Saturday, 11 September 2021

Plastic Recycling thought

I think that plastic doesn't recycle very well, the quality of the plastic would probably deteriorate very quickly and some of the plastic wouldn't recycle at all. 

I thought that it would be a good idea if they placed the plastic into an aquaduct filled with grinding wheels. The plastic would be ground up into small grains then an ai controlled device would seperate the plastic grains into different types. The aqua duct would be isolated from all other water sources. The water is just used to move the plastic to the different grinding wheels 

Then the grains that are harder to recycle would be mixed with tar to make asphalt that uses plastic powder instead of sand. Some of the powder plastic would be turned into Nurdles to make more plastic, others would be used as aggregate for concrete, so you would also have concrete blocks that use plastic instead of Sand. 

The Plastic composite Asphalt would still contain plastic particles but the surface of the road would receive UV radiation from the sun and that would help to break down the long molecular chains of the plastic molecules. Plus the asphalt would also be recycled into more Asphalt when it is worn out. I think the UV rays would only penetrate a few millimetres into the Asphalt so it would take a long time to make any progress with breaking down the plastic. 

I'm not saying this would work, I'm just saying it is good if we all think about things like this. Someone out there will find a way to help the world. 

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