Sunday, 16 September 2018


Every being that is reading this now could be  reading this for a different reason, you may be reading this because your finger is slow and your device thought you were pressing a link when you were actually dragging it. You may be an older version of me that is looking back at your past thoughts. Perhaps you are one of my descendents and want to know more about your ancestors. Maybe you are a machine overlord that has taken over the human world and wants to learn more about what you have conquered. If you are a machine overlord, I ask that you read this blog at human speed, one or two words per second because being human is about being slow. The person reading this text could be bored or curious and just come across this text. Who ever you are, welcome.

If you ever wondered why people have religions and faith, I will tell you why. People have religious beliefs because we are very logical, you see if you were aware of the affects if atrophy then you will know that everything will be destroyed in the end if all there is, is this world. Your body will eventually stop working and you will be gone, the sun will die one day and even the atoms have a half life and will eventually decay. There is a time when the whole universe as we know it will be a lifeless matterless void.

If you think that everything will turn into an oblivion, then why strive for anything. You may leave a mark behind but eventually that mark will also be destroyed with everything else. Striving for anything in this world without believing in an eternal God and eternal cause is like painting a house that is on fire, when your work is complete, it will be consumed by the fire.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Scratch card sense

I'm not going to advocate the lottery but I will say that some parts of the lottery are better than others. In the UK, a standard lottery ticket is hard to win because several numbers have to match up with the draw. There is more chance of no one winning than anyone.


The national lottery of the UK also supplies scratch cards and they are fixed odds. This means that there are always winners and the chances of winning prizes are  quite high, about one in 5 cards have a cash prize.

If you follow some simple rules, you will get more out of it. Firstly, you need loss control, for instance, you need to restrict how many you play in a month perhaps playing only one card per day. Doing more will cause you to lose too much money.

Then you should play in rounds, buying around 30 cards at a time. Then you should take the winnings and use them to increase the number of cards for the next time. Let's say you win back half the value that you put in, that would leave you with 45 cards if they cost £1. Every round that you play you have more winnings. Also, your daily cost will drop because you are only playing one per day.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

NDE hell and heaven

One of the biggest walls that stop me from being a Christian is the concept of eternal punishment and Eternity.

In the past 6 months I have become obsessed with Hell and Heaven because I don't understand them. When I am on you tube I will type the keyword NDE hell (Near death Experience).

I think that Hell is a place that is absent from God. It is written that God is peace and love and light so without God there is chaos, hate and darkness because when his presence goes, his attributes go away with him. I think this is the truth but I may be wrong. Some people tell me that hell is not being resurrected or just being destroyed permanently.

I would love to glimpse heaven, just see what heaven is like for a short while.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Aluminum Lady

Here in the UK, the Prime Minister (Leader) of the UK is facing huge challenges. Some of her own cabinet have turned on her and she is facing challenges to her proposal. In many ways she is very much like Margret Facture, the so called iron lady, firm and determined to complete her mission and not afraid to be unpopular in the process.

However she is a little bit more flexible and tries hard to make all sides of society happy so she is more like Aluminum than Iron. Both of the ladies quests started with chaos. Margret started when the UK was crippled with recession. Therasa started when the UK voted to leave the EU the sons and daughters of this Island were divided and filled with uncertainty and fear.

I don't know if it is a good thing to be more flexible or not, time will tell. I hope we are not pushed into poverty in the 20 20s.

Saturday, 8 September 2018


If there is one thing I learned in life, it is how awesome Jesus was when he was with us. I remember reading the scriptures about Jesus waiting in the garden of Gethsemane, knowing that he would be put to death and how bounty hunters had come and one of them had their ear cut off in the struggle. Jesus reattached the man's ear.

If I had the power to reattach an ear, I would not use it on a bounty Hunter that had come to take me away. I would give him a piece of string so he could keep his glasses on and leave it at that. But Jesus did that and he pleaded with the father to forgive his executioners, only a man with a pure mind could do such a thing.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Robot door

Over the years I have found that machines are replacing people's jobs and  I sense that AI will make the problem worse. In political debates, many senior politicians seem to think the opposite is true, they think that AI and automation will create more jobs, I am skeptical of the idea that more machines and AI means more jobs. However, I thought about it and tried to imagine how more jobs could be created.

I thought of some ways that jobs could be created, I think more jobs connected to mining would be created. I know that gold is present throughout the Earth but the extraction of the gold is only profitable in a few places because the concentration of the Gold is too low to cover the costs of extraction but if you had machines doing all the work then places were the concentration is too low could be mined and still support a small workforce without making a loss. 

I also thought that robotic transporters would be able to move people from a remote part of the country so public sector workers could live in a different part of the country from their workplace and pay less for accommodation and they could be moved around to different sites.

It is true that robots and ai will create jobs but I think they will reduce more jobs than they create. I just hope that the difference is small. People think this is in the distant future but those people have forgotten about the apps on their phones. The banking apps on people's phones would allow banks to close down their branches. Human resources clerks are already being replaced by software systems.

The chances are that the person that is reading this now knows the answer because I intend for my writings to last longer than myself.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

What August means to me

It is September now and the summer is slowly comming to an end as we pass through the blurry boundary between summer and autumn.

To me August 2018 was the opposite to July, the month was colder than a typical August and it was fairly cloudy much of the time. Some of the trees reacted to the early cold spell by turning their leaves brown.

Two high profile people passed away in August, Aretha Franklin and John Mcain.

I worked very hard in my job and in trade, I frequently worked more than 100 hours per week. I am thankful that I have work but I am hopeful for something better.

In this month I learned some life changing news but I won't share it now.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...