Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Pro Choice or Life

A big debate that is occurring around the world at the moment is whether women have the right to have an abortion. Well, I'm not going to argue with pro choice supporters, but I will share my experiences in life and let people think for themselves. 

I saw my son when he was 16 & half weeks old in the womb through a sonar scanner, earlier that day I knew nothing, I didn't even know if he was a boy or a girl. When I saw my son, I saw that he had fully formed arms and legs and a head. I was talking to him and noticed that his heart beat would increase when I spoke and then slow down when I stopped. I was convinced he was conscious, he was aware of my voice. After that I spoke to him a lot, when my son was born, I could hear him crying and the doctors couldn't comfort him, the cold air was a big shock but then I spoke to him, I said "Hello my Son, I have been waiting for you" and he stopped crying because he recognised my voice. Just like that. He knew who I was, he couldn't see me but he could hear me. The whole time I was talking to him in the womb he had learned who am and he knew I was his father. He was a little person to me. 

Here in the UK the time limit for abortion is 24 weeks I believe, but at 16 to 17 weeks I can say with confidence that my baby's mind was alive because I saw my son responding to my voice, I saw his heart beat increase and I saw him move.

I'm not going to argue with pro choice supporters, I can only say that they want to live and they are more awake than you think. I think you should talk to your fetus when you are watching TV and see if you feel like it can hear you. Narrate the TV show you are watching to the baby in your womb. If you are undecided about keeping your baby then do that one thing, that may help you to choose. 

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