Saturday, 15 December 2018

Tension remedy

Many people living on my island are afraid of the near future. We are all asking the same questions in our heads, what will it mean to be British in the 2020s decade when we separate from the European Community and European trading block and become an independent country.

If my son is successfully born in this coming spring, he will live most of his childhood in the 2020s decade. What will the 2020s mean to him? Will it a time of joy? Will life treat him well? Will I be a good father? Will he grow up in a country that is Rich? Will his country be driven into poverty? What is in store?

My life is about to change and I sometimes feel stress. To overcome this feeling of stress I create problems inside my head and try to solve them. The solutions manifest as creations. There are over 50 creations inside my head and they displace stress.

One problem I have is how to create a vacuum blimp when I know there is no material in this world that can harbour a vacuum and be lighter than air at the same time. For example, if you created a vacuum in a jar, the glass would need to be as thin as paper before it would be lighter than air. This thin jar would be crushed by the air pressure outside and disintegrate.

Some solutions I thought of is to make the container inside a vacuum and add layers outside the container that only have a partial vacuum. Another solution is to use a revolutionary new material called Graphine that is as strong as Diamond. There are many more solutions I thought of but I won't bore you.

My gift to you is the concept of saturating your mind with puzzles to displace fear and stressful thoughts. Thanks for reading.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...