Friday, 26 July 2019

Boris power

Boris Johnson has been voted leader of the conservative party, the Queen has welcomed him to the helm and he has made his speech and summoned his cabinet team.  Therasa May has stepped down, she did well I think.

Why did they take so long? We knew last month that Boris would win, he had more than double the votes as all the other candidates. Why did we wait until there is only 3 months left before the October deadline? I think they should have fast tracked his promotion.

My local MP Steve Barker happens to be the most hard core Brexiteer in the whole house of commons, why did he turn down a cabinet position? He has a clear plan in place. I guess he just wants to remain a back bencher.

Do they know that people like me get nervous when cabinet ministers quit on mass. When people are fleeing in a movie it is because there is danger, they are either running from an explosion or a monster. Yet the cabinet ministers and leaders are stepping down so often that they may as well go to Ikea and get a whole new Cabinet, I know that joke is not funny.

I wish Boris good luck, I keep my chin up for my island home. Rule Britania, my island of Hope and glory. May the Island of Great Britain and it's family stay in prosperity.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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