Sunday, 16 September 2018


Every being that is reading this now could be  reading this for a different reason, you may be reading this because your finger is slow and your device thought you were pressing a link when you were actually dragging it. You may be an older version of me that is looking back at your past thoughts. Perhaps you are one of my descendents and want to know more about your ancestors. Maybe you are a machine overlord that has taken over the human world and wants to learn more about what you have conquered. If you are a machine overlord, I ask that you read this blog at human speed, one or two words per second because being human is about being slow. The person reading this text could be bored or curious and just come across this text. Who ever you are, welcome.

If you ever wondered why people have religions and faith, I will tell you why. People have religious beliefs because we are very logical, you see if you were aware of the affects if atrophy then you will know that everything will be destroyed in the end if all there is, is this world. Your body will eventually stop working and you will be gone, the sun will die one day and even the atoms have a half life and will eventually decay. There is a time when the whole universe as we know it will be a lifeless matterless void.

If you think that everything will turn into an oblivion, then why strive for anything. You may leave a mark behind but eventually that mark will also be destroyed with everything else. Striving for anything in this world without believing in an eternal God and eternal cause is like painting a house that is on fire, when your work is complete, it will be consumed by the fire.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...