Sunday, 23 June 2019

Life Lesson

When I was a young boy I learned a valuable lesson in life.

When I was a young boy, my parents took me on holiday to Devon. We stayed in a hotel called Fonthill in a town called Torquay. It was a beautiful hotel. The cleaning chemicals in the floor made the hotel smell very fresh. There was all the things you would expect from a hotel. The hotel is gone now but my memory of it lives on.

The hotel had a arcade table that took 10p coins. It was tucked away on the other side of the lounge around the bend next to a wall. By chance I had horded many 10p coins and was using them on this machine. I loved playing on the arcade machine. I can't remember what the game was called but it was a 2D side scrolling game, it was a lot like Duke Nukem. While I was playing the game and got very far in the game, an older bigger kid came over and covered the screen of the game with his hands. He forced me to lose the game and he laughed at me.  I was so angry and so afraid. I couldn't fight him because he much bigger than me, I was caught between anger and fear. A very unhappy place to be. This boy was very rude and disrespectful. He gave me many insults like stupid, gay, girly boy, retard.


This went on for 3 days until finally the Hotel manager evicted the boy and his family from the hotel. I remember later that day the family came back to the hotel and said all the other hotels are full, please let us return here. The manager said no, the staff and many of the guests were complaining about your son's behaviour. I was there when the father turned to the boy and told him that he had ruined their holiday and they were going home. He pointed in the boy's face and said I something to him not sure what it is but I'm sure he got a reprimand and a swinging belt. 

You see, when people are nasty to other people,
they punish themselves. Eventually all the bad deeds they do in life will cause punishment to them. In the case of this true story, it was the boy's bad behaviour and disrespect towards me and others that led to his holiday being ruined.

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