Thursday, 20 December 2018

What 2018 means to me

The year 2018 has come to an end and 2019 has just begun. The 2020s decade is very near perhaps it will be a decade I don't recognise if it changes a lot. 

I spent the start of this year in winter waiting to be reunited with my wife. I was reunited with my wife in spring 2018 in May, just before my father's 70th birthday. We made the weekend of my father's birthday special and celebrated in a hotel in Reading city.
I spent the second half of the year from July as an expectant father and in the winter of 2018 I learned that my first child will be a boy. In the spring of 2019 he will be born.

I worked harder in this year then I did any other time in my existence. I often worked through the night and carried on working during the morning and only came home to sleep. I try to have one day off every week.

2018 is very much like 2016, the British people are divided into three groups, Brexiteers, Remainers and Abstainers. People that want to leave the EU, people that want to remain and people that are not sure. The exit deal has not been agreed and it is not certain if an agreement can be reached. I often wonder why David Cameron conducted the 2016 refferendom when he was not prepared for both outcomes. He underestimated the size of the Eurosceptic community so I guess he thought we would just choose to remain and it would all be over. Brexit was a very big part of British life in 2018, the UK government changed staff many times and many cabinet ministers were fired or resigned over Brexit. There were many fiery exchanges on TV and radio debates about the topic. The British currency seemed to devalue every time there was a setback with negotiations.

The forces of nature were very strong this year. There were many very powerful storms throughout the world and there was a Tsunami in Indonesia. As an islander myself I feel sad for the Indonesian people. Us people that live on islands are vulnerable from the coastal areas.

Governments throughout the world set out to kill citizens that openly criticized them, With powerful poisons or violent ambushes in embassy buildings. It has nothing to do with me and I don't get involved.

The best thing about 2018 is that we came closer to finding an all encompassing cure to cancer, there may be a time when all cancers are just a slight nuisance, much like the flu or common cold. Our knowledge increased much more and we gained a great deal of insight from space probes about the other world's that share our Sun.

I wish everyone a happy 2019 and hope for a brilliant start to the 2020s decade. And I hope that my son will be born safely with no health issues.

Peace love and gratitude to all.

Blog Archive

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