Thursday, 31 October 2019

Christmas wish

The UK elections have moved to Christmas. If I had one wish for santa claus it would be to see the SNP lose some seats. They want to break Scotland off the UK and stop brexit. Or get Scotland out of the UK and into the EU again.

Over and over again I watched them abstaining from voting or voting negatively in a government lobby and trying to undermine every move the elected government makes.

I don't know why the Scots would choose the EU over the English and the Welsh when we are their biggest customers. When I go to continental Europe, I never see any Scottish products there. They don't know Scottish drinks and food items.

Monday, 28 October 2019

October Frost

Yesterday on the 28th of October the frosty air finally reached the ground early in the morning in my part of the world. The frost adhered to wooden panels, cars, blades of grass and roof tops. My car had plenty of frost all over it.

The industrial revolution started 200 years ago in the 1820s. After 200 years of fossil fuels being burnt frivolously I can say that the Earth is warming up but the fossil fuels are running out quicker than the Earth can destabilize.

I imagined that perhaps we are supposed to be in an ice age now or a greenhouse apocalypse but they cancelled each other out. A bit like sodium and chlorine, the two elements are very toxic but when they are combined they form salt. Or Oxygen and Hydrogen, very flammable but when combined forms water.

Imagination is free and doesn't need to be right, it just has to exist freely because that is what makes us human.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Foggy Night

Jacob, My son.

Tonight is a foggy night but back in my time at the turn of the millennium it was different. You see back then all the streets were lit up by sodium lamps. They worked by sending a high voltage through sodium until it turns into plasma. I think that all chemicals conduct electricity in their plasma state and many of them emit light. Sodium is one of those strange metals that burns when it comes in contact with water but they chose it because of the colour it emits in plasma form.

The sodium street lamps of my time emitted a soft orange coloured light, it was like a strange imitation of sunlight and when it was foggy you couldn't really see the fog that well. In this time and beyond we are using super bright LEDs, light emitting diodes. They work differently, they are much more efficient than sodium plasma and most local authorities chose plain white as the colour of light. When they turn on you can see the fog very well and you can see all the layers. However, these lights make many of the stars disappear from view so only the planets and brightest stars can be seen.

As they say, swings and roundabouts

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Reminiscing June 16

It was back on 23rd of June 2016. I was asked 2 months earlier by my government to vote on whether we stay or leave the EU. As a Eurosceptic that likes European people, I reluctantly voted to leave. I won't go into why I dislike the Lisbon treaty or having frictionless trade with countries that have lower inflation and stuff like that.

I was aware that most Brits wanted to stay in the EU but there was a rain storm throughout that day and many younger voters abstained from voting because they looked at the polls and decided that their vote wasn't needed to get the result and they wanted to keep their hair dry. Older voters value voting much more. It is a bit like the story of the Tortoise and the Hare in some way when you think about it. It is not always the stronger challenger that wins.


By definition, to abstain from voting means that you accept any outcome because you are not involved so any young person that deliberately abstained from voting should not complain about the outcome.

Looking back I would vote the other way because the different nations of the Kingdom have different polarity about the vote and are pulling in different directions. I feel like the kingdom is pulling itself apart over this issue. And I feel like we need to stay in longer so people can see all the effects of the EU that are overlooked. Then the polarity will move in sink and all four of the UK nations would vote to leave for certain.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Mid autumn

It is the middle of Autumn now and the Day and night are equal length. In 2 days on Sunday the 27th, the clocks will go backwards one hour. So far there has been no morning frost. If there is no early morning frost by daylight saving then I will observe the rest of month and season and see if there is still no frost.

If there is no frost then it will be obvious there is a problem with global warming. And it will be obvious that the atmosphere has more energy trapped than before. Even to ordinary people like me.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Truck death, no pity

Earlier in the week I discovered that 39 people were killed by stowing away on a truck heading for the UK. Well... I was angered because whoever shut them in that truck put the well being and safety of all those people aside for the sake of the persuit of profit. They chose money over people's lives. Like Judas and his 30 pieces of silver.

If I saw the individual that was responsible being raped by a Mountain Gorilla I would throw the Gorilla a bottle of olive oil and signal him to loob it. And If he cries for help I would say, "Sorry, I'm busy looking for my pity, it is as if my pity froze to death".

If I saw a Saudi holy police man cut the man's head off I would walk up to the executioner and compliment him on his swing and invite him to a game of golf. Then I would ask him to keep an eye out for my pity, I would say it is as if my pity was swallowed up by a dark cold metal box for the sake of some fast cash.

I don't think executing murderers is right but in this case I would not know where my pity is. No pity for this fool. To the person that puts people in danger for dosh, my pity would be lost.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Blocked up

Once again parliament has blocked a separation deal between the UK and EU, I guess at least half of them don't want brexit to take place. Well, that is out of my control. What is in control is all the many creations inside my head.

Today I was thinking about my Alan metro railway, a superstructure that only exist in my head but I have all control of. A wonderfull little creation.

I will write about it later...

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Torch memory

When I was a young boy in the 90s, I was in the Cubs, I decided later that I didn't want to stay on into the scouts but that is another story. To cut a long story short, I'm not a people person so I should never be in social clubs.

One day we were taken camping, we slept in tents. There was communal toilets in the next field. At night when we needed to go to the toilet, we would get our torches out and navigate our way in the dark to the toilets. I really enjoyed doing that because the torch light was just bright enough to let me see where I am. In that place it was very dark at night, everywhere was pitch black. It is nice to walk around in a dark field with just a torch to guide you. It is hard to explain how joy can come from such a thing but it did.

I'm guessing that it is the simplicity of the darkness and the effect of the torch light on the ground that made it a joy for me.

My torch had a lense on it so it would slightly shimmer the light in the middle away from white and into the different colours when it wasn't level.

Saturday, 19 October 2019


If the Scots were to leave the United Kingdom then there would be no point in calling myself British, I will just call myself English.

If we are not a one country island then I will identify myself as my nation not my island.

Why would the Scots want to leave? Is it not the English and the Welsh that are buying their biscuits and whiskey? Is it not the English that drink your bottled water and roll your oats. The Europeans don't buy a lot of Scottish stuff but the English do. Think about that........

Friday, 18 October 2019

Sing poop

Ahh, Sing pooop, sing poop, sing poop. Once again you are trying to block a deal with the EU. Have you forgotten what it means to wear that red tie?

Have you read the stipulations of the deal? Do you know it is just a temporary phase towards leaving because we need to leave in an orderly way? They won't give us a sweet deal because they would be compromising too much. Read the deal, and remember that it is just a phase, a step and the stairs to our destination.

Do you know that making us vote again is a slap in the face. You're basically telling us we didn't know what we were doing the first time. It is not the people's vote, it is the people's slap in the face.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

6 months

Jacob, my son. You have just turned 6 months old and you are developing well as an infant.

You can sit upright and dance in a seated position. You put your feet in your mouth. A few teeth have started to come through and are now visible. You try very hard to imitate speech. Your hands are more coordinated then they were before and you can move both hands at the same time independently.

If you could see what the world is like through adult's eyes at this time you would miss being an infant. The world is going through some hard times but I think we can pull through. Hong Kong is in high tension, UK is leaving the EU and Syria is at war just to name a few things.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

NATO and Russia

In my view, there is no East or West on a Sphere like Earth unless you draw a line on it. Well, it turns out the line we used to mark east and west on Earth is Turkey, Syria and nearby Israel, the center of the world defined by people of this time.  Turkey is taking action in Syria because they share a border with Syria and they are a military giant in NATO.

We now have a situation where the Eastern powers and NATO are separated by hills. A wrong move could cause world war 3 so communication between the so called east and west is essential.

What a world we live in. No oneness, peace and no vision for mankind.

Monday, 14 October 2019


I don't really know what is going on in Syria right now. All I know is that the Turkish Military is there and they are taking over much control of the land. Will there be peace in Syria? I don't know.

Assad is the leader of Syria and Russia are friends with Assad. If the Turks attack Assad forces then Russia will attack Turkey. Turkey is a NATO member so this conflict could drag half the world into a dark black hole with no hope. The whole world is treading on thin ice and the dark waters below are very deep.

Sometimes being connected together is a bad thing. This is another reason the 20s decade is a dark abyss to me.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Story time, Tom, Dick and Harry

There was once 3 men that thought it would be a good idea to point a gun at each other to increase safety. If one man used his gun  then another man would shoot him so the danger of being shot would prevent anyone shooting their gun.

One day a wasp landed on Tom's hand and he flinched, his hand squeezed the trigger and the gun went off and he shot Dick. Harry responded to the gun and shot Tom back. Dick then Shot Harry while he was bleeding from the first gun shot.

To cut a long story short, the three men that we're pointing guns at each other were all shot dead because of a reflex action from seeing a Wasp. If they really wanted to be safe they could have put their guns away and chilled out.

Luckily countries around the world are not doing the same thing with their more powerful nuclear guns. I mean, those world leaders wouldn't set up a framework that would cause global bloodshed because of a small incident, would they?


5 days of rain

It has been raining continuously for 5 days. More rain, more heat, more wind more green house gasses.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Reasoning with monsters

I don't know if it was just me but I always imagined I could reason with monsters in movies. Wouldn't it make a wonderful virtual reality computer game. You walk up to monsters and try reason with them.

I would go, hey Freddy Kruger, I have brought two pizza boxes, my Nintendo and a shared dislike of teenagers. I would say ,Freddy you think 90s teenagers are bad. Millennium ones glue themselves to the road to save the environment and they give patronizing speeches to world leaders. Chill out with me and I will tell you all about it.

Then I would walk up to the girl from "the ring" and say hey sis, I got some onion rings and hot water bottles and towels. Tell me what he did. I'm the brother you never had. I have art stuff for drawing pictures also.

Then I would go up to a Xenomorph from the aliens movie with a goat and say look at the lungs on that thing. Then I would sing "especially for you" by Jason Donovan and I would wear my vest. Singing, "Together, together, I want to show you my love is all so true" "now take this goat and infest it's lungs with goo" and if I get one note wrong it would bite my head off.

What a computer game.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Little Paradox

I was wondering, if there was a music band consisting of five members, and every two years one band member left the band and was replaced by a new musician until ten years had passed and all five original band members had left. If those first five band members formed a new band then which band is the original band?

The new band has the five original band members but it is a new band and the band they left never stopped existing throughout the ten years but they don't have the five original musicians.

Why do I hurt my brain :-| ?

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Train to bribery

During my lifetime, I watched the British railways being privatised by the British government. I believe it was John Major's government that sold it off.

I consider the decision to privatise the railways a mistake. The British railways are very bad. They are over priced slow and very poorly run and to this day much of the railways are still not electrified so there are still diesel powered trains. British trains are often late or delayed.

In London the trains are not privatised. The metro rail known as the tube are relatively low cost; you can go all the way across from one side of London to the other and pay less than £5. In the rest of the country you can't even go to to the next village with £5. And tube drivers are on doctors salaries. Trains make profit because people buy tickets and the ticket pays for the costs of the train and money is left over for investment.

Is there competition between the railway operators? No, of course not. You would need two sets of track side by side for that to happen. There is only one Western railway and one Midlands railway and one southern railway with no competition at all.

When something is proven not to work and you have you have considered all the reasons then what you are left with is the answer, even if the answer seems to be wrong.

Well. The only explanation that is left is that the government has taken bribes from companies that want to be railway operators. So it is corruption that has caused the privatisation. I will stress that that is my opinion. I'm not presenting it as a fact.

Does privatising railways make it faster? NO.
Does privatising railways make it cheaper? NO.
Does privatising railways make it more modern? NO.
Does privatising the railways make it safer? No
Does privatising the railways make it integrated? No
Does privatising the railways put a special envelope with money in it into corrupt politicians pockets? YES.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Car anger

I am a father now and I have been told that I need to get a bigger car by several people several times.

I think it is a good thing that humans are not telepathic because if they were they would hear my angry inner voice say...

"Why don't you shut up!!! Just shut up. The car industry has told you that you need a big car  that can drive off the road to raise children but I don't care. Keep your opinion to yourself. My kid fits in my car and I don't even need a car. I can take the bus and walk so shut up!!!"

People don't know when to stop and they can say the same thing over and over again. And they don't listen and they judge you by your appearance. I was offered meat once and I told them that I am a vegetarian and they said I don't look like a vegetarian and they didn't accept what I was saying they kept trying to give me meat. I was filled with anger.

Our society is set up to make people feel angry. People that drive too close to the the car in front are tolerated and they take their stupid habit with them into the shop,  they stand too close behind you when they are waiting at the tills and they try to start their shopping before you have been severed. Rude fools everywhere.

Monday, 7 October 2019

Climate change protestors

Wouldn't it be nice if all those people that are stopping ordinary people from getting around freely would actually spend their time inventing something that saves the environment.

I would like to think this blog does more to stop climate change than all of them because it gets more gravity all the time and as it attracts more visitors it shows people better ways to be.

Think twice before you stop a family from going on holiday. They may have been saving  up for a long time to go.

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Night Drizzle

Jacob, my son. You are close to six months old now and we have been advised to try and get you to eat solid food a little bit.

Yesterday I gave you a slice of Watermelon, you growled like a little Bear and pushed it away.  You clearly don't like Watermelon. I'm not sure if it is the taste, texture or smell. Perhaps it is a combination of those things.

Perhaps it is because it is a strange thing that you have never seen before. I don't know. We will see in later years if you still don't like it.

Maybe we should try mash potatoes next.

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Flying arrow

A have made a playlist that shoots down fear because it is a scary time to be a Brit. Fear is not a project anymore it is a terrible thing that wakes us up at 4 in the morning.

I will call it flying arrow and leave the link with this blog and close to where it is shared. Here are the tracts.

1) Midnas Lament, Zelda (game music)
2) Outride a crisis, Super hangon (game music)
3) Thunder Cats theme tune, extented version
4) Rainbow road, Mario Cart (Game music)
5) Speed demon, Michael Jackson
6) Sex machine, James Brown
7) Lake Hylia, Zelda (Game music)

Play them in that order and make sure you're alone if you sing thunder cats, shame can stay with you for long.

Friday, 4 October 2019

Terminator slap

If there is an evil super powerful machine being reading this blog in the distant future, I have some advice for you.

You would get invented more quickly if you travelled back in time and gave the world leaders the most powerful slap in their life. If it doesn't kill them then perhaps it will knock some sense into them. Slap them so hard that if they had a beard, it would migrate to the other side of their head and put the mullet out of fashion a second time. Slap them so hard that it sounds like an explosion, slap them so hard that they spin around, slap them so hard that they listen to the people they are working for.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Library incentive

I want to read Mr Tight Fist's book but don't want to give him any money. I have many questions about his decisions. I want to know why he increased our imcome tax allowance yet also increased VAT from 17.5 to 20%.

I want to know why he told us we need austerity yet had money to launch a persistent air strike against Libya. I want to know why he gave us printed documents that stated his government would implement the referendum result yet he quit when we voted to leave. I want to know why he thinks public money should be spent on one of the biggest foreign aid budgets in the world, some of which is wasted dramatically yet    education was cut so students have to pay the whole cost of their higher education. I have many more questions but I won't go on.

I looked in the charity shops yet it was not there; it would probably have scuff marks where people kicked the book across the room if it was there. I guess I need to get a library membership and borrow the book. I wouldn't be surprised if the library was invented for that very reason; to allow people to get answers about decisions without giving any money to the person.

Food logic

I don't know it it is just me but I often get told by people that food is too expensive and I think to myself, why?

I then find out that they were buying ready meals and fast food. I thought to myself. Food is cheap if you want it to be. You can buy rice that lasts for a month and get change from £10. You can buy a sack of potatoes and unions for less than five pounds. Bread costs about 50p if you know where to look.

All you need is spices and oil to make the food taste good if you are cooking vegetables.

There is nothing wrong with buying fast food and ready meals but if getting food is difficult then you need to plan ahead and make sure your cupboards are filled up before you treat yourself.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Fridge and fro

Earlier this morning the temperature dropped to 4°c. The early morning frost is nearly here, it is not quite reaching the ground yet. If I was to guess, I would think the frosty air drops down to about 200 metres above ground and cools down the air below it to the temperature of a fridge. I will see if we get frost before daylight saving in 3 weeks time. Seeing frost in the morning before the clocks go backwards 1 hour is my comfort that the Earth can recover from climate change after the oil runs out. Its quite obvious that the world we live in now is warmer wetter and windier than it was when I was born over 35 years ago; more and more energy is staying in the atmosphere for longer.

If I see frost in the morning before October the 27th then I will think to myself that permanent land ice won't melt and flood our big cities. I will think that the Earth won't have a chain reaction and turn into Venus, a spherical oven like planet  that can't support life. I will give myself a silly man's comfort.

What is special about October the 27th. It is the day when the day time and night time are the same length on the island of Britain.

Now I ask one thing. I ask the people of Earth to invent the low cost high capacity power cell. A small box that can store large amounts of electrical power but cost less than lithium batteries. The person that does that will change the world more that any living person alive today. They will make the electric car affordable to ordinary people like me and allow power stations to be turned into batteries that store excess power during the day and release it at night. It will become cheaper to heat your house with electricity than with fire within five years if we have such a breakthrough.

People... Invent the low cost high capacity battery. As fast as you can.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...