Thursday, 6 December 2018

Oven design

There is one technological implementation that I really like. I like fan assistance in ovens. When air is heated up, it organises itself into layers. Each layer is in ascending  order according to it's temperature. The air at the top is the hottest, the air at the bottom is the coldest. If you add a fan to a closed space then the air gets moved around, so every part of that space is the same temperature. This means you can have an oven that is the same temperature at the top shelf as it is at the bottom shelf.

You can cook 3 large pies in a fan assisted oven with each pie on a different shelf and they would all cook the same.

I was wondering, is it possible that putting a fan pointing at the ceiling in a house would cause warmer air above people's heads to mix with the colder air below and bring down the heating bill? I guess that the difference in a house would be too small to notice.

To most people this is boring but to me it is very cool. But I am pleased that someone had the good idea to combine a fan with an oven because a large family can have a large meal cooked for them with full consistency.

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