Sunday, 30 June 2019

What June 2019 Means to me

For me, June 2019 was all about my son. During June he started to speak. Not words that I understand but just sounds. He said things like this...

"Ahhm Goo", The closest word I can find that matches what he said is "I'm good". He says sounds not words and smiles a lot. He is very much like a little person. When he wakes up he stretches his arms and makes a squeak sound, a miniature yawn; very cute. His growth is normal and he seems to have good health. This time last year he was just a microscopic ball of cells isn't that a miracle?

Throughout June there was a new leadership race. I don't like either of the two remaining candidates, I think they are dishonest and full of ego but I wish them luck, they will need it. The Member's of parliament seem to block everything, they even block their sinuses with special white powder.


We are now 6 months away from the 2020s decade and if all goes well and the Earth is still here,  then Jacob will spend most of his childhood in the 20s decade and will be a 20s boy. What that means to him is unknown. I hope he has good health,  happyness, faith and wealth.

My gratitude is the gift of my son and all the joy and love that come with him.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...