Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Nuclear doom

I looked on Twitter and the news the other day and noticed that President Trump was arguing with Kim Jong Un about who's nuclear attack button is more dangerous. Really? I thought. Is this real? Are these men going to blow up the planet? Why can't ordinary people be the world's leaders? If I wake up one day and everything is blowing up, I will not be surprised. It is not North Korea and America that worries me. It is the ability of any nation on this planet to make nuclear weapons. As more and more nations aquire nukes, the danger increases. You only need one fool to start a war. 

If you are reading this in the distant future and you are an alien or robot race that has destroyed mankind and you are studying our media records. I would ask you, why all that effort? If you waited a while mankind would have destroyed itself. We are fools, and if we don't change we have a grim future. How hard is it not to go to war or threaten other nations?

I am grateful world war 3 hasn't started and may never start and stay hopeful for a bright future, not too bright though.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...