Saturday, 26 October 2019

Reminiscing June 16

It was back on 23rd of June 2016. I was asked 2 months earlier by my government to vote on whether we stay or leave the EU. As a Eurosceptic that likes European people, I reluctantly voted to leave. I won't go into why I dislike the Lisbon treaty or having frictionless trade with countries that have lower inflation and stuff like that.

I was aware that most Brits wanted to stay in the EU but there was a rain storm throughout that day and many younger voters abstained from voting because they looked at the polls and decided that their vote wasn't needed to get the result and they wanted to keep their hair dry. Older voters value voting much more. It is a bit like the story of the Tortoise and the Hare in some way when you think about it. It is not always the stronger challenger that wins.


By definition, to abstain from voting means that you accept any outcome because you are not involved so any young person that deliberately abstained from voting should not complain about the outcome.

Looking back I would vote the other way because the different nations of the Kingdom have different polarity about the vote and are pulling in different directions. I feel like the kingdom is pulling itself apart over this issue. And I feel like we need to stay in longer so people can see all the effects of the EU that are overlooked. Then the polarity will move in sink and all four of the UK nations would vote to leave for certain.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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