Wednesday, 31 July 2019

What blogging means to me

Blogging is my favourite hobby. It is possible that people will think the wrong thing about it. They may think, who are you to write a blog? You're just an ordinary working man.


Those people are right ,I am just an ordinary working man but most the main blogging platforms are free to use. If something is free and it is fun then why not use it? I mean, there are worse things I can be doing in my down time. I could be drinking alcohol or watching porn or a number of other destructive things.

The two main platforms that I know of are WordPress and Blogger. I chose Blogger because it is part of the Google family and is compatible with other Google things. The blogger app is free to download and use on the phone.

I think everyone should have a blog because it will cost them nothing and give them a creative outlet. Human beings are creative creatures and part of our well being depends on our creations. We need to draw pictures and write down our thoughts and make poems to have a healthy mind.

Although I am an ordinary man I see myself as a boat that is heading for placid water. A creative person that is filled with questions and a strong desire to know more.

The other thing people think is why I put my diary on social media. My answer would be, what diary? I don't have a diary. They would then say what is "Alan's public diary" ? And I would say it is a blog. It doesn't matter what I call it, a blog is a blog.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...