Sunday, 30 June 2019

What June 2019 Means to me

For me, June 2019 was all about my son. During June he started to speak. Not words that I understand but just sounds. He said things like this...

"Ahhm Goo", The closest word I can find that matches what he said is "I'm good". He says sounds not words and smiles a lot. He is very much like a little person. When he wakes up he stretches his arms and makes a squeak sound, a miniature yawn; very cute. His growth is normal and he seems to have good health. This time last year he was just a microscopic ball of cells isn't that a miracle?

Throughout June there was a new leadership race. I don't like either of the two remaining candidates, I think they are dishonest and full of ego but I wish them luck, they will need it. The Member's of parliament seem to block everything, they even block their sinuses with special white powder.


We are now 6 months away from the 2020s decade and if all goes well and the Earth is still here,  then Jacob will spend most of his childhood in the 20s decade and will be a 20s boy. What that means to him is unknown. I hope he has good health,  happyness, faith and wealth.

My gratitude is the gift of my son and all the joy and love that come with him.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King was a political activist at a time when African Americans were treated as second class citizens. I believe that his vision was to liberate African American people like himself from Prejudice. He wanted to see an American society that treated all people fairly and judged people by their personality.

He succeeded where others had failed. He made the United States of America a more fair place. I think the reason he succeeded was because he used a passive approach. He would organise mass boycotts instead of riots.

Black people weren't allowed to sit at the front of the bus and had to give up their seat for a white man if the bus was full. Matin organized a mass boycott. They said we will have the same rights on the bus as the white people or we won't use the bus at all. So... Many thousands of black people stopped using the bus and the bus companies faced huge losses.  They found another way to get to their jobs such as walking or cycling. I learned from that and adapted it to my life. If I am not treated with respect then I will avoid the place all together and they loose out more than me. If a company cheats me then I won't come back to that company to buy any things.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Life Lesson

When I was a young boy I learned a valuable lesson in life.

When I was a young boy, my parents took me on holiday to Devon. We stayed in a hotel called Fonthill in a town called Torquay. It was a beautiful hotel. The cleaning chemicals in the floor made the hotel smell very fresh. There was all the things you would expect from a hotel. The hotel is gone now but my memory of it lives on.

The hotel had a arcade table that took 10p coins. It was tucked away on the other side of the lounge around the bend next to a wall. By chance I had horded many 10p coins and was using them on this machine. I loved playing on the arcade machine. I can't remember what the game was called but it was a 2D side scrolling game, it was a lot like Duke Nukem. While I was playing the game and got very far in the game, an older bigger kid came over and covered the screen of the game with his hands. He forced me to lose the game and he laughed at me.  I was so angry and so afraid. I couldn't fight him because he much bigger than me, I was caught between anger and fear. A very unhappy place to be. This boy was very rude and disrespectful. He gave me many insults like stupid, gay, girly boy, retard.


This went on for 3 days until finally the Hotel manager evicted the boy and his family from the hotel. I remember later that day the family came back to the hotel and said all the other hotels are full, please let us return here. The manager said no, the staff and many of the guests were complaining about your son's behaviour. I was there when the father turned to the boy and told him that he had ruined their holiday and they were going home. He pointed in the boy's face and said I something to him not sure what it is but I'm sure he got a reprimand and a swinging belt. 

You see, when people are nasty to other people,
they punish themselves. Eventually all the bad deeds they do in life will cause punishment to them. In the case of this true story, it was the boy's bad behaviour and disrespect towards me and others that led to his holiday being ruined.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Leadership Race

The conservative party has once again performed a party leadership race to replace a resigning leader. It is now down to two candidates, a pathological liar and a rule book burner. I won't say which ones which or if they are interchangeable titles.

All I will say is, why so many rounds? Boris has more than twice the support of Jeremy Hunt. If we wait until the last week of July, we will only have 3 months until the October deadline. Why are we wasting so much time picking a leader when it is so clear who will win?

When Boris wins, I'm sure all the Greek and Latin he can speak will help him communicate with ordinary people like me. We will say hello to Halloween in fear, not because of the costumes. They are both toffs anyway, things like a housing crisis are probably not even seen as problems to these people.

Thursday, 20 June 2019


I think that the best food you can bring to your job is the banana. A hand full of bananas cost about 50p (half a £) and they have everything your body needs. Carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, vitamins ad potassium.

All the processed snacks we eat such as biscuits cost more than bananas and have less usefull chemicals in them.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Masked Court

Inside my head there is an Island that is roughly the size of the Island of Britain. This island is ruled by good sense and hindsight. Because I never needed to talk or write about it, I never gave it a name. For the sake of you the reader I will call it Prudentika, the most Prudent Island in the world.

The island has court rooms but they work differently to normal court rooms in other countries. In Prudentika, every person that enters a courtroom must wear a mask and a cloak so they can't be recognized and they can't be judged by their appearance. If there is a tattoo on the defendants face, it won't affect the judgement of the jury. The jury would rely on the spoken account of the defendant and evidence to make a verdict. The Defendant can't give an intimidating stare because the Judge is also wearing a mask and can't be identified. It works well boh ways
The mask is put on the face of all the people in court by a specially trained civil servant. I will call this servant the Mask keeper. The masks are cleaned and maintained by the Mask Keeper.

The Mask keeper checks all the people in the courtroom are wearing their masks properly and can't be identified. When the mask Keeper is satisfied that the people in court are masked well, he would play his flute to start the court session. The tune could be a peaceful tune, like, " don't worry, be happy" :-p. The flute is unnecessary but it is nice to have cultural flair.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Jo Brand

I recall a news article about Jo Brand making a Joke about battery acid Being thrown instead of milk shake on politicians. Throwing any fluid on a person is assult according to UK law.

I don't know what people expect when they go to her shows. That is her style, she has dark humor. She tells jokes that are dark and sadistic, I'm not saying she is a bad person. That is the way her shows are.

I don't know why this made it on the news considering there are more serious things like housing problems for the Grenfel fire victims. I mentioned this before, if all the flats in the building we're built along the ground instead of on top of one another, then Grenfel would be called a village and being burnt alive is one of the most painful ways a man can die, over 70 people were killed by that fire.

I mentioned before that we have a half baked austerity Regine in place at moment. The government spends a lot of money on weapons but not much on ordinary people. The Grenfel building is one example of that, using cheap flammable panels on the outside of the building.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Smashing time

I was thinking about time travel, we are traveling in time now at a rate of one second per second but I think it is impossible to travel backwards in time. I honestly think that the past doesn't exist, it isn't a place that you could visit.

If time travel to the past was possible, it would be very difficult and dangerous, at least I think it would be.

Firstly, the position we were in 5 years ago was different to where we are now.  The solar system is orbiting a giant Black hole at the center of the Galaxy so the position we are in now was just empty space recently.

Secondly, if you managed to appear in the past in the position of you are now then I think you would be smashed into the surroundings because the Earth's speed is constantly changing because its orbit is slightly elliptical. Whether you are moving faster or slower than the earth the hazard is the same, you would be smashed into the nearest thing that is in your way.  Sometimes the earth is closer to the sun and moves faster and other times it is further from the sun and slows down.

The other problem I thought of is that when the Earth is in between the sun and the center of the galaxy it is moving faster then the sun and when it is on the other side six months later it is moving slower because the sun is orbiting the the center of the galaxy and drags the Earth along with it. It is hard to know what speed the Earth is moving at in the past so a doorway to the past would be a death trap for anyone that walks through it.


Thirdly, you make a space ship that materialises in empty space in the past, that is fine but... When the ship appears it brings energy with it and that energy makes the net energy of the universe increase, now because the time travel becomes a historical event it repeats so you travel back in time and appear in the same place you appeared before. The energy keeps coming and increasing until it causes an explosion.

Finally, If you manage to travel back in time and not destroy yourself and the things around you then you would have to worry about the grandfather paradox and you would alter the events in the time you came from.

Anyway, I don't think it is possible. There would be a lot of evidence of time travel all around us otherwise.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Parliament 2019

Some people are surprised that after three years parliament has failed to keep their promise and leave the EU with or without a deal.

I'm not.

Other people are shocked that parliament has not solved the housing crisis, even though this island is supposed to be one of the wealthiest in the world.

Not me.

If I was to some up parliament in two words I would say it is "bad sense". Most of what I see parliament do is argue about which party is the least competent and they end up making bad decisions. What parliament needs is "good sense" and more co-operation.

If good sense was a trip to a place, parliament would be the floor.

If good sense was the will to live, parliament would be a one way ticket to Switzerland.

If good sense was a 4 by 4 car, parliament would be a Robin Reliant.

If good sense was something extra, parliament would be an extra chromosome.

Well... You get the idea.

Friday, 7 June 2019

Trump visit

Earlier in the week, during the d day rememberence day and shortly before for 3 days, Donald Trump visited the United Kingdom. Donald trump is not the type of guy that I would be friends with. Some of the things he said in the past hurt my ears. I think he has little respect for most people. I wouldn't like to meet him in a locker room and hear him talk. However he didn't come to make friends with people. He came as his duty to represent the people of the United States of America. He was doing his job. That is why I was disappointed by all the leaders that didn't show up to the banquet table when they where invited.

Think of it this way. In America one term is 4 years and the maximum number of terms a president can serve is 2. So this means the maximum time he can stay president is 8 years. And he may only serve one term or get impeached before that.

Now he could get replaced by another leader that seems to have a better moral fabric within 5 years from now but if you wait that long to engage in talks and meetings then it may be too late and the ostracized president would cooperate with another state leader and increase relations with them instead of us.

These politicians are working for us and it is their job to represent us. So if they boycott then they are not doing their job. I hope that every party leader that failed to show up and represent their constituents in these talks would not get elected again next time because I think they are forgetting who they are working for.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Hearing things

In the comedy movie titled "Naked Gun", I can't remember which one, The hero cop, Frank once gave a bomb to the terrorist by mistake at a crowded venue because he wanted to have the gun, every person at the venue facepalmed themselves with a loud slap. It made a loud clapping sound.

Well, later in life I heard that sound again. This time it was millions of people around the world facepalming  themselves when the former mayor of London Ken Livingston claimed that "Hitler supported Zionism".

The sound wasn't there, my brain just expected that everyone on Earth would slap their forehead with their hands. Especially if they read Mine Kapf. Last time I checked, you could still get Hitler's evil book on Amazon kindle. I could hear terrorists in the middle east slapping their heads. I could hear Americans and Japanese slapping their foreheads. The sound went from a few claps to an applause and then a blur of pops like a robot arm shuffling 20 packs of playing cards at a time or popcorn in a microwave.

If that Mayor were to die and go to hell, a spider demon would crawl down and use its sticky bum thing to glue his mouth shut once and for all.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Peaceful easy feeling

In this world, being a human means to have a state of being that always changes. We feel different all the time. Sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we feel angry, other times happy.

For me the best feeling is the peaceful easy feeling. For me to get the peaceful easy feeling there are a few things I can do.


Lay on top of my bed after a prolonged period of work and watch TV. Nothing like resting when you have been working for 15 hours through the night.


Walk into a lift and the lights stop working and I am on my own, just a dark quiet place. The only sound is of my breathing. The only light is the buttons on the control panel. If it is a power cut then you just wait there.


Walk along the surf zone of a beach on a clear sunrise while breathing the salty air from the sea breeze.


Listening to peaceful and happy music. Like the eagles, peaceful easy feeling.

Sunday, 2 June 2019

People of Earth

I consider Humans, Dolphins, Whales and Elephants to be people because they are self aware and have their own languages.

If you shoot and kill an elephant, you are killing a person. If you kill a whale, you are killing a person.

I won't say more...

Saturday, 1 June 2019

What May 19 means to me

It is June now, I believe this is the month that takes us into summer. Spring fades with the flowers as they turn into fruits and seeds.

To me, May was about realizing that I am a father and coming to terms with it. May was a restless month for me. I work through the night and trade through the morning and sleep in the afternoon. I eat quickly and use the last 15 minutes of my tea break to write entries in this blog. In between sleep and work I try to be a good father. There is always something to do. Father's day will never be the same to me again.

I went to the hospital a few times, won't say why. Got to see what 10 years of austerity has done to the NHS. I won't say more.

I wish I could say more but I can't. That is it..

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...