Sunday, 28 July 2019

Why Henry

If I was to go back to the 15th century and meet Henry Tudor, also known as King Henry the 8th, I would tell him that his male sperm can't swim fast enough.... That is why he didn't have male children. He married six different women and gave them all a hard time, why? Because of his ignorance. Plus, the Tudor Dynasty turned the Island of Britain into a fierce millitry machine that would eventually suppress millions of people around the world. That is something I feel unhappy about. I feel like the English empire smeared something from me as an English man, you see I can't claim that my country The United Kingdom of Britain is wealthy because of its innovations because people can always claim that slave money and spoils got Britain started. It is like a bank robber that steals a one million £ gold ingot and then invests the stolen wealth into a franchise and makes £10 million. People can rightly claim that he made £9 million because of stolen money and would be poor without it. Some nations are more blameless than the English and they still became wealthy, they can claim that the wealth is because of their efforts alone.

You see, being English is not about suppressing people. It is about being an armchair philosopher and being modest. That is what the English always were before tyrants took control. They were harmless friends of their neighbors. It is ordinary people like me that will return the Island of Britain back into a harmless friend of the world.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...