Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Fridge and fro

Earlier this morning the temperature dropped to 4°c. The early morning frost is nearly here, it is not quite reaching the ground yet. If I was to guess, I would think the frosty air drops down to about 200 metres above ground and cools down the air below it to the temperature of a fridge. I will see if we get frost before daylight saving in 3 weeks time. Seeing frost in the morning before the clocks go backwards 1 hour is my comfort that the Earth can recover from climate change after the oil runs out. Its quite obvious that the world we live in now is warmer wetter and windier than it was when I was born over 35 years ago; more and more energy is staying in the atmosphere for longer.

If I see frost in the morning before October the 27th then I will think to myself that permanent land ice won't melt and flood our big cities. I will think that the Earth won't have a chain reaction and turn into Venus, a spherical oven like planet  that can't support life. I will give myself a silly man's comfort.

What is special about October the 27th. It is the day when the day time and night time are the same length on the island of Britain.

Now I ask one thing. I ask the people of Earth to invent the low cost high capacity power cell. A small box that can store large amounts of electrical power but cost less than lithium batteries. The person that does that will change the world more that any living person alive today. They will make the electric car affordable to ordinary people like me and allow power stations to be turned into batteries that store excess power during the day and release it at night. It will become cheaper to heat your house with electricity than with fire within five years if we have such a breakthrough.

People... Invent the low cost high capacity battery. As fast as you can.

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...