In the Movie Superman 2, I remember a scene where Superman was confronted by his 3 enemies in his base.
One of them flies towards him, then Superman throws his logo and it turns into a sheet of polyurethane and wraps around the villain and throws him to the ground and then disappears. I got the impression Superman is into Spiderman movies :-p. I always wondered what Superman's weapon was.
Later in life I got an answer, not sure if it is the correct one though. In the computer game street fighter, some of the fighters announce they are going to make a Hadouken and move their hands so fast that the air around their hands turns to a ball of plasma and shoots out at their rival. I'm sure that every guy that was a kid in the nineties tried to make their own Hadouken with their hands, it never ends well especially if your parents have a lot of fragile things sitting around. Anyway, a Hadouken is a wave of energy given off by mythical fighter's fast moving hands. I wondered if Superman's polyurethane logo thing was a Hadouken.
My point is wouldn't it be nice if a media creation was accompanied by an explanation by the creator, like a back story. Every movie should back story to explain the story in more depth.
The mystery of life, the unsolved, the never ending quest.