Sunday, 5 September 2021

Apocalyptic Poop Oven

Many billionaires in this world are very good at wasting money, especially when they fly to the top of the atmosphere on a surface to air rocket. 

If I was a billionaire that wanted to waste money I would make an oven that was powered by dry poop and pay QVC to sell it all day. 
I would call it the "Apocalyptic Poop Oven" because it would be used when there is no Gas or Electricity because of a disaster. 

What they would do is poop into a paper bag and then drop the paper bag to a burning compartment. When the burning compartment is full, they would turn the oven on and burn the other compartment, the heat from the other compartment would cook the food and dry out the poop in the other compartment. Then the next time you want to cook, you would burn the compartment with dried poop in it. 

I would watch the TV sales man forcing himself not to laugh and shedding a tear on one cheek. He would do a demonstration and poop into a paper bag and the spin the bag to close it up like a baker preparing a bag of pasties. Then he would drop the poop bag into the compartment with the poop that isn't dry. 

Then five hours later he would say there are still some left but be quick before it sells out, the film crew would be sniggering in the background because they only received 20 units to sell. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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