Monday, 29 July 2019

Bible Anger

I read through many scriptures in the past and learned many things but there are a few things that made me angry.

I was angry when I read the story of Noah, let me explain. Noah built a large boat to save people and animals from a global flood. When the flood went away he got drunk and his clothes fell off. He had 3 sons, Shem Ham and Japheph. Ham laughed at his father's nakedness so he put a curse of him and his descendents that they will become slaves.

To me that was not fair because Ham's descendents didn't do anything to him. In fact at the time of the curse, nearly all of hams descendents were not born. Why would you place a curse on someone's descendents (your own decendents) when they didn't wrong you? One the same page the Israelites claim that the sole descendents of Ham were the Canaanites. This is twisting the truth because if all people on Earth descended from just three men then every person would have a bit of Shem, Ham and Japheth in them because their descendents would have interbred.
They were using the story as an excuse to treat the Canaanites as second class citizens in their own land.

I'm not angry at God, just angry at the way people were in the past.

Was I wrong to feel angry when I read that scripture? Do people feel angry when they read my blog? I don't think people even read it anyway. Is God angry at me for feeling angry at Noah? I know so little and have so many questions.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...