Wednesday, 18 December 2019

10 coolest things

Here is my list of 10 coolest things, they are things and not people or God. Just things and fiction.

1) Ice
Well... Ice cubes are cool and you need a starting position so I have placed ice on the start of the list. Water expands when it freezes so it floats in its own solution. Most materials in this world shrink when they solidify so they become more dense then their liquid form. Ice doesn't, it acts like a raft or land. For some reason I don't fully understand this is essential for the well being of this planet.

2) Le Forge.
In Star trek the next generation there was a brilliant engineer called Le Forge. He was always cool under pressure and saved the ship from being destroyed a few times without even breaking sweat.

3) Captain Picard.
In star trek the next generation on the starship called the  Enterprise there was a captain called captain Picard. He was very wise. I think he singlehandedly stopped a bunch of intergalactic wars. He was very wise and very calm. That is very very cool indeed.

4) Michael Jackson Juke box.
In one of Micheal Jackson's music videos, there is a scene where he throws a coin across a hall and it lands into the coin slot, then Micheal Jackson strikes a pose. Very cool.

5) Michael Jackson Robot starship.
Michel Jackson Turning into a 25 meter tall Robot and then into a star ship is very cool. In Micheal Jackson's movie titled Moonwalker he turns into a 25 meter tall robot to fight a well armed drugs cartel. It is an off the wall movie scene but I love it.

6) Retro sound effects
Computer games are a very big part of my life and the games of my time in the 90s had some very charming sound effects. I will never forget the sound effects from Golden axe, streets of rage, Zelda, Secret agent (dos), commander Keen (dos, without the music) and the old duke nukem games on dos.

7) Reading books
I love to read books and they open up my mind and allow me to explore other worlds and change my perspective. I read books that my favorite sci-fi movies are based on and get insight into the story that I never knew about. For instance the movie "the thing" from the 80s is based on the book called "who goes there", but in the book you get more science about how the creature lives and works. I like to read factual books and paranormal books as well. And experience books like memoirs of holocaust survivors. Reading books is totally cool.

8) Game Boy
The original Nintendo game boy is so cool because they pushed old technology as far as it would go and created a product that beat superior hand held games systems on the market.  The game boy had a very basic memory system that wasn't even strong enough to make a copy of the screen, so it used repeatable tiles and Sprite system. The screen was very basic so it would render very fast and appear to be double buffered and even have rapid side scrolling textures yet it was just building scenes with reusable memory tiles and rendering in real time so it used very little power yet you could play multi level side scrolling graphical games on it with giant maps. That is very cool and clever. People don't realize just how clever it was.

9) Goldilocks Zone
We are on Earth and Earth is moving through the Goldilocks Zone. The Goldilocks Zone is a sphear that surrounds the sun that would allow water to be it's liquid form. If the Earth was further away, all the water on the surface would freeze over. If we were closer then it would all evaporate into steam so being in the Goldilocks Zone is essential for life to exist. Compared to the solar system, the Goldilocks Zone is very small so it is very lucky that we are in it.

10) My Little world
The little world inside my head is an astonishing place. To give you a sense of how cool it is you would need a Jazz man to play a saxophone while walking out onto a pier in sea facing into a setting sun. It is that cool. Thousands of creations and thousands of questions, the fruit of a hungry mind. The Veranda house, better transport solutions, energy harvesting machines and even an airport exist in this place. My little world is a never ending river of Mystery that is cut off from the real world by mediocrity and transparency of my personality.

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