Wednesday, 17 July 2019

English Sabbath

One of the most disputed religious teachings on this side of the world is the Sabbath.

The Sabbath is the day of rest at the end of a week. In Jewish teachings, the sabbath is the day after the sixth day when creation was finished and God rested. On the Sabbath you're expected not to do any work and to rest the whole day and be thankful to God, The Sabbath is on a Saturday.

When Jesus was on the Earth, he healed people on the Sabbath, the Pharisees and other religious leaders tried to get him stoned to death for working on the Sabbath but it wasn't work for Jesus. He wasn't doing it as work, he was healing people because he loved them and didn't want them to suffer. They didn't get it.

Later on, the Catholics moved the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday because Jesus rose from the dead on that Day. They renamed it the day of the Lord, some of the Catholics were angered by this change and became Protestants.(They were also angry about the statues in the church building but that is another story)

The Protestants and the Catholics were fighting and setting fire to one another so the English thought these guys need to have a cup of tea, we only had Danylion and nettle because we haven't been to India yet

So the English came along and helped fix the problem. They created the English Sabbath. They renamed it the weekend. They said why don't you stop working on Saturday and Sunday and be thankful to God on Friday evening and Saturday morning. If you have a headache on Saturday morning you can still go to observe God Sunday because it is one big Sabbath. (Many Protestants moved their Sabbath back to Sunday because they forgot why they are Protestants. Isn't that right Anglicans, Pentecostals, and Methodists!) Well it is one big Sabbath I guess.

Another problem came up, the work wasn't getting done because we were only working 5 days a week. So the English said, "do I have to solve every problem in the world?" so they made a machine that traps steam while it expands and converts the expanding force into and turning force and called it the weekend maker. The weekend maker could turn the machinery so fast that we have more time on our hands and the work still gets done.

Well that is my story of the English Sabbath, you decide how true it is. While I will keep telling it.

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