Today I went to work with a neck pain, let me explain why...
At 19:30 there was a loud noise and I turned my head very quickly. The noise came from outside, some traffic incident I believe. The rapid movement of my head caused my neck that was nearly healed to be re-injured.
Here's the problem, I said I would come for overtime and It was close to the start of my shift. I had to come because it would damage my reputation as a reliable worker. I rely on my good reputation to get overtime regularly. It would cost me a lot in the future if I didn't come. I'm at a stage in my life where I had some very large bills so I have a policy of always accepting overtime when it comes even though I work full time.
Here I am at work with pain in my neck. I took some pain killers and I am focused on the work. No one knows I am in so much pain. If they could see the true me, they would see a man in tears. A man that is fighting for completion with crippling pain.
Here is the end of January with fire and resilience. Will power and hope.