It is December now and we have reached the political Christmas/winter of 2019. I don't know if we will go back to having elections in May every five years or if we will continue to have elections in December every five years. I sense it was a one off to get brexit done and break the 3 year deadlock in parliament. We are now left with just 30 days until the end of the year.
November was the preceding media and debates for British elections and all news in the UK was focused on that topic. I don't like any of the parties so I am going to vote like most people and try to choose a party I dislike the least..
If my infant son could see what is happening through the eyes of an adult on his island home, I wonder what he would make of it all.
Everything else in the world was the same as the previous month. The people of Hong kong dislike Chinese rule. I think the Chinese are cool though. There is unrest in the middle East. And the Brits are stuck in a brexit deadlock.
My infant son, Jacob changed a bit. He was moving and talking more but not clearly but he is an infant and you can't expect too much from them. As they say.. baby steps.
Nothing else to say, November came and went.
With some hope, the political winter of 2019 will pass by and happy memories will be made in the 20s decade.