be the world's leaders? If I wake up one day and everything is blowing up, I will not be surprised. It is not North Korea and America that worries me. It is the ability of any nation on this planet to make nuclear weapons. As more and more nations aquire nukes, the danger increases. You only need one fool to start a war. 

If you are reading this in the distant future and you are an alien or robot race that has destroyed mankind and you are studying our media records. I would ask you, why all that effort? If you waited a while mankind would have destroyed itself. We are fools, and if we don't change we have a grim future. How hard is it not to go to war or threaten other nations?

I am grateful world war 3 hasn't started and may never start and stay hopeful for a bright future, not too bright though.

A breakthrough for you

I have found a way to have a second income. I signed up to Swagbucks for free and get Giftcards for watching videos and filling out surveys or trying things out. There is also an app for the service. It seems too good to be true, but it is true.

For the first time in my life, I have turned my phone into an asset. My phone brings me more benefits than its cost.

Many people stop following me every week but those that are loyal and follow all my posts, I give you this gift. an ability to Earn gift cards and buy things for free and I share this link with you.

This is my thank you to all the loyal followers of my pages and blogs

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Tv to sleep

Sometimes it can be tricky to sleep. Watching TV in bed is very effective because you become absent minded and set in the right state for sleeping. I often watch documentaries on TV in bed.

TV has changed since is was born. Today's TV's are digital and work more like a computer. My TV is small and considered to be a non smart TV, but I use a small device that is powered by the TV from a socket called a USB. The USB socket powers the device called a roku stick that sends the video into a HDMI socket. This small device that is combined with my TV allows me to watch TV through the internet. It is powered by the TV and turns on when the TV is turned on.

A device that is smaller than a man's thumb allows video on demand to be sent through the internet to a TV screen. To me that is amazing because I remember what TV was like in the past.

Monday, 1 January 2018

What 2017 means to me

If I had 3 words that describe 2017 it would be Earth, Wind, and Fire, but it was no boogie wonderland. It was a year filled with strong earthquakes, forest fires, and powerful storms. The Americas were plagued by storm after storm after storm. There were forest fires in Portugal, America and around the world. A tower block in London called Grenfel burned up killing over 70 people, I was angered by the fire because if the apartments were all on ground level it would be called a village, it was a whole community, the insulation on the building was flammable and turned the tower block into a vertical flame thrower. A similar incident occurred in New York during Christmas.  Mexico had a very powerful Earthquake and there were many Earthquakes around the world.
Here in the UK, people were openly mocking political decisions. Brexit and Trump, I felt that this is wrong because they were democratically elected and people usually have a good reason to vote the way they do. People were categorizing these decisions as mistakes. I don't mind but it becomes so repetitive and annoying after a whole year. 

In July I spent almost the whole month in Peru and had my Catholic wedding ceremony there. I was already married the previous year but it was only a civil ceremony. This one was a Catholic one for my wife's friends and family. I was pleased that my parents and aunty came because Peru is very far from our homes. 

A number of things came to an end in 2017. The Cassini space probe completed its work and deliberately dropped into Saturn to prevent the moons being contaminated by microbes from Earth. President Mugabe stepped down from the leadership of Zimbabwe. My residence in London also came to an end and I moved beyond the M25 to live in a small town nearby.
The war in Seria came to an end and Isis was defeated by the other forces.
I have left 2017 with some questions for 2018. Will I be reunited with my wife? When will I be reunited with my wife? Will 2018 be my best year so far? Will it be the year when I become rich and prosperous?
What is in store for everyone in 2018? what will be written in the history books? Will there be peace on Earth? Will there be a joyful existence for many people on Earth? I have so many questions and so much mystery to discover. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...