Thursday, 30 September 2021

What September 2021 Means to me

To me, September 2021 was about disruption and inflation. Everything else was normal, the days were getting shorter, the nights were getting colder, condensation was settling on glass and grass, the start of Autumn that I am so familiar with. 

Some environmental activists were glueing themselves to transport infrastructure as usual, this time it was the entrances to motorways. I think they want all the homes to be insulated properly or something like that(Insulate Britain) When environmental activists glue themselves to things, I'm in two minds about my approval of them; Ordinary people are held up and that's not fair, it causes a lot of chaos for them. However, someone needs to speak up. Our Island of Great Britain has most of the average wind, we have many lakes and rivers, parts of Britain has the strongest tides on Earth. We should be world leaders in eco friendly energy production. Somewhere in Parliament, the house of Lords or house of commons there are lobbyists putting the breaks on our environmental tech progress. They have been doing so for decades I think. 
Our world is powered mostly by Hydrocarbons; every type of Hydrocarbon that we burn for fuel has been inflated in price globally, Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane, Kerosine, Petroleum, Diesel. All of them are more expensive now. The countries that have significant renewable energy have a competitive edge over us because their companies will pay less money per kilowatt-hour so I think we need to act and make progress. 

Fuel supply was shaken slightly but at some point everyone started to panic and took all the fuel out of the petrol stations. They loaded their vehicles down with fuel and blocked up the roads, what can I say. It is like spring 2020 when everyone took all the toilet rolls. 

As for me, I felt lost. During the Pandemic, One of my sources of income imploded and I was left with just my job. I don't know what to do now. I don't know if I should wait till things clear up or try something else. I feel like I'm not young anymore and I'm not old, I'm a mature adult. Sometimes I would pace up and down like a caged tiger, other times I would just sit and accept the situation. 

What will happen in October? You probably know better than me.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Coned off Fuel

One thing I have learned about my fellow Brits is that we overreact to minor problems. In spring 2020 everybody bought all of the toilet rolls and I had to sacrifice a few socks to wipe my arse. I didn't panic like other people because I thought that if there is no toilet rolls for too long, I would use something else instead; Later, all the pasta in the supermarkets sold out and then they took all the meat. I'm vegetarian anyway but I didn't understand, perhaps everyone turned into werewolves or something like that. 
Now, there was a slight supply issue with the vehicle fuel. The news went on and on about it all day long and then everyone panicked and took all the fuel, they filled their car tanks, then they filled up lots of fuel Jerry cans and loaded down their cars with fuel, some people were taking 100 liters. Before long there were petrol stations coned off because they had no fuel left. 

The fuel companies were fixing the supply issue already, they were increasing the price of the fuel and recruiting delivery drivers to replace the ones that had left. The news companies were responsible for causing a mass panic in my view. 

There are so many interesting things happening in this world but the only thing they were showing was the so called fuel crisis. Very disappointing in my view. 

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Fuel Pump Day

Jacob, My Son. We are now facing a fuel pump crisis. Some of the suppliers of fuel are having difficulty distributing fuel to the petrol stations. The news highlighted the problem and many Brits panicked and crowded into the filling stations. 
I struggled to get to work on time because the queues at the petrol stations were spilling out onto the road and causing congestion. Perhaps you won't remember a time when cars were powered by burning fuel vapour. Perhaps all cars are electric right now, I don't know. Right now I have half a tank but as I passed by on the road, I could see people filling up their car tanks and then filling up plastic fuel cans and putting them in the boot of their car. Perhaps all the fuel will be gone when my tank is empty. I think us Brits overreact to mild hazards. 

You are oblivious to what is happening in your country right now because you are just a toddler. 

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Why the Blog?

If you were wondering what this blog is for, I would say it is a kind of machine. It is here to do several things. To exploit hateful people, record history, distract the corrupted and inspire more thought. 
There are people in this world that hate me, perhaps I look like someone that ripped them off or I have an opinion that causes them to hate me. A person that hates me will read through my blog because it is like a Diary, they will look for something that confirms their opinion of me or makes me look bad, they will read through many pages, then their web browser will tell the search engines that my blog is special because they are reading many pages. The person filled with hate is working for me. 

I am also putting thoughts into other people's heads so they may improve my thoughts and change them slightly. This blog also distracts people from poisonous thoughts, lust and malice. Media is designed to make people's minds sick but this blog does the opposite, it invites people to think about the mysteries and philosophy of an ordinary man and reflect on the bigger things. 

I am also leaving behind some of my thoughts for an older version of myself and the people of the future, especially my descendants. 

Ultimately it is just a hobby, a place where I bring together my creations and thoughts and share them with the world. That's it really. 

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Autumn Gas Crisis

This year the global price of Natural Gas has inflated by 2 & ½ times in value. This means that a tank of gas that costs £10 in 2020 now costs £25. Natural gas is a mixture of 4 gases, Methane, Ethane, Propane and Butane, they are Carbon Atoms that have Hydrogen bonds so they remain as small molecules. Methane is one Carbon and 4 Hydrogens, Ethane is 2 Carbon atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms, Propane is 3 Carbon atoms and 8 Hydrogens and Butane is 4 Carbon atoms and 10 hydrogens. They are all flammable in our atmosphere, we use the molecules as fuel.
There are many theories about the reason for the Gas Price inflation, some sources are claiming it is because Coal power stations are being replaced by natural gas ones around the world. Others are saying it is because the supplies are running out or effected by the Pandemic. It is probably true of both theories, the world is using natural gas more and producing it less. 

Here in the UK this has caused some energy suppliers to go bankrupt because they gave fixed rate contracts to customers without knowing the gas would inflate so much. It also affected the production of Carbon Dioxide, another gas product, you couldn't make this up 😳 Natural Gases are burnt to heat up chemicals and the waste product: Carbon Dioxide is gathered and compressed into tanks. The Carbon Dioxide is used to stun animals to be lawfully killed for meat. It is also used to make fizzy drinks and to increase the shelf life of processed food, they put Carbon Dioxide in the packaging to kill bacteria. Fertilizer is made by heating other chemicals and this is done by burning natural gas. Everything that requires large amounts of heat has been affected by the Natural Gas price inflation. 

I didn't realize we rely so much on Hydrocarbon Gases but we do. So many things have been effected. Plus winter is coming, I don't think there is a single Brit that will pay less than 12p per kilowatt-hour. The average man is out of pocket more than before. 

If we become eco friendly, it won't be because people glue themselves to the motorway, it will be to save money. 

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Matrix Movie Theory

At some point in the past I thought that the Merovingian and the Oracle in the movie 'The Matrix' was the same person. The first reason I thought this was because I found out that the Oracle isn't Human and the person you see is just a manifestation of the Oracle code, Oracle has no real human appearance, it just chooses how it looks. 

They both have similar approaches, they can both change people by giving them food, the food behaves like code and changes the way they bahave, and they both talk in riddles and cause people to do things by manipulating them. They are also both able to see future events. 

I thought a few times that the Oracle is the new version of the Merovingian, he was from the old version of the Matrix but he tricked the system into not deleting him when the old Matrix was ended. 

The Merovingian is the old version of the Oracle, and the Oracle is an architect software that helped to create the present active matrix. I'm not saying that is official story, only a possibility. I thought that a few times. 

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Angry Day

Jacob, my Son. 
We have reached a awkward part of our history. I learnt the other day that our government had negotiated a Nuclear powered submarine contract with Australia, this means they have terminated the diesel submarine contract with the French government. The French were making small Diesel powered submarine boats but now we will make Submarines for the Australians. The French were livid, the Chinese were also Livid because they think we are weaponizing the Pacific Ocean against them, we are πŸ™„ Apart from that we are in their good books I think, 

Oh, and last year we bought out all the vaccine supplies to Europe before they were tested and took all of it😬 

Apart from that we are ok, right? 
Wait, no. We accidentally infected everyone in Europe with B 1.1.7, the British variant of Covid19  😢 Then we continued to execute Brexit in the middle of the Pandemic 😳 Then we set a wage bar for people on the continent that want to work here. 

If Europe was a Neighborhood, Britain would be the guy with a noisy car. If Europe was a avenue, Britain would be man with an unbroken line of super ferns blocking out all the sunlight. We are very unpopular right now on the world stage. 

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Pro Choice or Life

A big debate that is occurring around the world at the moment is whether women have the right to have an abortion. Well, I'm not going to argue with pro choice supporters, but I will share my experiences in life and let people think for themselves. 

I saw my son when he was 16 & half weeks old in the womb through a sonar scanner, earlier that day I knew nothing, I didn't even know if he was a boy or a girl. When I saw my son, I saw that he had fully formed arms and legs and a head. I was talking to him and noticed that his heart beat would increase when I spoke and then slow down when I stopped. I was convinced he was conscious, he was aware of my voice. After that I spoke to him a lot, when my son was born, I could hear him crying and the doctors couldn't comfort him, the cold air was a big shock but then I spoke to him, I said "Hello my Son, I have been waiting for you" and he stopped crying because he recognised my voice. Just like that. He knew who I was, he couldn't see me but he could hear me. The whole time I was talking to him in the womb he had learned who am and he knew I was his father. He was a little person to me. 

Here in the UK the time limit for abortion is 24 weeks I believe, but at 16 to 17 weeks I can say with confidence that my baby's mind was alive because I saw my son responding to my voice, I saw his heart beat increase and I saw him move.

I'm not going to argue with pro choice supporters, I can only say that they want to live and they are more awake than you think. I think you should talk to your fetus when you are watching TV and see if you feel like it can hear you. Narrate the TV show you are watching to the baby in your womb. If you are undecided about keeping your baby then do that one thing, that may help you to choose. 

Daisies in the Grass

I watch the Daisies sprout out of the grass in Spring and the Trees unfurl their leaves. The world around us changes all the time, forever changing. In the winter the frost is able to reach the ground and kills all the plants until Spring. 
I watched micro processors getting smaller and faster all the time. Now I am watching a changing world, the rules change. New challenges and new problems. 

Now I wonder if I will recognize the world I live in the coming years. Perhaps Daisies in the grass will be one of the few things that has not changed. 

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Peaceful thoughts

I'm always trying to keep my mind clear, thinking of nothing for a short time. I try to go to a happy place, walking through a field early in the morning as the sun rises inside my head. 
A gentle cool breeze, lots of grass and trees. Lots of fresh air. No people, no hate, no chaos, no thoughts, nothing. Just an acceptance that I am here in this world for a short time. The leaves on the trees are swaying in the breeze. Sometimes a fog hangs in the air. Condensation is everywhere, droplets in the grass and on the leaves of the trees. 

The air is always fresh early in the morning, I would sit outside and drink a nice cup of coffee and not think of anything at all for a short time. Just accept everything and be thankful that I am ok for now, no disease, no pain, fresh air and coffee. Sitting there outside and drinking my coffee and breathing the fresh air. 

It is the simple things in this world that bring joy. 

Plastic Recycling thought

I think that plastic doesn't recycle very well, the quality of the plastic would probably deteriorate very quickly and some of the plastic wouldn't recycle at all. 

I thought that it would be a good idea if they placed the plastic into an aquaduct filled with grinding wheels. The plastic would be ground up into small grains then an ai controlled device would seperate the plastic grains into different types. The aqua duct would be isolated from all other water sources. The water is just used to move the plastic to the different grinding wheels 

Then the grains that are harder to recycle would be mixed with tar to make asphalt that uses plastic powder instead of sand. Some of the powder plastic would be turned into Nurdles to make more plastic, others would be used as aggregate for concrete, so you would also have concrete blocks that use plastic instead of Sand. 

The Plastic composite Asphalt would still contain plastic particles but the surface of the road would receive UV radiation from the sun and that would help to break down the long molecular chains of the plastic molecules. Plus the asphalt would also be recycled into more Asphalt when it is worn out. I think the UV rays would only penetrate a few millimetres into the Asphalt so it would take a long time to make any progress with breaking down the plastic. 

I'm not saying this would work, I'm just saying it is good if we all think about things like this. Someone out there will find a way to help the world. 

Friday, 10 September 2021

Keeping my dreams alive

I continue to dream of building a man cave, a room for liesure. Before the man cave is made I would build a bar filled with flashback emulators of games consoles that were popular in the 90s decade; 80s Nintendo (NES) ,Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, PlayStation one. The 80s Nintendo was known as N.E.S. or Nintendo Entertainment System, it was still popular in the 90s and they were still making games for it at the start of the decade, even though it used an 8 bit processor. The bar would be in my sitting room. I may add other licensed emulators for systems that were less well known like PC engine and neo Geo. 

I would imagine the reaction of visitors, they would say "Alan, do you have a Bar in your sitting room?". I would say sort of. "They would say it looks like a bar". I would say it is a 90s gaming bar and there is no alcohol there, just soft drinks" I would say it is a bar that takes you back to the 90s. 
They would then ask me if it was expensive, I would say "Not really". The back of the bar is just shelving units, the bar table is just boxes with a laminate panel stuck to the top and the TV screens are second hand first generation flat screens I got from charity shops. Old flat screen TVs are good because the emulators work better when they have less pixels to upscale to. The stools are quite expensive and the fridge with a see through door isn't cheap. The novelty lights on the shelf doesn't cost much. However it is growing and eventually a whole room would be required, there would be lazy boy chairs and a big screen to play modern games as well. 

The 90s gaming bar would eventually just be a part of the man cave. A whole room for liesure. 

Thursday, 9 September 2021

90's Alan and Millennium Alan

There were two obvious differences between 90's Alan and Millennium Alan. 90's Alan was depressed because he didn't fit in and millennium Alan didn't care. 90's Alan didn't wear glasses but millennium Alan did and it was 90's Alan's fault. If millennium Alan could say two things to 90's Alan it would be to buy a lamp and let them go. I'll explain. 

In the period of time I call '90s-B', the second half of the 90s, a lot of things were happening. The Euro tunnel had opened and people could take a train to France under the ocean for the first time. The Game Boy color was released and 90's Alan abstained from public transport with his Brother so they could buy it. That was my first hand held console. At the same time compact fluorescent light bulbs had become popular, they used half as much power as incandescent ones, the trouble is after about 5 months they would fade and become quite dim. The 'Game Boy Color' had no back light on the screen so it would only be as bright as the light in the room. The console looked like a small brick with a direction pad and two action buttons. The screen was half the size of the system. 
90's Alan didn't fit in to social groups, he didn't like football or Starwars and looked at everything differently to other people so he wasn't popular. He found comfort in playing his 'Game Boy Color' in the dimly lit rooms, his eyesight were being strained every day. The game that stuck out to me was Duke Nukem, they put a lot of effort into making that game. There wasn't much pixels in the 'Game Boy Color' and the processor was 8 bit but they made a game that worked well on the system. They were very careful about how they used pixels I guess. 

Anyway, because of the dim light of a '90's-B' room and no back-light on the 'Game Boy Color', my eyes became short sighted and at the turn of the century, I had to wear Glasses. 
Millenium Alan didn't care if people didn't like him because he thought they are doing him a favour. If people are hateful then they are toxic. Everyone is unique and we should respect that, if you are friends with someone that hates people that are different, they will bring you down in the long term. Glasses often came with a deal in the UK, 2 frames for one. So you could have glasses and sunglasses, it was nice to walk outside in the sun and not squint. It would be nicer if 90's Alan bought a side lamp so he could see his 'Game Boy' properly. 

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Cool Clear Morning

Jacob, My Son. 
It is so good to me that you don't know about the chaos that is happening all around us. It has become obvious to me that our country has slipped into high inflation, the prices of everything has risen by about 10%. I am also aware that there was several suicides that occurred in public places near us. Thousands of people that were set for a medical operation were held up over the last 2 years. Some people have been living with crippling hernias and painful conditions were waiting for as much as 2 years because they had to give way to people dying from Covid19. There is a huge backlog in the hospitals. So many people are waiting for surgery. 
son, I am glad you don't know what is happening around us. You know now but I think you won't remember much. I try to keep my chin up and stay happy. If something like this happens in your time, I suggest you try to talk about your fears and don't bottle them up. pray, talk and walk. Keep moving and look towards a happy ending. Stay strong my son. 

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Apocalyptic Poop Oven

Many billionaires in this world are very good at wasting money, especially when they fly to the top of the atmosphere on a surface to air rocket. 

If I was a billionaire that wanted to waste money I would make an oven that was powered by dry poop and pay QVC to sell it all day. 
I would call it the "Apocalyptic Poop Oven" because it would be used when there is no Gas or Electricity because of a disaster. 

What they would do is poop into a paper bag and then drop the paper bag to a burning compartment. When the burning compartment is full, they would turn the oven on and burn the other compartment, the heat from the other compartment would cook the food and dry out the poop in the other compartment. Then the next time you want to cook, you would burn the compartment with dried poop in it. 

I would watch the TV sales man forcing himself not to laugh and shedding a tear on one cheek. He would do a demonstration and poop into a paper bag and the spin the bag to close it up like a baker preparing a bag of pasties. Then he would drop the poop bag into the compartment with the poop that isn't dry. 

Then five hours later he would say there are still some left but be quick before it sells out, the film crew would be sniggering in the background because they only received 20 units to sell. 

Ezekiel Angel

I was reading through a book called Ezekiel, one of the Jewish Prophets. He described seeing angels and a flying vehicle with God's throne inside it. 

I thought I would draw one of the Angels that he described by thinking about the description and guessing.  
I think the Angel would be twice the hight of a man and have a head with four faces. I think the reason the being has four faces is because it gives the Angel outstanding musical ability. The Angel also has hoofed feet.The Angel can sing amazing songs. It can also exist as a wheel nested inside a wheel, the rims are covered in eyes. It exists as both a nested wheel and giant winged creature with four faces at the same time and moves between forms so quickly that they are both visible together. 

I think the Angel had scales made of gem stones all over it's skin so it looks like a reptile but with shiny skin. Perhaps he was from the Planet "Earth Wind and Fire", my jokes are so dry. 

Friday, 3 September 2021

The Weather is ok

Jacob, My Son. 
It was while you were 2 and ½ years old that there were obvious signs that the climate of this planet is becoming unstable, on the east side of the USA there was flooding from a super hurricane called Ida and on the west side there was wild fires. This pattern repeated many times around the world, the whole planet is definitely reacting to our presence and CO2 emissions. I try not to think about the problem too much but only the solution. 

For me the best state of mind is to be clear of  thoughts. To lay down on my bed after a long shift at my job and think nothing at all. To me that is a wonderful state of mind, to think nothing for a short time. There are so many things to think about but sometimes I just need to think nothing. Just lay there and watch TV or read something and think nothing. 

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Renewable energy thoughts

I was thinking that it would be a good idea to use the infrastructure that is already in place to harvest renewable energy from motorways and railroads. 

What I would do is build a frame in the central barrier of dual carriageways and motorways that supports lots of smaller wind turbines, they would harness all the wind that moves across the whole country because motorways go across the whole country; in America they call them freeways I think. 
I'm my little world, the central barrier of a dual carriageway would be a place that harvests wind energy. 

Then later when technology becomes more advanced, we could build panels that hang above motorways, they let visible light pass through and absorb infra red light and Ultraviolet light to use as energy. When it rains, the panels would collect rain water and send it to farms for irrigation. 

I think it would also create more jobs because people would need to maintain these structures. 

What August 2021 means to me

It is September now, summer is meeting Autumn and every day will get shorter until we are two thirds the way through December. August was about Ragime change, Inflation, exodus and my own creative renaissance.

It was here in the UK that the prices of Fuel, housing and food continued to inflate. In most petrol stations, I noticed the cost of the fuel was about £1.35 per liter; a 11% increase since spring I believe.  It costs more than £40 to fill a small city car with fuel. I started to search for electric vehicles with financing, a super deal where the combined running cost is less than £200 per month. No such deal exists at the moment but I keep looking. I know that it is the cost of high capacity batteries that holds them back. They use a rare metal called Lithium, a metal that floats and burns on water. 

The Taliban took over Afghanistan, Ragime change is the theme this year. I don't have an opinion about the Afghan ragime change; I'm sure everyone is doing what they think is the right. I feel like this Pandemic has acted like a catalyst and speeded up events that were earmarked to happen in the future.

 Very often people I knew were debating the mental state of President Biden, they were claiming he has Dementia or is senile. I don't have a view myself and he was just sticking with the original plan. But that is the word on people's lips and that is where all the debating is at dinner tables around the UK as far as I know. 
I think people pause and get confused when they are buried in problems like a Pandemic and international coup. I'm sure Biden is fine. 

As for me, I was lost in my own creative renaissance. My mind is filled with thought experiments and ideas to try. I desire to create many things in this world and my mark would be a quiet man that hates no one and sits down trying to create many things. I am a harmless man that doesn't want to harbor hate or anger but to be a boat in placid waters gently learning and creating many beautiful things. I just want to be happy and peaceful to all other people in this world. 

What is in store for September, you know better than me. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...